Exit Package for a Student Who is Not Yet, But Wishes to Become, a Registered Apprentice

About an Exit Package for a Student Who is Not Yet, But Wishes to Become, a Registered Apprentice provides a student, who is not yet registered as an apprentice, but who would like to work in the skilled trades, with a check list of things to do as you leave high school to start your education as an apprentice in the skilled trades.

You are NOT a registered apprentice unless you have signed an apprenticeship agreement with the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities (MTCU) and your employer.

If you are a registered apprentice, you should ask your Guidance Counsellor for an Exit Package for a Student Who is a Registered Apprentice

As part of your transition from high school student to possible full-time apprentice, you should consider the following suggestions.

  1. Keep the following documents from your school in a safe place:
    • your Ontario Student Transcript
    • your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), your Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) or your Certificate of Accomplishment
    • If you took Co-op, you may want to contact your Co-op Teacher for copies of your Work Education Agreement (WEA) and your Personalized Placement Learning Plan (PLP)
    • If you took Special Education, you may want to contact your Special Education Teacher for a copy of your Individual Education Plan (IEP). It may be possible for you to get similar accommodations when you write your licensing exams.

  2. Search for an employer who will sponsor you in an apprenticeship. Use one or more of the following job search resources to find an employer sponsor:
  3. Make sure that your resume and cover letters are up-to-date on your individual Pathways Plan on Career Cruising. Be sure to include work experience gained through employment, cooperative education placements, or community service.

    Ask previous employers/co-op supervisors for letters of reference that you can share during job interviews.

    Please note that the Apprenticeship Branch of MTCU does not provide the service of linking you to an employer sponsor for your apprenticeship.

  4. Consider enrolling in a pre-apprenticeship program through a college, union or trade association.

  5. Consider earning additional secondary school credits. Enrol in a Grade 12 course that relates to your chosen trade and combine it with a 2-credit or 4-credit Cooperative Education program. The Co-op teacher will assist you in finding an employer who can offer work experience and possible apprenticeship sponsorship at the end of your placement.

  6. Once you have found an employer who is willing to sponsor you as an apprentice, contact the MTCU Training Consultant to arrange for the signing of an Apprenticeship Agreement.

    Your high school Co-Op Teacher can help you to contact the Apprenticeship Branch.