
Our Commitment​ to Accessibility

We are committed to providing accessible programs, services and environments that support the four ​core principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA): integration, equality of opportunity, dignity, and independence.

We are guided in our work by Board's Accessibility Policy # 407, the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan and the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

​The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

The Government of Ontario passed the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in 2005 with the goal of making Ontario accessible by 2025.​  The AODA was created in response to a history of barriers and discrimination against people with disabilities in Ontario.  It allows the government to develop standards for accessibility and to enforce them. 

To date, accessibility standards have been developed in the following areas:

  • customer service
  • information and communication
  • employment
  • design of public spaces 
  • transportation 

These standards are now consolidated within the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR). They apply to all public sector organizations, non-profits and private businesses with at least one employee. 

Barriers to Accessibility

​A barrier is anything that prevents people with disabilities from participating in society.​ There are five main types of barriers to accessibility.

Attitudinal barriers are inaccurate beliefs and perceptions about people with disabilities based on assumptions and stereotypes. Attitudinal barriers are the most pervasive type of barrier.

Some examples of attitudinal barriers include:

  • Speaking to the support person instead of communicating directly to the person with a disability.
  • Thinking that the need to create accessible documents and web content is a waste of time.
  • Believing that people with disabilities are inherently less able to contribute and participate (i.e., "ablei​sm"​)​.​

Physical (or architectural) barriers are anything in the built environment or design of public spaces that prevent access to goods, services, and/or facilities.

Some examples of physical barriers include:

  • A classroom design that makes it difficult for students or staff to move around or navigate easily.
  • A building entrance that only has stairs leading to the front door and/or no automatic door openers.
  • An event or graduation that takes place on a stage without any lift.

Communication (or information) barriers prevent people from understanding or accessing information in a meaningful way.

Some examples of communication barriers include:

  • Audio-video content that does not include media alternatives, such as captions or transcripts.
  • Conveying information only through colour (and without a second visual cue).
  • Signs or posters with print that is too small and/or not spaced appropriately.​

Systemic (or organizational) barriers are usually created through policies, procedures and practices that apply to everyone, but are unfair or inequitable to certain people.

Examples of systemic barriers include:

  • Assessment and evaluation that is based one only one learning style and requires students to demonstrate their understanding in one specific way.
  • A meeting invitation, event registration or job posting that does not ask the participants or applicants if any accommodations are required.
  • The lack of a process for receiving and responding to feedback regarding accessibility issues or complaints​.​

Technology barriers are digital or virtual platforms that are not designed to be user-friendly or with consideration for people with disabilities. Technology barriers often relate to communication barriers.

Some examples of technology barriers include:

  • Course materials or handouts that are only available in hard copies.
  • ​Websites or webpages that work on a computer or laptop, but do not work properly on a tablet or smart phone.
  • Using a web conferencing tool (e.g., GoToMeeting) without any live captioning features available.​

Barrier Buster

Barrier Buster is an electronic reporting tool that allows YRDSB community members to report accessibility-related concerns within the Board's learning and working environments.
Report an accessibility concern