Barrier Buster

We welcome your feedback on accessibility within YRDSB. 

Complete the Barrier Buster Reporting Form below to share your concerns about any barriers to accessibility within the Board's learning and working environments. 

You can also contact us at or 905-884-2046 extension 255 to provide feedback or to request an alternate format for this reporting form. 

Barrier Buster Reporting Form

Take a moment to complete the form below.
Please note that if no contact information is provided, we will not be able to follow up with you on your submission.

  • Current Barrier Description and Optional Contact Information
  • Complete


Contact Information



Barrier Buster Process

The process for receiving and responding to feedback about barriers to accessibility is formalized in the Board Protocol for Barrier Buster Process. The Barrier Buster process is also available below as accordion items.

What is Barrier Buster?

Barrier Buster allows community members to report or provide feedback on accessibility barriers that impact on access to Board programs, services or facilities for people with disabilities. It serves as the Board's formal process for receiving and responding to feedback about barriers to accessibility within YRDSB learning and working environments. 

  1. Complete and submit an online Barrier Buster reporting form with contact information to start the Barrier Buster process. We will not be able to follow-up on any report form submitted anonymously.
  2. Once submitted, the reporting form is forwarded directly to, where it is received by the Accessibility Officer in the Human Rights Office.
  3. A reply email confirming receipt of the submission will be sent within 2 regular business days. 

  1. Each Barrier Buster submission is reviewed and logged into a Barrier Buster submission tracking sheet.
  2. The Barrier Buster subcommittee, which is comprised of members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, communicate as needed to review submissions, discuss potential solutions, and determine actions to remove the barrier where appropriate.
  3. If additional information about the identified barrier is required, a follow-up email will be sent to the person who submitted the Barrier Buster report.
  4. If the barrier is deemed to require immediate action or is beyond the scope of the Barrier Buster subcommittee, the submission will be referred to the appropriate Board department for action.

  1. Upon determining actions for an identified barrier, an email will be sent to update the person who submitted the Barrier Buster report and any additional parties, as required.
  2. Updates to all identified barriers are reflected in the Barrier Buster submission tracking sheet, which is used to provide status updates to the Accessibility Advisory Committee.
  3. All completed and ongoing work towards the removal and elimination of barriers within YRDSB are shared in the Annual Accessibility Report.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A barrier is anything that prevents a person with a disability from participating fully in society. There are five main types of barriers to accessibility:

  1. Attitudinal Barriers: Inaccurate beliefs and perceptions about people with disabilities based on assumptions and stereotypes. Attitudinal barriers are the most pervasive type of barrier.
  2. Communication (or Information) Barriers: Prevent people from understanding or accessing information in a meaningful way.
  3. Physical (or Architectural) Barriers: Anything in the built environment or design of public spaces that prevent access to goods, services, and/or facilities.
  4. Systemic (or Organizational) Barriers: Usually created through policies, procedures, and practices that apply to everyone, but are unfair or inequitable to certain people.
  5. Technology Barriers: Digital or virtual platforms that are not designed to be user-friendly or with consideration for people with disabilities. Technology barriers often relate to communication barriers.

In line with the Customer Service Standards of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), all organizations are required to establish a process for receiving and responding to feedback, and must specify the actions that will be taken if a complaint is received regarding the experience of a customer with a disability. All organizations are also required to prepare a document describing the feedback process (O. Reg. 165/16, s. 16). This protocol and the Barrier Buster process it outlines are how the Board meets these AODA standards.

This protocol also acts as additional communication for addressing Recommendation 49 of the Employment Equity Audit whereby: “It is recommended that the relaunch of Barrier Buster be accompanied by communications to employees to increase their confidence in the program.”

Barrier Buster is the Board’s formal process for identifying and removing barriers to accessibility. You should first speak to a member of your school or department about how they can support in removing any barrier you have identified.

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