Take Our Kids to Work Day

Last updated



“Take Our Kids to Work”  is a national initiative that provides Grade 9 students with the opportunity  to OBSERVE a work e​​nvironment or ENGAGE in pathways planning for one day. 


Information and Resources

Take Our Ki​ds to Work Day​

Students benefit because - it’s an opportunity for them to explore career options, through:

  • Understanding the importance of staying in school by learning first-hand what skills are required in today’s workplace
  • Thinking about what aspects of their “work day” they liked and what they didn’t
  • Exploring career options in a practical way and gain a better understanding of just how many career choices are open to them
  • By spending a day in the life of a working adult, they develop an appreciation of their parents’ work and motivations

Parents benefit because  - it helps them prepare their children for the future by:

  • Discussing work experiences with their child
  • Beginning a career discussion based on actual experiences
  • Enriching their child’s experience with discussions before, during and after the workplace visit

Teachers benefit because - the Take Our Kids to Work™ program allows real life experiences to bridge with learning in the classroom.

  • Helps make the connection between education and future career paths
  • Demonstrates the complexity of career choices and the benefits of early exploration
  • Allows teachers and students to explore career options in practical way

Employers Benefit because - the program is an ideal way to enhance corporate social responsibility initiatives.

  • Enhances employee engagement, morale and loyalty
  • Showcases your workplace as progressive and committed to education
  • Publicizes the range of career opportunities in your organization and sector
  • Garners positive brand and corporate recognition
  • Makes your company eligible to apply for a Canada’s Outstanding Employers Award
  • Promotes and support continuous learning and successful transitions into the working world for young people.

The information on this page has been adapted from: Take Our Kids to Work™

