Procedure #NP360.0, Special Education: Identification, Placement and Review Committee

Procedure #NP360.0, Special Education: Identification, Placement and Review Committee Application

Procedure #NP360.0, Special Education: Identification, Placement and Review Committee outlines the requirements and timelines associated with the identification and placement of students.

On this page:


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy

  • Director of Education
  • Principal
  • Identification, Placement and Review Committee members
  • Parents/guardians and students


Relationship to Board priorities

  • Champion Equity and Inclusivity
  • Foster Well-Being and Mental Health


It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Procedure #NP360.0

Special Education: Identification, Placement and Review Committee

The procedure outlines Identification, Placement and Review Committee process, requirements and timelines.


1. Definitions


1.1 Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC)

The purpose of an IPRC is to decide whether or not a student should be identified as exceptional, and to decide an appropriate placement for the student.

The IPRC is chaired by a principal or vice-principal and shall be comprised of at least two other people, who may include:

  • superintendent of schools;

  • student services coordinator if the placement is in a community class;

  • principal and/or vice-principal from another school if placement is in the home school; and

  • teachers with special education assignments.

Other members in attendance may include, but are not limited to:

  • parents/guardians and/or students;

  • representatives of parents/guardians or students 16 or older who may speak on their behalf, where requested;

  • interpreter, where requested by the parents/guardians, student 16 or older, or principal;

  • Student Services staff members who have relevant information; and

  • representatives from care and treatment facilities with which the Board has an agreement under General Legislative Grants.


1.2 Appeal Board

The appeal board will be comprised of three people. No appeal board member should have had any prior involvement with the matter under appeal, and should not be an elected official or staff member of the Board or a staff members of the Ministry of Education. In selecting members of the appeal board:

  • the York Region District School Board will select one member;

  • the parents will select one member; and

  • the chair will be selected jointly by the other two members.

The parent(s)/guardian(s) and student 16 or older are entitled to be present and participate in all discussions of the appeal board. The Board and the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older may, with the permission of the appeal board, bring other persons to the meeting to speak about various matters related to the appeal.


1.3 Special Education Tribunal

If the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older do not agree with the decision following the appeal board’s report, they may appeal in writing to a Special Education Tribunal. Information about making an application to a Special Education Tribunal will be included in the appeal board's written decision. The Special Education Tribunal appeal process is explained in the Education Act.


2. Responsibilities


2.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Special Education: Identification, Placement and Review Committee procedure; and

  2. within 15 days of receipt of a notice of appeal, ensure an appeal board is established.


2.2 Principals shall:


2.2.1 Before the IPRC

  1. understand that IPRCs can be conducted when a principal believes that a student may be exceptional or at parent/guardian request;

  2. when a parent/guardian requests an IPRC;

  3. when arranging the IPRC;

    • for students whose needs are anticipated to be met in a community class, arrange the IPRC in consultation with the Community Education Services Student Services Coordinator,

    • take into account previous in-school team meetings where the growth plan, intervention strategies and progress were considered,

    • ensure that an educational assessment has been conducted, and understand that the following records may also be used,

      • a report by the student’s teacher(s),

      • a report by a member of the psychological services staff of observations of the student,

      • a report of a psychological assessment only if deemed necessary, ensuring parent(s)/guardian(s) are requested to give informed consent in writing in accordance with the Request for Psychological Consultation and/or Assessment procedure,

      • a report by a regional support staff member,

      • a health assessment by a legally qualified medical practitioner, and

      • any available reports supplied by parent(s)/guardian(s) (from private sources),

    • discuss with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and/or student aged 16 or older;

      • the IPRC process and the Special Education Advisory Committee,

      • the range of placement options, and

      • recommendations the school staff wishes the IPRC to consider regarding identification and placement;

    • understand that they may refer the student to IPRC on written notice to parent(s)/guardian(s);

    • arrange the date, time and location of the meeting;

    • invite the parent(s)/guardian(s) and/or student 16 or older in writing at least 10 days before the meeting using the Letter of Invitation, including the date, time and location of the meeting;

    • consider inviting students under 16, where appropriate;

    • inform committee members;

    • invite any Student Services staff members who have relevant information;

    • consider inviting professional personnel from inside and/or outside the Board to provide information at IPRC meetings;

    • if the parent chooses not to attend or does not return a signed copy of the Letter of Invitation, note this on the student’s In-School Team Record and proceed with the meeting as indicated;

    • share all written data about the IPRC, including the In-School Team Record, with the parent(s)/guardian(s) before the meeting;

    • provide copies of all data to be discussed to the quorum members and other committee members as appropriate;

    • file copies of the Letter of Invitation in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR);

    • prepare the Statement of Decision for use at the IPRC meeting;

    • collate all relevant information about the student, including but not limited to information from outside agencies provided by the parent(s)/guardian(s), summarize on page one of the In-School-Team Record for presentation at the IPRC meeting, and share this information with parent(s)/guardian(s) or student over 16 before the meeting; and

  4. provide support, as required, in accordance with Policy #407.0 Accessibility.


2.2.2 During the IPRC meeting

  1. chair the IPRC meeting;

  2. welcome and introduce committee members (quorum) and others attending the meeting;

  3. review the purpose and process of the IPRC meeting;

  4. ensure all participants have an opportunity to participate in discussions;

  5. present all relevant information about the student;

  6. ensure that all data presented by the school and the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older is considered;

  7. facilitate discussion and decisions regarding identification and placement;

  8. complete the Statement of Decision, including;

    • whether the student has been identified as exceptional, and

    • where the student has been identified as exceptional, include the following,

      • the category and definition(s) of exceptionalities identified by the committee,

      • a description of the student's strengths and needs,

      • the committee's placement decision,

      • where the committee has decided that the student should be placed in a special education class, state the reasons for that decision,

      • recommendations regarding special education programs and services, if any, and

      • the date when the Board will be notified of the committee's decision and the date when the placement will become effective;

  9. indicate on the Statement of Decision if transportation is required;

  10. ask the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older to indicate, by signing their name, agreement with the identification and placement decisions made by the IPRC;

  11. where the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older needs more time, encourage them to review the Statement of Decision and return within 30 days, and ensure that a photocopy is taken and filed in the OSR; and

  12. forward the IPRC Statement of Decision to the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older for signature, where they are unable to attend the meeting, and ensure that a photocopy is taken and filed in the Ontario Student Record (OSR) and SSNet.


2.2.3 After the IPRC meeting

  1. ensure the signed Statement of Decision are distributed to;

    • the student’s OSR,

    • the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older, and

    • the appropriate Community Education Centre, electronically;

  2. arrange transportation, if necessary, on the Request for Special Transportation form;

  3. within 30 school days of placement into the special education program, ensure the Individual Education Plan is developed in consultation with the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older;

  4. if a parent/guardian or student 16 or older requests a second meeting within 15 days of receipt of the statement of decision, arrange the second meeting with the IPRC to discuss the identification and/or placement; and

  5. understand that if a parent/guardian refuses or fails to consent to the placement recommended by an IPRC and refuses or fails to give notice of appeal and has not instituted proceedings in respect of the determination of the IPRC, the Board after 30 days, may direct the principal to place the student in accordance with the findings of the committee and to notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student of the action that has been taken.


2.2.4 Reviewing the IPRC

  1. where a student has been placed in a special education program;

    • ensure the the identification and placement decision is reviewed annually, and

    • understand that parent(s)/guardian(s), student 16 or older, and/or the principal may request a review once the placement has been in effect for three months;

  2. at least once in a school year, bring together the school special education team to discuss the progress of all students receiving special education services and programs at the school, and discuss recommendations of the team with the parent(s)/guardian(s) or students 16 or older with one of the following applying;

    • parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older agree with continued identification and placement in a special education program, and wish to waive their right to a review meeting by signing the Confirmation of Continued IPRC Identification and Placement,

    • the school, parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older wish to make a change in the identification or placement decision and a review IPRC meeting will be held, requiring the same notification and acknowledgement as initial IPRC meetings, using the Letter of Invitation and the Statement of Decision,

    • the school principal, the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older wish to request a review IPRC to discuss the identification and placement although no change in identification and/or placement has been recommended, requiring the same notification and acknowledgement as initial IPRC meetings, using the Letter of Invitation and the Statement of Decision,

    • for students moving to secondary school, hold an IPRC review meeting and invite a representative from the receiving secondary school to the meeting, requiring the the same notification and acknowledgement as initial IPRC meetings, using the Letter of Invitation and the Statement of Decision, and

    • for students in a community class setting, hold an IPRC review meeting and invite the student services coordinator, requiring the the same notification and acknowledgement as initial IPRC meetings, using the Letter of Invitation and the Statement of Decision;

  3. ensure that when the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student age 16 or older waive the right to a review IPRC, Confirmation of Continued Identification and Placement is attached to the most recent Statement of Decision in the student's OSR, and a copy is forwarded to the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older, and the Community Education Centre Office; and

    • following a review IPRC;

      • request that parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older demonstrate consent to the decision by signing the Statement of Decision, and

      • if parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older do not consent to the decision, follow the same process as the initial IPRC outlined above.


2.3 Student Services shall:

  1. provide support throughout the IPRC process, as required;

  2. ensure the appeal board is provided with necessary administrative supports;

  3. ensure appeal board members’ travelling and other expenses are reimbursed in accordance with Board policy and procedure;

  4. within 30 days of receiving the recommendations of an appeal board, ensure the school board considers these recommendations and decides on an appropriate course of action;

  5. ensure the decision is implemented following an appeal board when;

    • the parents consent in writing,

    • there is no appeal to a Special Education Tribunal, and

    • the appeal to the Special Education Tribunal has been dismissed or abandoned; and

  6. ensure the Board’s decision following an appeal board explains how to make an application to a Special Education Tribunal.


2.4 Community Education Centre Student Services Coordinators shall:

  1. provide support throughout the IPRC process, as required; and

  2. for students whose needs are anticipated to be met in a community class, consult with the principal in arranging the IPRC.


2.5 Identification, Placement and Review Committee members shall:

  1. review all available information;

  2. consider the educational assessment and any other assessment information;

  3. consider any information parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older submits;

  4. understand that while the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 is not a member of the IPRC quorum, their participation should be encouraged;

  5. decide if the student is exceptional;

  6. summarize the student's area(s) of strengths and needs;

  7. identify the category and definition(s) of exceptionality;

  8. consider whether placement in a regular class with appropriate special education service will meet the student's needs and is consistent with parent/guardian preference;

  9. decide on the placement;

  10. if the decision is for placement in a Student Support Centre or Community Class (partial or fully self-contained class), record the reason for the placement on the Statement of Decision;

  11. discuss any proposal made regarding special education program or services;

  12. when a student has been identified as exceptional:

    • describe the student's strengths and needs,

    • identify the area(s) of the student's exceptionality according to the categories and definitions provided by the Ministry of Education,

    • discuss the placement that best meets the student's strengths and needs,

    • discuss proposals and recommendation for programs and services if the parent/guardian or the student age 16 or older requests it, and

    • review the identification and placement at least once in a school year; and

  13. at an IPRC Review meeting;

    • consider the student's Individual Education Plan and progress reports, as well as any new assessment reports provided by the school, parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older, and

    • provide a decision that confirms the identification or placement, or changes either or both.


2.6 Parents/guardians and/or students over 16 shall:

  1. if they wish to request an IPRC meeting, submit a request in writing;

  2. review the Parents' Guide to Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) and other relevant material provided by the principal and/or chair of the IPRC;

  3. participate in the IPRC meeting;

  4. understand that while they are not a member of the IPRC quorum, their participation is encouraged;

  5. indicate, by signing their name, agreement with the identification and placement decisions made by the IPRC;

  6. where more time is needed, consider taking the Statement of Decision home to review and return within 30 days; and

  7. if unable to attend the IPRC meeting, review and sign the IPRC Statement of Decision to indicate their agreement;

  8. understand that if they disagree with the Statement of Decision, they can make a request within 15 days for a second meeting with the IPRC to discuss the identification and/or placement;

  9. understand that if they continue to disagree with the determination of the IPRC after a second meeting and choose to appeal they must provide written notification of appeal along with a statement outlining why they disagree to the Director of Education within 30 days of the IPRC meeting or within 15 days of the second meeting;

  10. understand that if the decision is taken to an appeal board;

    • they are entitled to attend and participate in all discussions of the appeal board,

    • they may, with the permission of the appeal board, bring other persons to the meeting to speak about various matters related to the appeal,

    • if they do not agree with the decision of the Board, they may appeal in writing to a Special Education Tribunal; and

    • understand that parent(s)/guardian(s), student 16 or older, and/or the principal may request a review once the placement has been in effect for three months.


2.7 The Appeal Board Chair shall:

  1. arrange a meeting within 30 days after the board has been established; and

  2. ensure all participants have an opportunity to participate in discussions.


2.8 The Appeal Board shall:

  1. receive and consider all information reviewed by the IPRC and may interview any person about the matter under appeal;

  2. consider requests from the Board and/or the parent/guardian or student 16 or older to bring other people to the meeting to speak about various matters related to the appeal;

  3. make recommendations within three days of their final meeting, which could consist of;

    • agreeing with the IPRC and recommending that the decision be implemented, or

    • disagreeing with the IPRC and making a recommendation about the student's identification or placement or both; and

  4. report recommendations in writing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) or student 16 or older and to the Board, providing the reasons for the recommendations.


3. Legislative Context

Ontario Regulation 181/98


4. Department

Student Services


5. History

Working Document May 2014

Revised September 2000, March 2015, December 2018