Student Mental Health and Addictions Newsletter - April 2024

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Connection Between Physical and Mental Health

Dear Families and Caregivers,

This edition focuses on the important relationship between our physical and mental health. Much in the same way we all have physical health, we also all have mental health. Our physical health and mental health are connected to one another in numerous ways.  Maintaining good physical health can have a positive impact on our mental health. For example, a consistent exercise routine may benefit your heart or muscles and it may also help you relieve stress, tension and may even help to boost your mood. As a result, you may even feel more likely to socialize and connect with your families, social circles, and faith or cultural groups. Similarly, maintaining good mental health can have a positive impact on your physical health. When your mental health is good, you may be more likely to eat well, exercise, and take care of yourself etc. 

We encourage you to think of small strategies you can incorporate into your daily routine to maintain your physical and mental health. For example, you might choose to go on a short walk, practice gentle stretching, or practice guided imagery to promote good physical and mental health.  Each person will have different strategies and that is ok. No matter what strategy you choose to employ, it should feel right for you.

World Mental Health Day

As we approach World Mental Health Day on April 17, 2024, it is important to understand the significance of caring for our mental health and well-being through a comprehensive and community-oriented approach. This approach emphasizes self-awareness and understanding the impact of stress on our mental and physical health. By fostering an environment that encourages feelings of mattering and belonging, we not only enhance the well-being of children and youth but also strengthen our own support networks, and promote mentally healthy environments.

World Mental Health Day serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of prioritizing mental health and well-being in our lives. As we mark this day, let us commit to integrating daily mental health resources into our routines, thereby fostering mentally healthy spaces. On this World Mental Health Day, we encourage our school community to explore and adopt some of the Grab and Go Resources from SMHO,  tailored for students.

We also want to bring your attention to May’s Children’s Mental Health Awareness week. The YRDSB Central mental health team has created the following toolkit calendar full of caregiver presentations to join from home, and activities to do throughout the month of may. This is a living document so there are more offerings to come, stay tuned to our May newsletter for more!


Supportive Resources

Mental Health Resources in York Region

YorkHills Here to Help Line (905-503-9561) 

  • The Here to Help Line is a free service available to children/youth (0-18 years) and their parents/caregiver/adult supporters.
  • Monday to Thursday from 2:00p.m.-7:00p.m. 

Family Services York Region (905-895-2371)

  • Virtual walk in is operated on a first come, first serve basis, and can be accessed once per month.
  • Virtual appointments can be 15 minutes to 1.5 hours long depending on needs.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

CMHA BounceBack Ontario

  • Do you feel that maybe you could benefit from some support? BounceBack® provides resources to support learning new skills, including a trained coach who can provide up to six telephone sessions.
  • BounceBack Coaching is available through the provincial Ontario Structured Psychotherapy program. Offered to youth aged 15-17 and adults 18+.

YRDSB Mental Health Resource Page 

  • Continue to check out the YRDSB website for updated information as well as the Twitter account @YRDSB 
  • Follow YRDSB Mental Health on Twitter @MH_YRDSB 


Community Mental Health Events


York Services Support Network

Kerry's Place Autism Services 


Yorkhills Centre for Children, Youth and Families

Family Services York Region

  •  Free To Be
    • Third Monday of Each Month, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    • This is a free virtual group for parents/caregivers of gender diverse children, regardless of age which meets once a month. Free to Be offers an opportunity to meet for support and education. The goal of this program is to destigmatize gender diversity

Kinark Autism Services  


  • Coffee Night, held every second Monday of the month, is a safe space where members of the LGBTQ2 community, their friends, family or allies can come together. 
  • Online Registration


Mental Health Team

This edition of the newsletter 

was written by the Student Mental Health and Addictions Strategy Implementation Team 2023-2024, inclusive of YRDSB School Social Workers Ruth Damdar, Kymani Spence, Peter Reid and Kate Phillips. 

 Patricia Marra-Stapleton, M.Sc., C. Psych. Assoc. 

Hoshana Calliste, M.S.W., R.S.W

Paula Vicente M.S.W., R.S.W.

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