Policy and Procedure #163.0, Student Registrations


Board Policy and Procedure #163.0, Student Registrations addresses the admission of students to the Board, including resident and non-resident students.

On this page:


What has Changed?

Major changes to the document: changes to the procedures to reflect residency requirements.

Reason for review: Four-year cyclical review.

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholder groups outlined below.

Implementation timelines: Immediate.

Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Coordinating Superintendent, Curriculum and Instructional Services and Continuing Education.


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy

  • Board of Trustees
  • Director of Education
  • Superintendents of Education
  • Associate Directors
  • Senior Manager, Planning and Property Development
  • Manager, Administrative Services
  • Manager, Education and Community Services
  • Principal, International Education Services, Indigenous Languages and International Languages
  • Principal, Inclusive Schools and Community Services
  • Principal, Continuing Education Services
  • School Administrators
  • Parents/Guardians
  • Students


Relationship to Board Priorities

Relates to student achievement ensuring a safe transition and adaptation to schools.


Timelines and Next Steps

This policy was scheduled for first review at the June 19, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert through Trustee Services.

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please;

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable, 
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and 
  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Policy Officers via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.


Legislative Context

Education Act

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada)


Related Documents

Policy and Procedures #108.0, Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers


It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Policy #163.0 Student Registrations


1. Policy Statement

The York Region District School Board recognizes its primary responsibility is to provide education to day school and continuing education students who are

  1. Resident Pupils of the Board; and
  2. students who are not Resident Pupils of the Board and who meet certain conditions as indicated in this policy based on space and program availability.

The Board will determine space and program availability by school on an annual basis. Once accommodation at schools is no longer available students may be placed in another school, regardless of category of student as defined in this policy. 

Subject to the Education Act, the policy addresses the following categories of students:

  1. Resident Pupils of the Board;
  2. other pupils such as students from outside York Region in Ontario, students whose Parent(s)/Guardian(s) reside outside of Ontario, students living on a First Nation, Métis or Inuit Reserve or students from outside Canada; and
  3. where a student is currently, and/or has been, expelled by another board.


2. Responsibilities


2.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. reviewing the Student Registrations policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle; and
  2. understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Student Registrations policy, as required.


2.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. implementing the Student Registrations policy;
  2. allocating staff and resources to support the Student Registrations policy; and
  3. receiving applications from students who are currently or have been expelled from another board and considering admission of those students to the York Region District School Board. 


3. Definitions


3.1 Resident Pupils of the Board

A student who lives with their parent(s)/guardian(s) that reside in York Region or an adult student that resides in York Region. The student will generally attend their designated home school as determined by home address and school boundaries, but may be directed by a superintendent to attend another school in exceptional circumstances.


3.2 Other Pupils


3.2.1 Students from Outside York Region in Ontario

Students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are not residents of York Region or adult students who are not residents of York Region, but still reside within Ontario may apply to attend a York Region District School Board school.


3.2.2. Students Whose Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Reside Outside of Ontario

Students from outside Ontario who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents whose parent(s)/guardian(s) reside outside Ontario may apply to attend a York Region District School Board school. If the student lives with a guardian that is not biologically related, they must register with International Education Services and study fees are applicable. If the student lives with a biological relative, they must register with the Reception Centre.


3.2.3 Adult Students

If a student is an adult (21 years of age or older), they must register with Continuing Education Services.


3.2.4 Students from Outside Canada (International)

Students from outside Canada who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents require a study permit to study in York Region District School Board schools for a program longer than six months in duration. The primary residence of the parent(s)/guardian(s) is outside Canada.


3.2.5. Students Living on a First Nation, Métis or Inuit Reserve

Students who reside on a First Nation, Métis or Inuit Reserve register with Enrolment Reporting in Finance Services.


3.3 Parent

The biological or adoptive parent of a student and who has legal custody of the student.


3.4 Guardian

A person who has lawful custody of a student, other than the parent of the student.


3.5 Education Designate

A person who has received into his or her home a student, other than their own child, of compulsory school age in circumstances where the student resides with them or is in their care. A parent or guardian may transfer responsibility regarding the care of their child for education purposes to another adult (the education designate) who is a resident of York Region. 


3.6 Custodian (International Student)

A responsible adult, over the age of 25, is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and will take care of and support the international student. At minimum, a custodian is required to act as a guardian, regardless of the age of the international student, while they are an international student of York Region District School Board.


3.7 Designated Home School

The school the Board assigns a student to attend for regular programming (English track) based on the location where the student resides.


3.8 Tuition Fees

Fees required in return for educational services provided and may be requested from any student who is from another country or whose parent(s)/guardian(s) reside in another province in Canada. They are payable in advance of student attendance at a York Region District School Board school.


4. Contact

Education and Community Services


5. History

Approved: 1986

Working Document: June 2024

Revised: 1993, 200, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2014, 2021


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Board Procedure #163.1

Student Registrations


1. Procedure Statement

This procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities for implementing the Student Registrations policy.

Parent(s)/guardian(s), education designate(s) are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all required admission documentation. Inaccurate or inadequate documentation, including proof of residency, may result in relocation of the student to another school or the removal of a student for non-eligibility.

This procedure outlines the registration requirements for:

  1. Resident Pupils of the Board;
  2. other Pupils:
    • students from outside York Region in Ontario,
    • students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) reside outside Ontario,
    • students living on a First Nation, Metis or Inuit reserve, and
  3. students from outside Canada (International Students); and
  4. students who are currently or have been expelled by another educational institution.


2. Application


2.1 Resident Pupils of the Board

  1. students must register at their designated home school.
  2. students may be eligible to attend a different school as outlined in Policy and Procedure #108.0, Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers. Decisions regarding transfers are at the discretion of the principal and the superintendent of Education, based on space and program availability. Transportation is the sole responsibility of parent(s)/guardian(s) and is not provided by the Board should a transfer to another school be approved.
  3. students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have transferred responsibility regarding the care of their child for education purposes to another adult who is a resident of York Region must enter into an Education Services Agreement (ESA) with the Education Designate.
  4. The ESA is made by the parent(s)/guardian(s) with the Education Designate, giving the Education Designate responsibility for the education of the student. The ESA is to be used any time a student under 18 years of age does not live with a parent(s)/guardian(s) (except where the student is 16 or 17 years of age and has withdrawn from parental control). The ESA is to be used whether or not fees are charged by the Board and is filed in the Ontario Student Record.
  5. The following documentation is required for registration:
    • Student Registration Form (Elementary or Secondary).
    • if applicable, an Elementary ESL/ELD Registration Form must be completed or English as a Second Language (ESL)/English Literacy Development (ELD) instruction,
    • birth verification of student, which may include, but is not limited to, birth certificate; statement of live birth; birth registration; refugee claimant form; permanent resident card; confirmation of permanent residence (not application for); baptismal certificate; passport; citizenship card; First Nation, Métis, Inuit ancestry; record of landing; substitute registration of birth or adoption; or other Ontario government-sanctioned document approved by the superintendent of education,
    • if applicable, Custody/Adoption Documentation,
    • if applicable, a copy of a court order confirming ward status, in the case of a legal guardian,
    • Proof of Residency of the adult student or student living with the parent(s)/guardians(s)/Education Designate requires the provision to the Board of three documents:
      • One (1) from Category A; and
      • Two (2) from Category B;
  6. all documents must show home address for student living with the parent(s)/guardian(s);
  7. all documents must contain at least one parent or guardian’s name;
  8. all Category A documents must be original. Copies will not be accepted;
  9. Category A – one original document showing parent(s)/guardian(s) name and home address. Documents must be original. Copies will not be accepted:
    1. property tax bill/MPAC notice of assessment (must be current – within the past year);
    2. purchase and sale agreement, including proof of purchase and closing date, provided before student attends school (must be current – within the past year);
    3. bank statement/financial letter from a Canadian Financial Institution. Document must be stamped by Financial Institution (financial details can be obscured) (must be current – within two months); and
    4. any CRA document (i.e., Notice of Assessment, Canada Child Benefit, , HST Rebate, Housing Benefits, Canada Pension Plan, Disability Credit) (must be current – within the past year);
  10. Documents not acceptable in Category A:
    1. driver’s license, car ownership or car lease;
    2. health card; or
    3. lease/rental agreements;
  11. Category B – two documents showing parent(s)/guardian(s) name and home address:
    1. up of 2 utility bill(s)/e-bill(s) (i.e., hydro, gas, water, residential phone, cable, internet, insurance policy-home, rental or auto) (must be current – within two months);
    2. any CRA document (i.e., Notice of Assessment, Canada Child Benefit, , HST rebate, Housing Benefits, Canada Pension Plan, Disability Credit) IF NOT USED FOR CATEGORY A) (must be current – within the past year); and
  12. documents not acceptable in Category B:
    1. driver’s license, car ownership or car lease;
    2. health card;
    3. credit card statement; or 
    4. cell phone bill/e-bill.
  13. for students under 18 residing with someone other than the parent(s)/guardian(s) the following documents are also required where applicable:
    1. sworn affidavit of independence from a court for all students under 16 living on their own,
    2. completed Declaration of Independence form to declare independence from parent(s)/guardian(s) for students who are 16 or 17,
    3. sworn affidavit from the parent or education designate confirming that the student resides with and is under the care of the education designate;
  14. any assessments/report cards/transcripts to assist with placement; and
  15. any Special Education documentation, such as, but not limited to, Individual Education Plan (IEP) and Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Statement of Decision..


2.2 Other Pupils


2.2.1 Students from outside York Region in Ontario

  1. students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are not residents of York Region but still reside within Ontario may apply to attend a York Region school. Circumstances may include, but are not limited to, students:
    • who apply from another school board;
    • whose parent(s)/guardian(s) may have moved during the school year;
    • who relocate to York Region to participate in a high-level sport such as, but not limited to, billeting in York Region to play for a sports team; and
    • who are requesting a specialized program in a York Region District School Board school (e.g., International Baccalaureate, arts, athletics, etc.).
  2. admission will be based on space and program availability. Space and program availability is based on existing and projected enrolment, staffing and class size. Decisions regarding admission are at the discretion of the Principal and the Superintendent of Education. 
  3. in the case of students with special education needs consultation must occur with the Community Education Centre Student Service Coordinator to determine the availability of an appropriate placement based on space and program availability.
  4. in addition to all of the documentation required for Resident Pupils of the Board, the Application for Permission to Attend a York Region Public School Form is also required for registration.
  5. for students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents under 16 and not residing with parent(s)/guardian(s), in addition to all of the documentation required for Resident Pupils of the Board, the following is also required for registration:
    • Guardianship/Custodianship order or Sworn Affidavit of Independence, as applicable.
    • Education Services Agreement. The Education Services Agreement shall appoint an Education Designate who resides within the York Region District School Board territory.
    • Application for Permission to Attend a York Region Public School Form.
  6. for students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents 16 or older and not residing with parent(s)/guardian(s), in addition to all of the documentation required for Resident Pupils of the Board, the following is also required for registration:
    • Application for Permission to Attend a York Region Public School Form.
  7. a resident student who loses the right to attend during a school year, owing to parent(s)/guardian(s) taking up residence outside York Region, but within Ontario, will be permitted to continue to attend the school in the former attendance area for the remainder of the school year with the approval of the Principal and Superintendent of Education. Transportation, if required, becomes the sole responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s), and is not provided by the Board, as outlined in Policy #680.0, Student Transportation.


2.2.2 Students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are from Outside of Ontario

  1. students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) do not reside in Ontario living with a person that is not biologically related, register with International Education Services.
    • the Application for Permission to Attend a York Region Public School Form must be completed for all students in this category.
    • other documentation is required depending on the student’s status and will be communicated to families through International Education Services.
    • fees will be charged for all students attending a York Region District School Board school from outside of Ontario who live with a person that is not biologically related.
  2. students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) do not reside in Ontario living with a person that is biologically related, register with the Reception Centre.


2.3.3 Students from Outside Canada (International)

  1. students must apply to study in York Region District School Board schools and require a study permit (program of study over 6 months) or entry visa (when applicable). International Education Services handles applications.
  2. other documentation required is determined by the student’s status will be requested from the family.
  3. fees will be charged to international students attending York Region District School Board.
  4. International Education Services, in consultation with Finance Services, determines whether students qualify for a waiver of tuition fees subject to the Education Act.


2.2.4 Students Living on a First Nation, Métis or Inuit Reserve

  1. students who reside on First Nation, Métis or Inuit Reserve register with Enrolment Reporting in Finance Services.
  2. fees will be charged for all students who live on a First Nation, Métis or Inuit Reserve.
  3. proof of First Nation, Métis, Inuit status, as well as a letter from the First Nation Band stating that fees will be paid is required for students who live on a reserve.


2.3 Students who are Currently or Have Been Expelled by Another Educational Institution

  1. a student who is currently or has been expelled from another board in Ontario or another educational institution may make an application to the Director of Education and, having met the criteria for consideration, be admitted.


2.4 Circumstances with no Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are not required for students in the following circumstances.

  1. a student who is a participant in an educational exchange program under which a student of the Board attends a school outside Canada without a fee.
  2. a student who is a dependent within the meaning of the Visiting Forces Act (Canada).
  3. a student whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are in Canada under a temporary resident permit issued under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or under a diplomatic, consular or official acceptance issued by the Government of Canada or whose parent/guardian is claiming or has been conferred refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
  4. a student who is awaiting determination of an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or an application for Canadian citizenship where the student’s parent/guardian is a Canadian citizen resident in Ontario.
  5. a student whose parent/guardian is in Canada under a work permit/awaiting the determination of an application for a work permit under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), or is a permanent resident/awaiting determination or permanent residence under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
  6. a student whose parent/guardian is a religious worker authorized to work in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
  7. a student of a parent/guardian who is authorized under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to study in Canada as a full-time student at a university, college or institution in Ontario, or in accordance with an agreement with a university outside Canada to teach at an institution in Ontario.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Associate Directors of Education shall:

  1. ensure the implementation of the Student Registrations policy in all service departments and schools.


3.2 The Associate Director and Chief Financial Officer shall:

  1. determine tuition fees and ensure they are collected, as outlined in the Education Act;
  2. ensure Information Technology Services completes tasks associated with the registration of new students; and
  3. ensure accounting services are provided for all fee-paying students.


3.3 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. ensure principals are familiar with, and adhere to, the Student Registrations policy;
  2. make decisions regarding students who are not Resident Pupils of the Board;
  3. ensure that all staff are aware of registration procedures and documentation requirements for all new students;
  4. ensure that principals collect, complete and retain the appropriate documentation related to student registration;
  5. determine the acceptability of guardianship documents in exceptional circumstances raised by principals;
  6. determine, in conjunction with principals, the availability of space and program for students applying to attend schools; and
  7. ensure accommodation is available for students who have been admitted, in consultation with principals and parent(s)/guardian(s), when space and programming is not available at the designated home school.


3.4 The Coordinating Superintendent of Student Services and Well-Being shall:

  1. liaise with the Reception Centre regarding students with special education needs who apply to attend a Board school; and
  2. ensure that Student Service Coordinators are familiar with the Student Registrations policy and procedure.


3.5 The Principal shall:

  1. ensure the implementation of the Student Registrations policy;
  2. collaborate with superintendents about students who have applied to attend the school and secure all required documentation;
  3. ensure that school-generated communications are aligned with the Student Registrations Admission policy, including information on the school website;
  4. collect, complete and retain all required documentation for students being admitted, as outlined in the Application of Procedure section;
  5. determine the acceptability of guardianship documents and in exceptional circumstances, when the eligibility of the documentation is in question, consult with the Superintendent of Education;
  6. ensure that the parent/guardian/education designate is the first point of contact for all educational purposes, including all day-to-day educational decisions;
  7. ensure that parent(s)/guardian(s) are aware that in situations where students are assigned to an education designate, the education designate becomes the sole first contact for all school and student-related issues;
  8. direct all students who are under 21 years of age and new to Ontario to the Reception Centre for registration and assessment, including returning residents (Canadian and Permanent Residents) who are away from Ontario for more than six months;
  9. refer any parent(s)/guardian(s)/students about whom there is a question or concern regarding documentation to Enrolment Reporting in Finance Services;
  10. consult with the Superintendent if there is a question or concern regarding guardianship;
  11. ensure the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) process is complete before registering students with special education needs;
  12. refer students 21 years of age or older to Continuing Education Services;
  13. refer students who have been expelled by another school board or institution to the Director’s Office;
  14. complete the Student Retirement Form for all students leaving the school and inform International Education Services of any international or fee-paying student;
  15. ensure the completion of required documents for students not living with a parent/guardian;
  16. if a York Region District School Board student moves to a new address and into another school attendance area, completion of a full registration package is not required however confirmation of updated residency information is required;
  17. when a York Region District School Board student is transitioning from Grade 8 to Grade 9, completion of a full registration package is not required;
  18. complete an annual review of parent/guardian/contact data in the Student Information System (Office Index cards are reviewed beginning to mid-September);
  19. any change in registration data requires supporting documentation be filed in the Ontario Student Record (OSR); and
  20. if a parent wishes to change their property tax designation, they must complete the Application for Direction of School Support form, copies of which should be filed in the OSR and with Finance Services.


3.6 International Education Services shall: 

  1. ensure that all required documentation in support of international students or other tuition fee paying students is collected, completed and retained;
  2. communicate with Planning and Property Development Services, Community Education Area offices and schools to facilitate the placement of elementary school students;
  3. communicate with Education and Community Services and Planning and Property Development Services to facilitate the placement of secondary school students;
  4. make decisions regarding non-resident students who apply to attend a York Region District School Board school;
  5. approve for admission international students, students under 16 whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are Canadian citizens or permanent residents and reside outside Ontario, and students claiming eligibility according to the provisions of the Education Act;
  6. refer students aged 16 and 17 to the Reception Centre for registration who have asserted and provided evidence that they have removed themselves from the care and control of their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s);
  7. collect tuition fees in advance of attendance for students who are enrolled as international or non-resident students;
  8. for international students, issue a Letter of Acceptance after:
    • the student’s academic record has been examined, and
    • the student has paid the required tuition fees including premiums for mandatory medical insurance coverage;
  9. for non-resident students under 16 (outside of Canada), issue a Letter of Acceptance after the student has paid the required tuition fees in advance;
  10. for non-resident students under 16 (outside of Ontario), issue a Letter of Acceptance after Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status has been verified;
  11. regularly reconcile revenues received with Business and Finance Services;
  12. send a list of all the students accepted by International Education Services to Business and Finance Services and Information Technology Services in October and March of every year;
  13. send a list of all the students accepted by International Education Services to Principals prior to the commencement of the semester in which the students will begin their studies;
  14. refer elementary school students to the Reception Centre for assessment and registration;
  15. coordinate the pre-registration of secondary school students with Principals; and
  16. arrange for the assessment of secondary school students prior to the commencement of the semester in which they will begin their studies. 


3.7 The Reception Centre shall:

  1. register the following students:
    • students who are Newcomers to Ontario, without Ontario reports;
    • students who left Canada for more than 6 months;
    • students who were homeschooled for more than 6 months;
    • students moving from another province with less than 3 years of schooling in that province and whose first language is not English;
    • students with the following status:
      • dependent on Parent Study Permit,
      • dependent on Parent Work Permit or Approval letters from Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada,
      • dependents of diplomatic or visiting military personnel,
      • students with Refugee Claimant and Convention Refugee Status,
      • awaiting determination of an application for Permanent Resident In Canada,
      • students waiting for Canadian Citizenship certificate,
      • Refugee Claimant applicant,
      • students in Canada unlawfully,
      • students under 16 years of age who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, whose parent(s)/guardian(s) reside outside of Ontario or Canada and live with a guardian who is biologically related,
      • dependents of a temporary resident with authorization to work at a specified religious institution, and
      • dependents of a temporary resident authorized to teach at an accredited institution in Ontario in accordance with an agreement with a university outside of Ontario;
  2. provide support to schools regarding questions that may arise;
  3. assess students for English literacy and mathematical literacy as required, using tools aligned with current Board practices;
  4. register the student to their designated home school after the required documentation has been verified and send the documentation to the school;
  5. connect students and families with settlement workers where appropriate;
  6. consult with the superintendent regarding complex issues;
  7. refer students who are 21 years of age or older to Continuing Education Services;
  8. monitor, in consultation with principal, the expiry date of all documents; and 
  9. monitor and follow up on the expiry of the parent study permit document.


3.8 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Education Designates/Student(s) who have withdrawn from parental control shall:

  1. read the Student Registrations policy and procedure and understand which category of student applies to their individual situation;
  2. submit all appropriate and accurate documentation, as outlined in the admission/status requirements in the Student Registrations procedure;
  3. contact one of the following, as appropriate, if they have any questions or concerns about the admission process:
    • resident Pupils of the Board – designated home school,
    • pupils who reside outside of York Region in Ontario – Reception Centre,
    • pupils whose parent(s)/guardian(s) reside outside Ontario – International Education Services,
    • pupils living on a First Nation, Métis or Inuit Reserve – Enrolment Reporting in Finance Services,
    • pupils from outside Canada (International) - International Education Services, and
    • students Expelled from Another Educational Institution – Director’s Office;
  4. be aware that the identified parent(s)/guardian(s)/education designate will be the school’s first point of contact for any school related matters, including, but not limited to, report cards, attendance, behaviour issues, emergencies, permissions and programming decisions; and
  5. recognize that they are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all admission documentation and that the provision of any inaccurate or inadequate documentation may result in a student being relocated to another school.


4. History

Approved 2003

Revised 2007, 2014, 2021, December 2023, May 2024, March 2025


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