Young Entrepreneurs in Action Project

The Young Entrepreneurship Pilot Program is a Ministry of Education Initiative supporting the development of an entrepreneurial mindset in students. 

Eligible students may receive seed funding to create prototypes and launch a business.


Who is eligible to apply for the Young Entrepreneurship Pilot Program?

  • Any grade 7 -12 YRDSB educator supporting a club of students with a business idea

  • Any grade 7 - 12 YRDSB classroom educator engaging students in entrepreneurship



Clubs are required to:

  • Secure a teacher advocate

  • Submit a business plan for the club or  individual/group business plans*

  • Have a business mentor*

  • Complete 4 hours of self-directed Entrepreneurship training 

Please connect with a classroom teacher at your school who will then speak to the Experiential Learning Consultant.

Classrooms are required to:

  • Review and submit business plans that require seed funding* 

  • Report on the number and type of student businesses* 

  • Have at least one class business mentor

  • Have students complete 4 hours of in-class self-directed training or classroom instruction on Entrepreneurship 

Please connect with a classroom teacher at your school who will then speak to the Experiential Learning Consultant.

4 Hours of Self Directed Learning

Junior Achievement offers self-directed learning modules for students. 

The recommended courses are: 

  • Be Entrepreneurial

  • Entrepreneurial Trades (Self-directed)

For more information visit Junior Achievement's website.

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