YRDSB Students and Families Participate In Student Organized Exam Prep Webinar

June 8, 2023 - On May 31, York Region District School Board students and families learned about preparation strategies to complete exams and culminating projects, as well as helpful wellness strategies, from YRDSB alumni, YRDSB mental health professionals, educators and student trustees.

Organized by Student Trustees based on student feedback, the webinar is the third in a series of workshops offered to students and families this year.

“The workshops featured discussions focused on practical strategies, time management skills, and effective study habits to help students thrive during exam season,” said Student Trustee Prisha Bhavsar.

“Families play a crucial role in their child's academic success,” said Student Trustee Teerka Baskaran. “Students and families are having to navigate exams for the first time since pausing exams due to the pandemic.”

Participants heard from former YRDSB graduates in a variety of pathways and career fields, including university, college, apprenticeship, and gap year pathways in areas such as arts, business, social sciences, STEM and trades.

“We are excited to connect with YRDSB alumni and educators to help support secondary students at this important time of the school year,​" said Indigenous Student TrusteeHolly Schlamb. “We wish students all the best as they complete the school year.”

News Release