Network Outage Update

Late in the evening of November 8, 2023, York Region District School Board information technology staff members became aware of a cyber incident. The board's technology team has a cyber security response plan and immediately took mitigating action to preserve and contain data and ensure critical systems were protected. The board is working with third party experts, including legal and technical, to analyze the extent of the incident and begin work to restore services. Law enforcement has also been contacted and we are cooperating fully with their investigation.

As part of our due diligence the board will conduct a full investigation into what occurred, its effects on our network and what steps can be taken to avoid this from reoccurring.

We know the public rely and trust the Board to maintain its data secure; all our actions have been taken to ensure the integrity of staff and student data and ensure privacy is protected.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore all services and return to full functionality.

News Release