Student Mental Health and Addictions Newsletter - May 2024

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Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Dear Families and Caregivers,

As we welcome another spring, we also look towards the arrival of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week in Ontario, scheduled for May 6-10, 2024. This week embodies our ongoing commitment to fostering awareness, support, and understanding around the mental health of our children and youth. 

This year, we are elevating our engagement through an array of activities including classroom initiatives from kindergarten to grade 12,  tailored to daily themes of mental wellness and  an expanded online presence aimed at broadening awareness. Our collaboration with esteemed community partners is set to introduce an engaging series of presentations, exploring the nature of children and youth mental wellness, accessible both during and beyond school hours for students and families alike.

Information on these family and caregiver events is available in our 2024 Children's Mental Health Awareness Week Toolkit  and will be communicated through your respective schools. Furthermore, updates and insights will be shared via our Twitter account, @MH_YRDSB, and detailed on the YRDSB Mental Health Webpage, ensuring you stay informed and connected.

The presentations promise a tapestry of themes pertinent to children's mental health, designed not only to educate but to empower our students and their families. By addressing mental health head-on, we aim to spotlight the wealth of resources available within our community.

In alignment with the YRDSB Director’s Action Plan, our objectives are rooted in the aspiration to create an  environment that is not only safe and inclusive but also resonate with a deep sense of belonging and mattering for everyone. Our strategy for student mental health is anchored in an inclusive approach, emphasizing the importance of identity affirmation and fostering resilience through the ABCs of mental health: Acknowledge, Bridge, and Connect.

For further details on Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week and to explore a wealth of resources, we encourage you to visit the Children’s Mental Health Awareness week.  Additionally, our YRDSB Mental Health webpage offers extensive information on CMHAW, reflecting our commitment to nurturing a supportive and informed community.

The YRDSB Central Mental Health Team is proud to be offering the Learning about Mental Health Presentation Series (LAMPS). The objective of the series is to promote and enhance mental health literacy. The second virtual session is Technology and Mental Health  on May 29 from 6 - 7 p.m. The presentation will focus on the connection between technology and mental health. Topics will include screen time and social media. These sessions are offered to any parent/guardian. Translation will be provided in 6 languages. Online Registration


Supportive Resources

Mental Health Resources in York Region

YorkHills Here to Help Line (905-503-9561) 

  • The Here to Help Line is a free service available to children/youth (0-18 years) and their parents/caregiver/adult supporters.
  • Monday to Thursday from 2:00p.m.-7:00p.m. 

Family Services York Region (905-895-2371)

  • Virtual walk in is operated on a first come, first serve basis, and can be accessed once per month.
  • Virtual appointments can be 15 minutes to 1.5 hours long depending on needs.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

CMHA BounceBack Ontario

  • Do you feel that maybe you could benefit from some support? BounceBack® provides resources to support learning new skills, including a trained coach who can provide up to six telephone sessions.
  • BounceBack Coaching is available through the provincial Ontario Structured Psychotherapy program. Offered to youth aged 15-17 and adults 18+.

YRDSB Mental Health Resource Page 

  • Continue to check out the YRDSB website for updated information as well as the Twitter account @YRDSB 
  • Follow YRDSB Mental Health on Twitter @MH_YRDSB 


Community Mental Health Events

For Students

Kerry's Place Autism Services 

Public Libraries / Regional Municipality of York Events for Children and Families

For Caregivers

Yorkhills Centre for Children, Youth and Families

Family Services York Region

  •  Free To Be
    • Third Monday of Each Month, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    • This is a free virtual group for parents/caregivers of gender diverse children, regardless of age which meets once a month. Free to Be offers an opportunity to meet for support and education. The goal of this program is to destigmatize gender diversity

Kinark Autism Services  


  • Coffee Night, held every second Monday of the month, is a safe space where members of the LGBTQ2 community, their friends, family or allies can come together. 
  • Online Registration


Mental Health Team

This edition of the newsletter was written by the Student Mental Health and Addictions Strategy Implementation Team 2023-2024, inclusive of YRDSB School Social Workers Ruth Damdar, Kymani Spence, Peter Reid and Kate Phillips. 

 Patricia Marra-Stapleton, M.Sc., C. Psych. Assoc. 

Hoshana Calliste, M.S.W., R.S.W

Paula Vicente M.S.W., R.S.W.

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