Professional Activity (PA) Day - Bill Crothers S.S. (August 15, 2023)

Length: Half Day - AM 

Topic 1: Literacy/Mathematics Instructional Strategies

Entity Hosting: Bill Crothers S.S. (early start school/modified school year calendar)

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Online modules developed by Board-based personnel and school administration


School teams will engage in Compliance Training including: 

  • occupational Health & Safety
  • Student Safety and violent incident prevention 
  • training on supporting Student Mental Health and Well-being
  • understanding cybersecurity and online privacy. 

Length: Half Day - PM 

Topic 2: Literacy/Mathematics Instructional Strategies

Entity Hosting: Bill Crothers S.S. (early start school/modified school year calendar)

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): School Administration


School teams will engage in School Improvement planning led by school administrators focusing on:

  • developing Literacy for supporting students in the new Grade 9 de-streamed English course to consolidate foundational knowledge and skills, and to support Literacy across the curriculum 

  • supporting student improvement in 9-12 Mathematics through high-impact instructional approaches and alignment with curriculum 

  • high-impact instructional practices to support students in Grade 9 de-streamed math course 

Additional professional Activities for EAs and Library Technicians

News Release