Welcome to a new school year and a new year of mathematical thinking!
The math curriculum has financial literacy expectations from grades 1 to 9 and 11. Here are some suggestions for activities that families can do together to support learning about financial literacy.
Primary (Grades 1 to 3):
- Play sorting games with coins and to help children learn the names and denominations of the coins.
- Play games that involve representing the same amount of money in different ways.
- Play games that involve simple transactions and getting change with whole dollar amounts and amounts of less than a dollar.
Junior (Grades 4 to 6):
- Play games that involve purchasing multiple items and getting change with whole dollar amounts. As children become more confident, introduce items priced in dollars and cents.
- Play “How much for one?” (e.g., if 8 boxes of facial tissue cost $12, how much for one?). As children become more confident, introduce the idea of estimating the cost of one.
- Talk about methods of payment (e.g., cash, credit card, debit card, cheque).
- Talk about earning, saving and spending.
- Talk about borrowing and the concept of interest.
Intermediate/Senior (Grades 7 to 12):
- Talk about what it means to create a budget.
- Talk about interest rates offered by banks.
- Talk about loyalty programs offered by companies.
- Talk about different types of bank accounts and the related costs.
- Talk about credit cards and debit cards and the related costs.