Processing Disaster: Group Support Session for Parents and Community

Last updated

Naseeha Mental Health supports members of the Muslim Community, as well as those from identities marginalized by oppression. This session aims to extend support to families and caregivers of students affected by the earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye. Experiences related to natural disasters can affect individuals from all cultural and religious backgrounds, including Islam, and be exacerbated by pre-existing mental health needs and trauma. Seeking support from mental health professionals and using coping strategies such as self-care and social support can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their overall mental health.

The presentation is for families and caregivers and will be offered in English and Arabic. This event will include a brief presentation followed by discussion with conversation, and a question and response period.

Complete registration form.



March 19, 2023, at 6 pm


Virtual. Meeting link to be shared after registration.
