Trustee By-Election Results

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On behalf of York Region District School Board, I am pleased to congratulate the new trustee elect for Richmond Hill, Wards 1, 2 and 4, Robert Kolosowski.

I would like to recognize the hard work and efforts of all nine candidates who ran in the by-election. Your time and dedication to the students and families of York Region is greatly appreciated. I would like to thank the Council and staff at City of Richmond Hill for their professionalism, cooperation and expertise in facilitating the election process.

I would also like to thank all of our Richmond Hill families who took the time to learn about our candidates and who voted in the July 15 by-election. We appreciate your patience as we worked to fill the trustee vacancy.

Trustee Elect Kolosowski will be sworn into office this week and will attend the August 27, 2024 Board meeting as a member of the Board of Trustees to serve for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term. 

Mr. Kolosowski’s contact information will be posted to his Trustee Profile Page on the Board’s public website and shared with his schools.

We look forward to welcoming Trustee Kolosowski to the York Region District School Board.

Ron Lynn
