GLC2O: Career Studies - Grade 10

Credit Value:


Course Description: 

This course gives students the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge, and habits that will support them in their education and career/life planning. Students will learn about global work trends, and seek opportunities within the school and community to expand and strengthen their transferable skills and their ability to adapt to the changing world of work. On the basis of exploration, reflective practice, and decision-making processes, students will make connections between their skills, interests, and values and their postsecondary options, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace. They will set goals and create a plan for their first postsecondary year. As part of their preparation for the future, they will learn about personal financial management – including the variety of saving and borrowing tools available to them and how to use them to their advantage – and develop a budget for their first year after secondary school.​



Ministry Policy Documents:

The Ontario Curriculum, Revised Course: Career Studies, 2019 

Text Resources:

All resources provided and referenced within the modules are available online

Required Software/Equipment:

Because students will be completing media works that must be submitted in electronic form, they must have access to appropriate software and hardware. Because the media work assignments contain some choice of format to be submitted, if students do not, for example, have access to a digital video camera or a smart phone, they will still be able to use other forms of media to complete the work.

At minimum, students should have access to:

  • Ad​obe Acrobat Reader
  • Microsoft 365 or Google (whichever your board uses)
  • OSAPAC software as required

IMPORTANT - If using assistive technology to navigate the course, students must turn off rich text editor and view source option under their account setting. This will allow screen readers to interact correctly with course tools.​