NEKS Korean Families Engagement Night

Last updated

The Network of Educators for Korean-Canadian Students (NEKS) invites Korean families and community members to attend a workshop to develop a deeper understanding of the Ontario Education System. Families will be able to learn about the K-12 Ontario Education System with an emphasis on transitions from elementary to secondary school, post-secondary pathways, and Special Education.

Please share the flyer below with your school community.

NEKS Korean Family Engagement Night

View Flyer (PDF)

Thursday, April 11, 2024

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thornhill Secondary School

167 Dudley Avenue, Thornhill, ON


Registrants will have an opportunity to attend two of the following workshops:

  • Opportunities and Pathways after High School: Learn about different pathway opportunities after high school. What career opportunities are there? How do we prepare our students for life after high school? 
  • Transitioning into High School: Learn about different programs at YRDSB schools. What are some tips for being successful in high school?
  • Special Education: Learn about special education and Individualized Education Plans. How can students who are struggling in school be supported?


Registration Information

Register online using this Google form

Registration deadline is Monday, April 8, 2024

Enrolment limited to first 100 registrants.

For more information, please contact: Jasmin (Jae Yeon) Kwak, NEKS Chair, jaeyeon.kwak@yrdsb.c
