Procedure #NP324.0, French Immersion

Procedure #NP324.0, French Immersion outlines the French Immersion (FI) program in the York Region District School Board (YRDSB). FI is an optional program where students receive instruction in French, starting in Grade 1. It is open to all students, regardless of their language background, and no prior French knowledge is needed from parents. Communication with families is in English, with translation services available if needed. The program follows the Ontario Curriculum and includes accommodations for students with special education needs as outlined in the Board's Special Education Plan.


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Procedure

  • Director of Education
  • Superintendents of Schools
  • Corporate Communications
  • Planning and Property Development Services
  • Curriculum and Instructional Services
  • Student Services
  • Human Resources Services
  • Principals
  • Teachers
  • Parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • Students


Relationship to Board Priorities

The French as a Second Language (FSL) Review completed in Fall 2024 recommended that the French Immersion procedure be reviewed to reflect changes made to the French Immersion program and to ensure consistency across schools.


Timelines and Next Steps

This procedure is scheduled for review at the November 13, 2024 Executive Council meeting.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert and Trustee Services.

In accordance with Board Policy 285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the online form. In your response please:

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the online form or sent to the Policy Officers via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora. 


It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.

Board Procedure #NP324.0, French Immersion


1. Procedure Statement

This procedure outlines processes and requirements for the York Region District School Board elementary and secondary French Immersion programs.


2. Application

The French Immersion (FI) program is inclusive and welcomes all learners. Programming in YRDSB is dedicated to the inclusion of all students

French Immersion (FI) is an optional program in which students receive their instruction in French for a variety of subjects from a teacher who speaks the language. The program is designed for children whose first language is not French. 

Parent(s)/guardian(s) do not need to have knowledge of the French language. Communication with parent(s)/guardian(s) is in English including, but not limited to, report cards, newsletters and parent-teacher interviews. Schools will also access translation services as required to support communication with families as required. 

In York Region public schools, the FI program begins in Grade 1, is based on the Ontario Curriculum and operates similarly to the program in English classrooms with instruction provided in French.

Appropriate accommodations/modifications are made for students with special education needs, as outlined in the Board Special Education Plan as it relates to FI.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the French Immersion procedure.


3.2 Superintendents of Schools shall: 

  1. review French Immersion attendance areas and determine program locations in accordance with Policy and Procedure #108.0, Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers; and
  2. provide leadership and support principals, as required, in implementing the French Immersion procedure.


3.3 Corporate Communications shall:

  1. select and communicate the dates of information sessions and the French Immersion registration period, in consultation with other service departments, as appropriate.


3.4 Planning and Property Development Services shall:

  1. support superintendents of schools in reviewing and determining French Immersion program locations and attendance areas.


3.5 Curriculum and Instructional Services shall:

  1. provide leadership and support the implementation of Ontario Elementary and Secondary French Immersion Curriculum.


3.6 Student Services shall:

  1. provide leadership and support to schools in implementing appropriate supports for students with special education needs.


3.7 Human Resource Services shall:

  1. ensure that selection processes for French Immersion (FI) teaching staff are aligned with legislation and all applicable Board policies and procedures;
  2. ensure that FI teachers hold additional qualifications to teach in French as a Second Language programs in English schools, and where teachers do not have additional qualifications in French, apply to the Ministry of Education for a Temporary Letter of Approval; and
  3. administer language assessments for FI teacher candidates.


3.8 Principals shall:

  1. adhere to the Board’s French Immersion (FI) Procedure ensuring all students are welcome and have access to French Immersion programs;
  2. promote the use of French as the language of instruction in all subjects taught in French;
  3. ensure that YRDSB equitable assessment practices are implemented to support student learning; 
  4. ensure academic supports are implemented to meet the needs (e.g. pathways, special education, MLL, etc.) of all FI learners; 
  5. adhere to the Board’s protocol for hiring FI teaching staff;
  6. in elementary schools;
    1. support the FI registration process,
    2. host an information night for parent(s)/guardian(s) interested in enrolling their child(ren) in the FI program and share the following,
      1. upcoming space accommodations if applicable, and
      2. the registration process,
    3. for late registrations,
      1. advise parent(s)/guardian(s) that students may be required to attend the overflow school due to staffing or accommodation considerations, and
      2. consider admission to the program on a first-come, first-serve basis,,
    4. determine for Grades 4 to 8 which of Health and Physical Education and/or the Arts subjects will be taught in French and which in English, meeting program requirements and ensuring  consistency within the school including, but not limited to,
      1. avoid changing the language of instruction for a subject language mid-year, and 
      2. avoid offering one subject in both languages,
    5. endeavour to assign FI-qualified staff teach all French subjects,
    6. avoid having one teacher teach both French and English to the same class,
    7. for Delayed Entry students, (e.g. students entering the Board from a different Board’s FI program, students entering from a different Board’s Extended French program, etc.), or students returning to FI after an extended absence, consider each request on a case-by-case basis considering the following factors:
      1. previous achievement,
      2. lived experiences including but not limited to: languages spoken at home, time spent in French-speaking areas, family members who speak French,
      3. any other relevant factors,
      4. recommending a curriculum-based assessment, as appropriate,
      5. the total number of hours of French instruction the student has received to date, and
      6. consulting with the superintendent of schools as required and communicating the final decision about student’s participation in FI to parent(s)/guardian(s).
    8. for Multilingual Language Learners (MLLs) entering Grade 1, update the English as a Second Language (ESL) information in the Student Information System (SIS), as outlined in the Entering English as a Second Language/English Literacy Development Data document,
    9. for Multilingual Language Learners  (MLLs) in Grades 4 to 8,
      1. for subjects taught in English, ensure teachers determine the student's level of English language proficiency and communicate this information to the principal,
      2. ensure that the student’s level of English language proficiency is noted in MLLNet, and 
      3. support the implementation of Board and Ministry policies and procedures for programming, and for tracking of MLLs' language proficiency.
  7. in secondary schools;
    1. ensure the most appropriate Core French placement for students who graduate from the Grade 8 FI program but do not continue with FI in secondary school,
    2. ensure that all required courses and a variety of other courses are available to students enrolled in the FI program to satisfy the requirements of the French Immersion Certificate, and
    3. ensure that students who have obtained at least 10 FI credits receive the French Immersion Certificate upon graduation.


3.9 Teachers shall:

  1. recognize that the French Immersion (FI) program operates similarly to the program offered in English, and that all curriculum expectations and relevant Board policies and procedures apply;
  2. adhere to the Board Special Education Plan as it relates to FI;
  3. endeavour to use French as the language of instruction for subjects taught in French;
  4. encourage students to use French in subjects taught in French;
  5. ensure that YRDSB equitable assessment practices are implemented to support student learning; 
  6. foster, model, and encourage the use of French outside the classroom;
  7. for Multilingual Language Learners (MLLs) in Grades 4 to 8 for subjects taught in English;
    1. determine the level of English language proficiency and communicate this information to the principal,
    2. provide the necessary program adaptations for MLLs as they acquire English proficiency, and
    3. monitor the MLLs’ level of English proficiency on an ongoing basis.


3.10 Parent(s)/guardian(s) shall:

  1. recognize register their children for French Immersion (FI) according to the following processes;
    1. for Kindergarten students in the Board, call or email the home school to declare intent to register for FI,
    2. for students new to the Board, providing completed registration package as outlined in Policy and Procedure #163.0, School Admission, and
    3. present the appropriate documentation at the FI school to register;
  2. be aware that students who register late may be overflowed to another site due to staffing or accommodation needs
  3. be aware that learning materials will be in French including, but not limited to, homework assignments, assessment criteria and learning goals; and 
  4. be aware that school attendance areas are subject to review and may change.


3.11 Students shall:

  1. endeavour to use French in subjects taught in French; and
  2. endeavour to use French outside the classroom.


4. Definitions 


4.1 Late Registration

A late registration applies only to students entering Grade 1 and refers to registrations submitted after the registration closing date and before the first day of school in September. Late registrations will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis and will be considered after registrations received during the registration period. Late registrants may be required to attend the French Immersion program at an overflow site if necessary.


4.2 Delayed Entry 

The entry point for FI in YRDSB is Grade 1. 

A delayed entry student is any student who enters the French Immersion program after the first day of school in September of Grade 1. 

Students seeking delayed entry into the FI program will be considered on a case-by-case basis. (further details can be found under the Responsibilities of Principals section).


4.3 Elementary French Immersion Program

The elementary French Immersion program is available to students beginning in Grade 1. French is the language of instruction in Grades 1, 2 and 3 for all subjects.

In Grades 4-8, the 1,500 minutes of instructional time are shared between French and English as outlined below:


4.3.1 Elementary French Immersion Program

  1. French – French – 300
  2. Science and Social Studies – French – 300
  3. Math – English – 300
  4. English – English – 300

The remaining 300 minutes will be allocated to Health, Physical Education and the Arts. Of these, a minimum of 150 minutes per week will be taught in French.

The expectation is that each student will receive the following number of hours of instruction in the French language by the end of each grade:

  1. Grade 1 – 930 hours
  2. Grade 2 – 930 hours
  3. Grade 3 – 930 hours
  4. Grade 4 – 465 hours
  5. Grade 5 – 465 hours
  6. Grade 6 – 465 hours
  7. Grade 7 – 465 hours
  8. Grade 8 – 465 hours

By the end of Grade 8, students should receive a total of 5,115 hours of instruction in the French language.


4.4 Registration Processes

Grade 1 French Immersion registration begins on the PA Day following the French Immersion Information meeting for families in January and closes in mid-February.

Students must register to attend the French Immersion school within their attendance area. The following registration requirements apply to the following groups.

  1. for Kindergarten students currently attending their home school in the YRDSB, families can email or call their home school to declare their intention to register in FI;
  2. for other students who may qualify as resident pupils, non-resident students or other students, including those who have moved into a different attendance area within York Region, the full registration process applies, as outlined in Student Registrations (Policy #163.0); and
  3. students wishing to attend a French Immersion school outside of their attendance area must apply for a transfer as outlined in Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfers (Policy and Procedure #108.0). French Immersion transfer requests into Grade One should only be considered after Compliance Day in September and must be reviewed by the superintendent of staffing for the area. 


4.5 Late Registration

In alignment with the YRDSB Accommodation Plan, all students who wish to attend FI will be able to do so. 

A late registration, applicable only to students in Grade 1, is one submitted after the registration closing date. Late registrations will be treated on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be considered after registrations received during the registration period. Late registrants may be required to attend the French Immersion program at an overflow site if necessary.


4.6 Secondary French Immersion Program

Each French immersion secondary school must offer the following courses in French:

  1. Four required language courses (FIF);
  2. Grade 9 Geography;
  3. Grade 10 History;
  4. Grade 10 Civics and Careers; and
  5. At least three other courses taught in the French language (it is recommended that students enroll in at least one of these other courses in each of their grade 11 and 12 years).

Note: third language courses are excluded from this list since the language of instruction in those courses should be the third language.

Secondary school students must accumulate at least 10 French Immersion credits to qualify for the French Immersion Certificate upon graduation. The principal may approve a change to this requirement for individual students in extenuating circumstances.


5. Contact

Curriculum and Instructional Services


6. History

Replaces Standing Memo S63, Late Entry of Students into French Immersion Programs

Replaces Standing Memo S64, Placement of Grade 8 French Immersion Graduates in Secondary Core French Courses

Approved: May 2007

Working Document: October 1, 2013

Revised: May 2014, November 2024, January 2025

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