Executive Summary
The Licensed Early Learning and Child Care in Schools Policy and Procedure outlines the York Region District School Board’s (YRDSB) commitment to building strong partnerships with operators of licensed child care operators, before and after school care and child and family programs that operate within YRDSB schools. These partnerships support planning, curriculum and program coordination that will benefit students, families, and our school communities.
This commitment is further supported by Procedure #409.1 Licensed Child Care in Schools, Procedure #409.2, Before and After School Programs and Procedure #409.3 Child and Family Programs in Schools which outlines how childcare, before and after care programs, and child and family programs are established and maintained in schools.
This policy and procedure supports a safe, caring, and supportive school environment to ensure children, staff and the school building are safe. Procedure #409.4, Security for Child Care, Before and After Care and Child and Family programs in Schools supports all school staff and community partners to work collaboratively to ensure the security of school buildings while maintaining a welcoming environment for families.
On this page:
- Policy #409.0, Licensed Child Care in Schools
- Procedure #409.1, Licensed Child Care in Schools
- Procedure #409.2. Before and After School Programs
- Procedure #409.3, Child and Family Programs
- Procedure #409.4, Security for Licensed Child Care and Before and After Care Programs in Schools
What has Changed?
Major changes to the document: Significant changes related to the application sections of the policy and procedure to establishing effective protocols that support strong partnerships and collaboration with agencies that offer care and education to children and families that reside within YRDSB school communities.
- Name of the policy has been changed from Licensed Child Care Policy to Early Learning and Childcare in Schools policy to encompass all early learning programs that operate within YRDSB.
- A new procedure was created to outline how the York Region District School Board works with child and family programs that operate in schools.
- Items were removed that were either redundant or a ministry licensing requirement which did not need to be identified within the policy or procedures.
- Language was added to strengthen the need for third party operators to align with Board policies, specifically related to equity and inclusion and caring and safe schools.
Reason for review: Due for second review.
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholder groups with responsibilities.
Implementation timelines: Immediate upon Board approval.
Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Curriculum and Instructional Services and Continuing Education.
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure
- Board of Trustees
- Director of Education
- Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services
- Administrators
- Caretaking Staff
- Child Care Centre Supervisors
- Before and After Care Supervisors
- Child and Family Program Supervisors
- Parents
Relationship to Board Priorities
This policy and procedure outlines the commitment of the YRDSB to support the care, development, education and safety of children and families in York Region. It is the belief that staff, students, parents and the community have a collective responsibility to create quality-learning and identity-affirming environments, to engage in co-learning opportunities for professionals and share culturally reflective and responsive resources and materials both indoors and outdoors. A collaborative and respectful partnership with early learning and child care partners is essential to build safe and welcoming environments for all.
Timelines and Next Steps
This policy is scheduled for second review at the December 10, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.
Legislative Context
Child Care and Early Years Act
Related Documents
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years
Early Years Accommodations in Schools Reference Guide
It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #409.0 Licensed Child Care in Schools
1. Policy Statement
The York Region District School Board (YRDSB) is committed to developing and fostering collaborative partnerships with early learning and care agencies in order to support planning, curriculum and program coordination that will benefit students, families and school communities. The YRDSB supports the vision for early learning and care in Ontario. Through meaningful relationships, the Board engages with early year’s partners to guide and develop practices to support a common approach to pedagogy across early year’s settings. Collectively, the Board and early year’s partners will strive to build safe and welcoming working and learning environments that are inclusive of all communities, free of racism and hate for all students, staff and families.
2. Application
Board Policy #409.0, Early Learning and Child Care in Schools affirms the YRDSB commitment to establishing effective protocols and procedures that support strong partnerships and collaboration with agencies that offer care and education to children and families that reside within the YRDSB school communities. This policy ensures compliance with the requirements of the Education Act, Child Care and Early Years Act, and the pedagogy outlined in How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years and the strategies outlined in Child Care in Schools: A Guide to Creating Effective Partnerships.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
- reviewing the Early Learning and Child Care in Schools policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle; and
- understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Early Learning and Child Care in Schools policy, as required.
3.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:
- implementing and operationalizing the Licensed Child Care in Schools policy.
4. Definitions
4.1 Early Learning and Care
Programs that offer child care, before and after care or child and family programs within York Region schools.
4.2 Child Care Centres
Licensed, quality early learning and care environments that provide an early childhood education program for children birth-3.8 years to support children’s early learning and healthy development while meeting the care needs of working families.
Child care space is either built or renovated to meet the licensing requirements of the Child Care and Early Years Act regulated by the Ministry of Education. Child Care Centres in schools are licensed space that is modeled in one of two formats:
- child care centre attached to the school; or
- one to three classrooms within a school that is identified as exclusive use for the purpose of child care.
4.3 Child and Family Programs
Quality early learning programs such as EarlyON Child and Family Programs or Community Action Programs for Children (CAP-C) that offer free support services and programs to parents, caregivers, and their children from birth to six years old.
4.4 Before and After School Care Program
Licensed and operated by independent non-profit or commercial pre-approved agencies. These programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education, Quality Assurance and Licensing Unit and follow the regulations of the Child Care and Early Years Act.
4.4 Before and After School Care Program
Licensed and operated by independent non-profit or commercial pre-approved agencies. These programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education, Quality Assurance and Licensing Unit and follow the regulations of the Child Care and Early Years Act.
4.5 Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services
A Board employee responsible for the establishment and coordination of early learning and child care programs in YRDSB schools.
5. Contact
Education and Community Services
6. History
Approved: 1994, 1996, 2005
Amended: 1996, 2005
Working Document: 2017
Revised: 2002, 2005, 2008, April 2013, July 2018, October 2023
Final Approval: December 2024
Board Procedure #409.1 Licensed Child Care in Schools
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines how the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) works with licensed child care centres and/or operators in schools in order to support students, families and communities.
2. Application
Board Procedure #409.1, Licensed Child Care in Schools affirms the YRDSB commitment to the establishment of licensed child care centres in York Region Schools to ensure access to quality early learning environments that offers early learning and care to York Region’s youngest learners. This procedure ensures a continuum of learning that aligns with the fundamental principles of play-based learning outlined in the York Region District School Board’s Early Years Strategy.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Licensed Child Care in Schools procedure.
3.2 Planning Services shall:
- determine if a new or existing school is able to accommodate a child care centre.
3.3 Principals shall:
- ensure that the child care operator is made aware of the requirement to comply with the Board’s policies and procedures, with particular attention to the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedure including the Student Code of Conduct and Policy #261 Equity and Inclusivity;
- promote and maintain communication and collaboration with the child care centre staff;
- provide opportunities for school staff and child care centre staff to get to know each other and their environments;
- share monthly/yearly calendars between the child care centre and the school, such as, but not limited to, special events, professional activity days, kindergarten schedules;
- include child care partners as part of the school team and give opportunities to participate in school staff activities wherever possible;
- invite staff of the child care, where appropriate, to attend professional learning opportunities and/or staff meetings to ensure shared understanding of school processes and Board policies;
- invite child care partners to participate on School Council as a community member representative;
- in locations that include a before and after care program, work with the coordinator of child care and community services and the operator to arrange for the use of shared space for kindergarten and school aged children;
- include students in the child care centre as part of school activities whenever possible and appropriate, i.e. school assemblies, school celebrations, book fairs etc.;
- follow guidelines outlined in the Child Care in Schools: A Guide to Creating Effective Partnerships for the sharing of school equipment and facilities, such as, but not limited to, gym, playground, library and school resources;
- communicate to the child care supervisor when there is an infectious outbreak or a communicable disease in the school;
- ensure that when a fire drill or hold and secure drill is held by the school, everyone including the children and staff in the child care centre takes part;
- discuss and provide clarity around roles and responsibilities of the principal and child care operator to support the safety and security of all students especially during an emergency;
- share the Board’s policies and procedures with child care operators on a regular basis especially when changes occur that will affect the operator; and
- provide leadership in order to develop a purposeful, positive partnership that supports and promotes open communication, cooperation and collaboration between the school staff and the child care staff.
3.4 Principals may:
- be a member of the advisory committee of an incorporated child care centre and as such would have certain legal obligations and potential liabilities.
3.5 The Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services shall:
- support the incorporation of purpose-built child care centres in new schools under a lease arrangement with full cost recovery to the Board over a multi-year period;
- ensure that operators meet all administrative and operational requirements and relevant legislation including documentation that is required for leasing and licensing;
- facilitate partnerships with agencies and various levels of government and the community to achieve equitable access to child care services across public schools in York Region;
- plan for and respond to the needs for programs by facilitating the opening of new programs in schools at no cost to the Board, subject to space availability, local community support and compliance with applicable regulations;
- as part of the selection process for operators of purpose-built child care centres in new and existing schools;
- request proposals from child care operators that have met the application criteria for pre-qualification of child care operators in the Board and are not-for-profit,
- in existing schools where there is already a licensed Before and After care provider, survey the current families registered in the program to determine if they are satisfied with the existing provider,
- in existing schools where there is already a licensed Before and After care provider, where the operator is not-for-profit, offer the existing Before After operator the right of first proposal to operate the full day child care centre,
- review the submitted proposals and present to a committee made up of Board staff including but not limited to staff from Property Planning, Finance Services, Plant Services and the appropriate Superintendent of Education for consideration,
- present to the Schools Operations Committee for approval,
- when possible provide opportunities for parents to meet the child care operators whose proposals have been received and meet the Board policy and criteria for selection and participate in the selection process, and
- inform the successful operator.
- prepare the lease agreements for child care operators with full cost recovery to the Board in consultation with the Planning Services and Business Services;
- ensure that child care operators and supervisors are aware of their responsibilities throughout the school year;
- ensure that communication about Board expectations is clear and ongoing throughout the school year;
- ensure ongoing communication with principals;
- foster and support a positive relationship between the child care operators and the principals;
- facilitate regular and ongoing communication between the Board and child care centre operators;
- conduct child care centre visits to respond to program concerns and build relationships with staff;
- make every effort, along with the child care centre operators, to ensure the consistency of quality programs through the use of quality measure tools and professional learning;
- build links among child care centres, communities, families, agencies and schools to ensure a coordinated approach;
- require the operator in both elementary and secondary school settings to give priority registration to preschool children entering year one of kindergarten residing in the school’s attendance area; and
- present the annual child care report to the Executive Council of Superintendents and the Learning and Well-Being Standing Committee.
3.6 Child Care Centre Operators shall:
- meet all the requirements and obtain all required documentation in order to hold a valid license under the Child Care and Early Years Act;
- when opening a new child care centre;
- submit all the required documentation to the Ministry of Education, such as, but not limited to, fire and health inspections and the certificate of occupancy, no less than one month prior to the date the centre is scheduled to open,
- schedule all necessary inspections no less than one month prior to the anticipated opening of the centre,
- provide the dates, once confirmed, to the coordinator of child care and community services to ensure the building is accessible,
- provide a minimum of two weeks’ notice to families registered for care that the centre may not open on the scheduled date in the event that the school construction has been delayed, and
- inform the coordinator of child care and community services and the principal of any contravention resulting in a provisional license.
- manage the daily operations of the child care centre;
- make every effort, along with the coordinator of child care and community services, to ensure the consistency of quality programs using resources, tools and professional learning;
- provide a purposeful daily program that is carefully planned with a wide variety of play based learning experiences to serve individual needs and to facilitate each child’s progress in the four foundations that ensure optimal learning and development (Belonging, Engagement, Expression and Well-Being) outlined in How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years;
- share information with the principal when there is an infection outbreak in the centre or a communicable disease and communicate on a regular basis with the principal to provide updates as necessary;
- share information pertaining to serious occurrences with the principal and coordinator of child care and community services prior to a notice being posted for ten days as per Ministry requirements;
- ensure that families who live outside of the school boundaries, especially those with preschool children entering year one of kindergarten understand that parents must enroll their children in kindergarten at their home school and enrollment in the child care centre does not mean admission to the school the child care centre is located in;
- meet early in the school year and then on a regular basis with the principal to share organizational procedures between the school and the child care centre;
- invite kindergarten educator teams to visit the child care centre;
- ensure that the health and safety and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) information is shared with staff and that staff are trained annually;
- conduct parent satisfaction surveys on an annual basis and share a summary of the results with families, the principal, and the coordinator of child care and community services;
- establish and maintain a cooperative and collaborative working relationship with supervisors, colleagues, assistants and with other community services;
- reflect on practice and identify areas where obtaining additional knowledge or changing approaches improves the child care centre;
- utilize observation and assessment tools to measure success of the students in their care;
- interact positively and effectively with a broad range of partners;
- hire, develop and maintain knowledgeable, sensitive, and motivated staff to ensure that children, staff and families are treated in an equitable and respectful manner;
- abide by the policies and procedures of the YRDSB as defined in the lease and adhering to ethical standards in all aspects of practice;
- have a policy related to equity and inclusion that aligns with YRDSB’s Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy and the Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy to ensure consistency and continuity for students and families;
- make every reasonable effort to support and provide child care programs that are inclusive, respectful, and responsive to the needs of children with differing abilities;
- have a program statement that uses How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years as the framework to guide programming and pedagogy;
- develop a purposeful partnership that supports and promotes open communication, collaboration, and strong relationships between the school staff and the child care staff;
- ensure staff adhere to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice established by the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators;
- demonstrate that the child care program is of quality, meets the needs of families in the community and is aligned with the direction of the Board; and
- ensure staff create a warm, caring, and responsive relationship with every child and with the group of children in their care.
3.7 Parents shall:
- enter into an agreement directly with the child care operator for the care of their child.
3.7 Caretaking shall:
- follow the caretaking guidelines outlined in the Child Care in Schools: A Guide to Creating Effective Partnerships.
4. Contact
Education and Community Services
5. History
Approved 1994
Working Document November 2017
Revised: 2008, April 2013, July 2018, September 2023
Final Approval: December 2024
Board Procedure #409.2, Before and After School Care Programs
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines how before and after school care programs are established and the role and responsibilities of the principal, the before and after school care program supervisor and the coordinator of child care and community services.
In order to establish opportunities to share information between the school and the before and after school care program, a communication strategy must be put in place in order to ensure two-way communication. The need to build and sustain relationships must be reinforced. Every effort will be made to foster healthy working relationships to support this partnership.
2. Application
Board Procedure #409.2, Before and After School Care Programs affirms the York Region District School Board’s (YRDSB) commitment to the establishment of before and after school programs in York Region schools by creating collaborative learning spaces for students, especially for kindergarten children who have an extended day. At the centre of the Board’s values is the belief that staff, students and the community have a collective responsibility to create an environment in which all students, staff, parents and our community feel valued and have a sense of belonging. Through collaborative and respectful partnerships with before and after care agencies, we will be able to enhance learning experiences that focus on the priorities of well-being and mental health, equity and inclusivity in support of student learning and well-being as identified in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan.
Establishing a Before and After School Care Program:
A survey will be circulated to parents of students for established schools and through holding schools to determine the demand for an on-site before and after school care program. A minimum of 15 positive survey responses are required for a program to be established. Parents are recruited through the survey process to volunteer on the parent selection committee. If the survey indicates a demand for a before and after school care program, the following steps are implemented:
- a request for proposal is issued to pre-approved child care agencies who meet the criteria outlined in the application for pre-qualification of child care operators;
- the selection committee will meet to establish criteria for selecting an operator based on community needs;
- the selection committee will meet to review proposals in accordance with established community needs;
- the selection committee will short list to a smaller number of chosen operators to move forward in the next step of the process;
- site visits to one existing program operated by each of the agencies who are on the short-list;
- a third meeting is held after the site visits where committee members discuss the visits and a before and after care program operator is selected to provide service at the school location based on established criteria/observation;
- a meeting with the principal and the before and after care program operator will be scheduled to discuss licensing requirements;
- a lease agreement will be created and signed; and
- leases are reviewed annually.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Before and After School Care Programs procedure.
3.2 The Principal shall:
- work with the coordinator of child care and community services to determine the need for a before and after care program in their school;
- forward completed needs surveys to the coordinator of child care and community services;
- promote and maintain communication and collaboration with the before and after school care program supervisor;
- ensure that communication about school expectations is clear and ongoing throughout the school year;
- create opportunities in which the before and after school care program staff can dialogue as part of the school team in order to support families;
- include before and after school care program staff in related professional development opportunities, wherever possible;
- plan and network as a team to support the use of shared spaces;
- be prepared to host the before and after school care program in classrooms that are licensed for before and after school care use for a 10-month period;
- ensure students attending the before and after school care have immediate access to licensed space;
- clarify roles and responsibilities of the principal and the before and after school care program supervisor to support the safety and security of all students;
- ensure the before and after school care program site supervisor is aware of their responsibility to comply with the school code of conduct and the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures;
- support the before and after school care program and ensure actions taken by the before and after school care program supervisor are consistent with Board policy; and
- be familiar with the content in the Child Care in Schools: A Guide to Creating Effective Partnerships to promote collaborative relationships and strengthen partnerships and for access to additional resources.
3.3 The Before and After Care Program Operators shall:
- abide by the policies and procedures of the YRDSB as defined in the lease and adhering to ethical standards in all aspects of practice;
- hold a valid Child Care and Early Years Actlicense issued by the Ministry of Education;
- comply with the regulations as set out in Ontario Regulation 221/11, Extended Day and Third party Programs;
- inform the coordinator of child care and community services of any contravention resulting in a provisional license;
- manage the operations of the before and after school care program;
- meet school community needs and expand programs where there is a waitlist of more than ten children;
- carry insurance in the amount of not less than five million dollars general liability, naming the Board as additional insured;
- ensure all before and after school care program site staff members are aware of their responsibility to comply with the school code of conduct and the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures;
- have a policy related to equity and inclusion that aligns with YRDSB’s Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy and the Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy to ensure consistency and continuity for students and families;
- ensure all staff adhere to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice established by the Ontario College od Early Childhood Educators;
- conduct parent satisfaction surveys on an annual basis and share a summary of the results with families, the principal, and the coordinator of child care and community services;
- ensure that the program positively impacts on children’s learning and development;
- be familiar with the content in the Child Care in Schools: A Guide to Creating Effective Partnerships to promote collaborative relationships and strengthen partnerships and for additional resources; and
- deliver program content consistent with the Ministry of Education’s Extended Day Program.
3.4 Before and After Care Program Site Supervisors shall:
- ensure families registered in the Before and After care program sign the Consent to Exchange Information Form that allows before and after care program and school staff to communicate student needs;
- share information pertaining to serious occurrences with the Coordinator of Child Care and principal or designate prior to a notice being posted for ten days as per Ministry requirements;
- communicate on a regular basis with the principal or designate;
- provide and update current lists of children registered in the before and after care program to the school office;
- be aware of and follow all Board policies and procedures;
- ensure families with children who live within the school community receive priority for enrollment in the before and after school care program;
- invite the principal or designate to attend the before and after school care program’s parent meetings;
- meet early in the school year with the principal to share organizational procedures between the school and the before and after school care program;
- promote and maintain ongoing communication and collaboration with appropriate school staff members;
- ensure that when a staff member becomes aware of a student who may have engaged in an activity for which suspension or expulsion must be considered, that the staff must report the matter to the school’s principal as soon as possible;
- ensure all before and after school care program staff members are aware of their responsibility to comply with the school code of conduct and the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures; and
- utilize quality assessment procedures/tools that support and encompass quality before and after school care programs.
3.5 The Coordinator of Child care and Community Services shall:
- with the support of principals, determine the need for new before and after school care programs in each school location as per Ministry requirements;
- ensure that all before and after school care program operators and supervisors are aware of their responsibilities throughout the school year;
- obtain feedback from principals and before and after school care program operators, when required;
- issue a ten-month lease agreement, including lease costs, to each before and after school care program annually;
- provide before and after care operators with the option to extend the lease to provide a full-day program throughout the summer;
- contact before and after school care program operators regarding the continuation of the program during the following school year, in accordance with the timelines in the lease agreement;
- ensure clear communication with before and after school care program operators about Board expectations;
- facilitate communication between the Board and before and after school care programs operators;
- conduct site visits for before and after school care programs to support quality programming, when required;
- be aware of and follow-up on before and after school care programs that hold a provisional license;
- ensure that each before and after school care program meets Board requirements;
- coordinate learning opportunities annually for before and after school program staff that ensure understanding of YRDSB’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan and other Board strategies in order for operators to align their agency’s policies and practices to provide consistency for children and families across programs and learning environments;
- support the consistency of quality programs;
- support the child care operator in resolving issues and initiate a parent satisfaction survey when concerns are raised;
- if a significant number of families are dissatisfied with the program and would like to explore other options for a provider, the coordinator of child care and community services will move forward with recommendation of termination of the lease and initiating the selection process for a new operator;
- build links among community partners, home and schools to ensure a coordinated approach;
- ensure all appropriate information regarding the operation of before and after care programs is included in the Child Care in Schools: A Guide to Creating Effective Partnerships; and
- collect statistical information on an annual basis pertaining to before and after school care programs.
3.6 The Parent Selection Committee shall:
- identify community needs to be considered when reviewing proposals;
- review proposals received for before and after care programs; and
- select one operator to provide before and after school care programs at the school.
4. Definitions
4.1 Before and After School Care Program
Licensed and operated by independent nonprofit or commercial pre-approved agencies. These programs follow the regulations of the Child Care and Early Years Act and are licensed by the Ministry of Education.
4.2 Before and After School Care Program Supervisor
Is employed by the independent not-for-profit or commercial pre-approved agencies and is responsible for the daily operations of the program located at the school.
4.3 Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services
Is a staff member of the YRDSB responsible for the establishment and coordination of before and after school care programs in York Region public schools.
4.4 Parent Selection Committee
Is composed of the school principal, coordinator of child care and community services, and parent volunteers who will be using the before and after child care program. The committee reviews proposals submitted by child care agencies and chooses one operator to provide the before and after care program at the school.
5. Contact
Education and Community Services
6. History
Approved: May 2005
Working Document: June 2014
Revised March 2015, July 2018, October 2023, November 2024
Final Approval: February 2025
Procedure #409.3, Child and Family Programs
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines how the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) works with agencies who operate child and family programs in YRDSB schools that offer parenting supports to parents and caregivers.
2. Application
Board Procedure #409.3, Child and Family Programs in Schools affirms the YRDSB’s commitment to providing welcoming and inclusive spaces for agencies to offer parenting supports that will support the early development of potential future students. This procedure aligns with the Director’s Action Plan to build trust and collaborative relationships with students and families and to the mission of creating the best possible school community to support the achievement and well-being of all individuals.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Security for Licensed Child Care and Before and After Care Programs in Schools procedure.
3.2 Planning Services shall:
- determine if a new or existing school is able to accommodate a child and family centre in either shared or exclusive use space within a school.
3.3 Principals shall:
- maintain ongoing communication to ensure school expectations are clear and ongoing throughout the school year;
- determine a convenient spot for strollers to be parked taking into consideration local fire regulations;
- share the child and family program information and calendar events with school community when relevant;
- ensure that the operator is made aware of the requirement to comply with the Board’s policies and procedures, with particular attention to the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedure including the Student Code of Conduct and Policy #261 Equity and Inclusivity;
- create a welcoming environment for families entering the school to attend the program; and
- explore opportunities for Kindergarten teams to collaborate with the child and family program educators on a supportive transition to kindergarten for children entering kindergarten.
3.4 The Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services shall:
- represents the Board on early year’s related initiatives;
- responds to concerns and questions from staff and parents attending the child and family programs;
- determines school locations in consultation with Planning and Business Services;
- prepares the lease agreements for child and family programs;
- ensure that operators are aware of their responsibilities in accordance with the lease agreement throughout the year; and
- responds to community requests for information, problem-solves issues pertaining to child and family programs in collaboration with the school principal.
3.5 Child and Family Program Operators shall:
- carry insurance in the amount of not less than five million dollars general liability, naming the Board as additional insured;
- ensure program site staff members are aware of their responsibility to comply with the school code of conduct and the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures;
- have a policy related to equity and inclusion that aligns with YRDSB’s Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategy and the Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy to ensure consistency and continuity for students and families;
- ensure staff and families participate during fire drills and lockdown drills should they occur while in program;
- communicate to families and staff that they must follow Nut Sensitive school protocol for any food brought into the school;
- maintain ongoing communication with the school administrators regarding program services as required;
- ensure all staff are wearing appropriate identification tags;
- support successful transition to school for children who are entering year one kindergarten by collaborating with administrators and kindergarten educators to increase families’ knowledge, involvement, and comfort level; and
- follow the requirements as listed in the lease agreement for both shared and exclusive use spaces.
3.6 Child and Family Program Educator shall:
- provide a warm, supportive, identity affirming and inclusive environment for families and children within the community;
- maintain daily attendance records for fire and safety protocols;
- develop positive and collaborative relationships with school staff;
- invite school staff such as kindergarten educators, librarians, caretaking, office and administrative staff into the program when relevant to build relations and community;
- ensure that all families, even those with children not yet formally attending school, have familiarity with Board policies and procedures such as, but not limited to, Caring and Safe Schools policy, Safe Welcome Program and Equity and Inclusivity policy;
- ensure families follow established practices and procedure for entry and exit to and from programs;
- communicate to the principal when there is an infection outbreak in the centre or a communicable disease; and
- maintain ongoing communication with school administrators, office staff and caretaking team.
3.7 Parents shall:
- follow the regulations and protocols established by the Child and Family Program when attending the program with their children.
4. Definitions
4.1 Child and Family Program
Quality early learning programs for parents, caregivers and children from birth to six years old that offer free parenting supports and connections to community services. Programs include EarlyON Child and Family Programs and Community Action Programs for Children (CAPC).
4.2 Operators of Child and Family Programs
Agencies that operate EarlyON Child and Family programs and CAPC programs within York Region schools.
4.3 Child and Family Program Educator
A Registered Early Childhood Educator who provides the program to parents, caregivers, and their children who attend a Child and Family Program.
4.4 Families
Parents/Guardians or caregivers that care for children outside of school hours.
5. Contact
Education and Community Services
6. History
Drafted: September 2023
Revised: November 2024
Final Approval: February 2025
Procedure #409.4, Security for Licensed Child Care and Before and After Care Programs in Schools
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines how the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) works with licensed child care, before and after care and child and family program operators in schools to address security protocol in support of staff, students, families and communities.
2. Application
Board Procedure #409.4, Security for Early Learning and Child Care Programs in Schools affirms the YRDSB commitment to the establishment of a safe, caring and supportive school environment to ensure children, staff, families and the school building is safe. This procedure ensures compliance with Board Procedure #669.1, Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management, Policy and Procedure #668.0 Caring and Safe Schools and supports school staff and community partners to work together to ensure the security of school buildings while maintaining a welcoming environment for families.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Security for Licensed Child Care and Before and After Care Programs in Schools procedure.
3.2 Principals shall:
- ensure that the child care staff is included in any school based training regarding the Caring and Safe Schools policy or security issues;
- include early learning and care partners as part of the safe school team;
- work with the coordinator of child care and community services and the operator to arrange for the use of shared space for school-aged children giving consideration to what room(s) will be allocated for the program, preferably close to a main entrance/exit door so as to ensure the safety of child care staff, students and parents;
- communicate to early learning and care site supervisor the protocol for opening and securing the building during school hours;
- include students in the child care centre and child and family centre as part of safe school activities whenever possible and appropriate;
- ensure that when a fire or emergency drill is held by the school, everyone including people in the child care centre, Before and After care and Child and Family program takes part;
- establish roles and responsibilities of the principal and early learning and care site supervisor to support the safety and security of all students especially during an emergency;
- supply a school two-way radio for the use of early learning and child care staff to provide direct communication with the school staff;
- ensure the school’s emergency plan includes the child care centre, child and family centre and or before and after care program; and
- ensure operators of early learning and care programs have access to Board emergency numbers.
3.3 The Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services shall:
- ensure that child care operators and site supervisors are aware of their responsibilities throughout the school year through regular meetings and communications;
- ensure communication about school expectations is clear and ongoing throughout the school year through meetings, communications and site visits; and
- facilitate communication regarding changes to security practices and policies between the Board and child care centre operators through regular meetings and dialogue.
3.4 Child Care Centre and Before and After Care Operators shall:
- comply with the safety and security requirements outlined in the Child Care and Early Years Act;
- communicate on a regular basis with the principal regarding any concerns of safety and security;
- ensure all new child care staff and supply staff sign in at the school office upon arrival;
- ensure all child care staff are wearing appropriate identification tags;
- inform the school office or caretaker of any individuals in the building who are not recognized and is not there for the purpose of picking up a child from the program;
- ensure that the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures are shared with staff upon hiring and that staff are trained annually;
- communicate to visitors that they must use the school’s main entrance when entering the school building;
- communicate to parents that they must use the designated school entrance for before and after care programs or child care centre entrance when dropping off and picking up children; and
- install keypad entry systems where possible following the guidelines for Maintenance Requests for Child Care Operators.
3.5 Child and Family Program Operators shall:
- communicate on a regular basis with the principal regarding any concerns of safety and security;
- ensure all new program staff and supply staff sign in at the school office upon arrival;
- ensure staff, parents or caregivers attending the child and family program wear appropriate identification tags while attending the program;
- communicate to parents/caregivers that they must use a designated school entrance when attending the program;
- inform the school office or caretaker of any individuals in the building who are not recognized and is not there for the purpose of attending the child and family program; and
- ensure that the Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures are shared with staff upon hiring and that staff are trained annually.
3.6 Lead Caretaker Caretaker (elementary) or Supervisor of Facility Services (secondary) shall:
- inform all early learning and child care staff if a caretaker is not on the premises; and
- ensure early learning and care supervisors have contact numbers in situations where a caretaker is not onsite.
4. Definitions
4.1 Child Care Operator
Agencies that operate both child care centres and before and after care programs within York Region schools.
4.2 Child Care Site Supervisor
The individual, hired by the child care agency, to provide the supervision and management for a licensed child care centre or before and after care program operating within York Region schools.
4.3 Child Care Staff
Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE) who are employed by child care agencies to directly supervise and provide programs to children attending the child care and before and after care programs.
5. Contact
Education and Community Services
6. History
Drafted: September 2023
Final Approval: February 2025