Policy and Procedure #577.0, Staff Progressive Discipline


Executive Summary

The Staff Progressive Discipline policy and procedure outline how staff misconduct will be addressed.

On this page:


What has Changed?

Major changes to the document: Revised staff responsibilities and definitions, such as the definition of misconduct. Links to resources and additional documents were updated.

Reason for review: Due for first review.

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholder groups with responsibilities.

Implementation timelines: Immediate upon Board approval.

Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Human Resource Services, People and Culture.


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure:

  • Chair of the Board and Board of Trustees
  • Director of Education
  • Human Resource Services 
  • Superintendents, Administrators and Managers
  • Staff


Relationship to Board Priorities

The Staff Progressive Discipline policy and procedure address the management of employees who engage in inappropriate conduct and supports the promotion of well-being through safe, caring and supportive schools and workplaces.


Timelines and Next Steps

This policy is scheduled for first review at the December 10, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager, or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert and Trustee Services.

In accordance with Board Policy 285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the online form. In your response please:

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the online form or sent to the Policy Officers via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora. 


Legislative Context

Ontario College of Teachers’ Act 

Education Act

Teaching Profession Act

Collective Agreements

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Personal Privacy Act 
Ontario Human Rights Code

Occupational Health and Safety Act 


Related Documents

Standards of Conduct

Supporting Community Concerns

Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination

Violence Prevention and Intervention and Non-Code Workplace Related Harassment – Employees

Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents

PPM 120 – Reporting Violent Incidents to the Ministry of Education

PPM 128 – Provincial Code of Conduct and School Boards Code of Conduct 

PPM 145 – Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour


It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students, and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board. 


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Board Policy #577.0, Staff Progressive Discipline


1. Policy Statement

The priority for the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) is to provide the best possible educational and caring and positive working environment that supports the well-being of all students and staff.

All staff members are expected to be aware of and follow Board policies, guiding principles, and rules for the well-being of students, staff, and the operation of the Board.

The Board will employ progressive discipline where appropriate. Confidentiality will be maintained in accordance with all applicable legislation including, but not limited to, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Specific details of any investigation involving Board employees including, but not limited to, the outcome will only be disclosed in accordance with the applicable legislation.


2. Application

This policy and its related procedure address conduct that affects schools or workplace climate regardless of whether it occurs on or off Board property. It applies to all staff members employed by the YRDSB.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. creating and maintaining a caring and positive learning and working environment that operates within the expectations of the Staff Progressive Discipline policy;
  2. where applicable, communicating the Staff Progressive Discipline policy to members of the community; 
  3. understanding and reviewing the Staff Progressive Discipline policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle; 
  4. where applicable under the Education Act, considering and making decisions on recommendations from senior staff to terminate the employment of Ontario College of Teachers qualified staff; 
    1. when considering progressive discipline for the Director of Education;take into consideration the evidence as determined under the Standards of Conduct policy and procedure; and
    2. seek external counsel, as required.


3.2 The Chair of the Board, or Vice-Chair of the Board, is responsible for:

  1. working with Trustee Services and Human Resource Services to ensure any records associated with disciplinary action associated with the Director of Education are retained and stored appropriately.


3.3 The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. implementing and operationalizing the Staff Progressive Discipline policy; and
  2. ensuring compliance with all appropriate legislation regarding reporting to the applicable professional association, College, or regulatory body when an employee has engaged in misconduct conduct and/or an employee’s employment has been terminated.


4. Definitions


4.1 Misconduct 

An action or inaction by an employee, for which the employee is responsible, that does not adhere to workplace policies, procedures and standards or meet the expected performance standards.

Some examples of misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  1. inappropriate behaviour; 
  2. violation of the Standard of Conduct; 
  3. violation of the YRDSB Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy; 
  4. a breach of other YRDSB policies, procedures, guidelines, or standards; 
  5. violation of Provincial or Federal legislation as applicable; 
  6. behaviour that puts the well-being and safety of students and staff at risk; 
  7. negligence;
  8. criminal activity;
  9. discrimination;
  10. use of hate speech or other forms of derogatory language;
  11. damage to YRDSB property; 
  12. intentional disclosure of confidential student, staff or YRDSB information; 
  13. inappropriate use of social media; 
  14. inappropriate use of YRDSB technology; 
  15. conduct outside of the workplace and working hours (off duty), that negatively affects the reputation and/or business interests of the Board, or which negatively impacts the workplace, including the health and safety of co-workers and students; and
  16. professional misconduct.


4.2 Progressive Discipline

A graduated range of responses to employee matters including but not limited to conduct issues.


4.3 Professional Misconduct

An act or omission inconsistent with or contravening the regulations that govern a professional body to which the individual belongs.


4.4 Unprofessional Conduct

Behaviour that is not appropriate for the work environment or that negatively affects the work environment.


5. Contact

Human Resource Services 


6. History

Replacing elements of Policy and Procedure #578.0, Professional Misconduct and Progressive Discipline

Working Document: December 2017, February 2025

Revised: July 2018, November 2018, December 2024


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Board Procedure #577.1, Staff Progressive Discipline


1. Procedure Statement

This procedure outlines the staff disciplinary process.


2. Application

The procedure applies to all employees including occasional employees, and those on a temporary or term assignment. The procedure is aligned with information contained within collective agreements but does not reiterate specific clauses within agreements. 

The disciplinary action taken is based on the nature, severity, impact, frequency, or other circumstances of the incident. Non-disciplinary actions provide the employee with counselling and clarification of expectations and provided with an opportunity to correct their behaviour or conduct. Disciplinary actions are progressive in nature and are a continuum that may start with a verbal reprimand and may culminate in termination. Any stages of the disciplinary process may be repeated or omitted at the Board's discretion. 


2.1 Non-Disciplinary Actions


2.1.1 Counselling and Letter of Expectations

Where an incident or behavior does not comply with Board expectations, and where there has been no prior discipline, it may be appropriate and sufficient to provide clarification in a non-disciplinary format.

A counseling meeting is a discussion which, where appropriate:

  1. describes the undesirable behaviour or action;
  2. explains why the behaviour or action was unacceptable;
  3. allows the employee to provide an explanation;
  4. outlines expectations for desirable and/or acceptable behaviour or actions;
  5. clarifies that the discussion is not disciplinary but that it will be noted; and 
  6. should provide additional support resources, such as Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP), mentoring etc.


2.1.2 A Letter of Expectation(s)

The Letter of Expectation(s) (LOE) contains the same information as does the counseling meetings it is in written form to the employee.

Typically, these letters are appropriate for procedural or operational irregularities which, on an isolated basis, are not deserving of discipline but do require direction or clarification of expectations.

Counseling meetings and letters of expectation are not disciplinary as neither is maintained in the official individual employee personnel file housed in Human Resource Services. Counselling meetings should be noted in the supervisor’s diary. Letters of expectation should be maintained for a minimum period of one year. While neither form of communication is disciplinary, the employee may have union representation in attendance.


2.2 Disciplinary Actions - Stages of Progressive Discipline


2.2.1 Stage 1: Verbal Reprimand

A verbal reprimand requires the documentation of misconduct. A verbal reprimand is a statement to the employee by an appropriate supervisor identifying a need for a change in behaviour related to their employment. The nature of the problem, what is required to correct the problem and the potential consequences of failure to make such a correction are clarified with the employee. A verbal reprimand is disciplinary and is documented on the employee’s file through a Record of Employee Verbal Reprimand form.


2.2.2 Stage 2: Written Reprimand

A written reprimand is the documentation of misconduct of a more serious nature or where there has been a prior verbal reprimand(s). A written reprimand is documented on the employee’s file through a letter outlining specific details of an incident(s) and/or referring to a previous reprimand(s) may be appended to the form.


2.2.3 Stage 3: Written Reprimand with Sanctions

A written reprimand with sanctions is the documentation of misconduct of a more serious nature or where there has been a prior reprimand(s) that is deserving of disciplinary action. A written reprimand with sanctions is documented on the employee’s file and provides the rationale for additional disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to, non-voluntary transfer, demotion or unpaid suspension.


2.2.4 Stage 4: Termination

Termination is dismissal of an employee from employment with the Board. Depending on the conduct at issue, termination may be the final stage in progressive discipline or, where misconduct is of such magnitude, termination may be the immediate consequence.

Ensure all stages, including verbal warnings, are documented consistently, with details on behaviour, actions taken, and follow-ups, to create a comprehensive record that supports fair and transparent decisions.


2.3 Retention Guidelines for Progressive Discipline

Documentation related to employee discipline will be retained in the employee’s file(s) for a minimum period of three years from the date of issue.  Following this time, it will be removed if there has been no discipline issued in the interim, in line with the Staff Progressive Discipline Retention Guidelines.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Staff Progressive Discipline policy and procedure.


3.2 The Associate Director responsible for Human Resources shall:

  1. support and provide direction in the application of the Staff Progressive Discipline procedure.


3.3 The Superintendent responsible for Human Resources, or designate, shall:

  1. review all recommendations for termination of employees before a decision is made;
  2. informs the Board of Trustees of the termination of permanent Teacher; 
  3. review and authorize recommendations for termination of non-teaching staff;
  4. provide advice and direction regarding disciplinary incidents which may require parallel investigation by a Children’s Aid Society, governing professional body and/or the Police; and
  5. provide advice and guidance as requested in the administration of progressive discipline.


3.4 Superintendents, Principals and Managers shall:

  1. ensure that appropriate consultation occurs with the appropriate superintendent and with Human Resource Services when administering disciplinary action;
  2. comply with any applicable clause(s) of the relevant collective agreements;
  3. in matters involving a non-disciplinary action;
    1. record the counselling interview conducted with the employee in their daybook, and
  4. retain the letters of expectation in the employee’s personnel file for one year;
  5. where disciplinary action is relevant clarify;
    1. rules/expectations to the employee,
    2. the nature of the problem,
    3. what is required to correct the problem, 
    4. potential consequences of failure to make such a correction, and
    5. retain records of disciplinary action in the employee’s file(s) in accordance with the discipline retention guidelines;
  6. in matters involving a verbal reprimand, written reprimand, or written reprimand with sanctions;
    1. schedule a meeting for delivery and discussion of the reprimand documentation,
    2. inform the employee of his/her right to have union, federation, or other counsel (if an employee is not covered by a collective agreement) in attendance at any disciplinary meeting the employee is requested to attend, 
  7. provide a copy of the reprimand documentation to the employee, and provide file copies of the reprimand documentation for the personnel file as appropriate, 
    1. obtain the employee and union representative (where applicable) signatures acknowledging receipt of the reprimand documentation, and
    2. consult with the superintendent responsible for Human Resource Services or designate and Human Resource Services in respect of a termination matter as appropriate.


3.5 Human Resource Services shall:

  1. provide advice and consultative support to superintendents, principals and managers in the disciplinary processes related to staff;
  2. work with Trustee Services to provide advice to the Board Chair and/or Vice-Chair on records retention associated with disciplinary action related to the Director of Education; and
  3. maintain disciplinary records.


3.6 Staff members shall:

  1. provide advice and consultative support to superintendents, principals and managers in the disciplinary processes related to staff;
  2. work with Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services to provide advice to the Board Chair and/or Vice- Chair on records retention associated with disciplinary action related to the Director of Education; and
  3. maintain disciplinary records.


3.7 Staff members shall:

  1. ensure the attendance of their union, federation, or other counsel (if not covered by a collective agreement), if desired, at disciplinary meetings and at the meeting scheduled for delivery and discussion of disciplinary documentation; and
  2. sign indicating receipt of any disciplinary documentation.


4. Contact

Human Resource Services


5. History

Working Document: December 2017, February 2025

Revised: July 2018, November 2018, December 2024