Technology Use and Mental Health, a Presentation for Parents and Caregivers

Last updated April 04, 2024

The YRDSB Central Mental Health Team is proud to be offering the Learning about Mental Health Presentation Series (LAMPS). The objective of the series is to promote and enhance mental health literacy.

This is the second session in the series and will occur virtually on May 29, 2024 from 6 - 7 p.m. The presentation will focus on technology and mental health, and some general strategies that may be beneficial in supporting your children. 

These sessions are offered to any parent/guardian. Translation will be provided in a limited number of languages.  If your preferred language is not offered, we recommend watching with a friend or family member who is able to translate.



  • To register for this session, please complete the Registration Form

  • Registration closes May 28, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

  • The virtual presentation link will be shared after registration


No cost

For more information, please contact:

Paula Vicente, Assistant Coordinator of Mental Health 
