Board Policy #103.0, Awards and its related procedures outline the expectations for establishing and administering both monetary and non-monetary student awards. The Board encourages participation in the student awards process in its support of student achievement.
On this page:
- Policy #103.0, Awards
- Procedure #103.1, Non-Monetary Student Awards
- Procedure #103.2, Monetary Student Awards
- Procedure #103.3, Staff Awards
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure
- Board of Trustees
- Student Trustees
- Governance and Board Organization Committee
- Director of Education
- Superintendent of Education - Leadership Development and Engagement
- Associate Director of Education and Chief Financial Officer, Service Excellence
- Superintendents
- Principals
- Human Resource Services
- Corporate Communications
- Leadership Development and Engagement
- Trustee Services
- Quality Assurance
- Human Rights Office
- Award Selection Committees
Relationship to Board Priorities
This policy supports the Board priorities of Student Achievement and Well-Being and Stewardship of Board Resources.
Timelines and Next Steps
This policy was scheduled for first review at the June 19, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.
Providing Feedback
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert and Trustee Services.
In accordance with Board Policy 285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the online form. In your response please:
- outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
- suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
- identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the online form or sent to the Policy Officers via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.
It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #103.0, Awards
1. Policy Statement
The York Region District School Board encourages and recognizes outstanding achievement and contributions that support student success. In this context, student awards recognize and celebrate student achievement regardless of career path or learning goals, with academic performance being one form of excellence. Exemplary performance and contributions of staff and community members are recognized as they contribute to student success.
2. Application
This policy applies to all students, staff, and community members. It includes all monetary and non-monetary awards, external awards, school awards and government awards.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
- reviewing the Awards policy in accordance with the approved policy review cycle;
- understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Awards policy, where applicable;
- receive the annual York Region District School Board Secondary Graduation Awards Report for information; and
- approving trustee membership on applicable award selection committees.
3.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:
- implementing and operationalizing the Awards policy.
3.3 The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for:
- ensuring that the Board complies with legislative and financial requirements for the payment of student awards.
3.4 Superintendents are responsible for:
- ensuring that the Board complies with legislative and financial requirements for the payment of student awards.
3.5 Principals, Supervisors/Managers are responsible for:
- endorsing submitted nominations as appropriate.
3.6 All Board Staff are responsible for:
- submitting award nominations aligned with respective award criteria.
3.7 Human Resource Services is responsible for:
- providing reports with required staff information to Leadership, Development and Engagement (LD&E).
3.8 Leadership Development and Engagement is responsible for:
- managing and communicating the nomination and award processes for staff awards;
- coordinating the staff awards committee;
- coordinating the review and selection process;
- organizing the staff awards celebration; and
- managing and communicating results to staff.
3.9 Corporate Communications is responsible for:
- managing and communicating the nomination and award processes for Board recognition awards.
3.10 Human Rights Office is responsible for:
- managing and communicating the nomination and award process for the Human Rights Ambassador award;
- overseeing the review and selection process; and
- managing and communicating results.
3.11 Trustee Services is responsible for:
- scheduling York Region District School Board Secondary Graduation Awards reports at the appropriate meetings for review and consideration.
4. Definitions
4.1 Monetary Student Awards
Monetary student awards are financial awards presented to students based on established award criteria.
4.2 Nomination
A nomination is a summary of the nominee’s contributions submitted by a nominator. Nominations must align with the specific criteria of the award.
4.3 Nominator
A nominator submits a nomination.
4.4 Nominee
A nominee is nominated for an award.
4.5 Non-Monetary Awards
Non-monetary awards include, but are not limited to, plaques and books, based on established award criteria.
5. Contact
Quality Assurance
Corporate Communications
Human Rights Office
6. History
Replaces Policy #640.0, Student Awards
Approved: 1996
Working Document: February 2014, June 2024
Revised: 2002, 2008, 2012, 2014
Board Procedure #103.1, Non-Monetary Student Awards
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the process for administering non-monetary awards for students. Eligibility depends upon the criteria of each individual award. Students are not limited in the number or types of awards they may receive. There is no financial recognition for non-monetary awards.
2. Application
Board non-monetary student awards include, but are not limited to:
2.1 Applause!
Recognizes significant contributions and achievements at monthly Board meetings.
2.2 Celebrating Student Success
Annually recognizes up to 16 outstanding students, selected for demonstrating excellence in, leadership, achievements and/or community service.
2.3 Human Rights Ambassadors Award
Recognizes secondary student’s achievements and/or efforts in the promotion of human rights, equality, non-discrimination, and respect for diversity.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 Executive Council shall:
- may review Applause! recipients and in exceptional circumstances supplement the list; and
- annually recommend four trustees, one from each administrative area, for membership on the Celebrating Student Success Selection Committee.
3.2 Student Trustees shall:
- function as the host at the annual Celebrating Student Success dinner.
3.3 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Non-Monetary Student Awards procedure.
3.4 Corporate Communications shall:
- coordinate the following for Applause! by:
- preparing a report recommending students for recognition,
- submitting the report for approval,
- inviting recipient(s) and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to the Board Meeting in conjunction with the principal, and
- organizing the Applause! ceremony;
- coordinate the following for Celebrating Student Success by;
- finalizing event logistics;
- facilitating the nomination and selection process,
- ensuring trustee, superintendent, and principal representation on the selection committee,
- notifying recipients, principals, Trustees and Senior Leadership Team of event details,
- arranging for the student trustees to function as heads of ceremonies,
- coordinating media,
- producing a video profiling recipients,
- capturing photos of recipients and the event and
- acknowledging all nominees.
3.5 Trustee Services shall:
- schedule Applause! on appropriate agendas.
3.6 The Celebrating Student Success Selection Committee shall:
- attend selection meeting(s) to choose up to sixteen recipients; and
- make every effort to attend the annual celebration.
4. Contact
Quality Assurance
Corporate Communications
Human Rights Office
5. History
Replaces Procedure #640.0, Student Awards
Approved: 1997, November 2014
Working Document: February 2014, June 2024
Revised: 2008, 2012
Board Procedure #103.2, Monetary Student Awards
This procedure outlines the process for administering monetary student awards which recognize student achievements. The conditions necessary for approval of new awards are outlined. Eligibility is dependent upon the criteria of each award. Students are not limited in the number or types of awards they may receive.
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the process for administering monetary student awards which recognize student achievements. The conditions necessary for approval of new awards are outlined. Eligibility is dependent upon the criteria of each award. Students are not limited in the number or types of awards they may receive.
2. Application
Board monetary student awards include, but are not limited to:
2.1 Director’s Achievement Awards
The Director’s Achievement Award, in the amount of $150.00, is presented to Grade 12 students who have made significant accomplishments in each secondary school as determined by the principal and staff members. If the Grade 12 enrolment exceeds 149, the following table outlines the number of awards to be presented at each school.
Enrolment in Grade 12 on October 31:
- 150-299 allocates two awards;
- 300-499 allocates three awards; and
- over 499 allocates four awards.
2.2 S.L.G. Chapman Scholarship in Mathematics
Presented annually to one student by the Board in recognition of outstanding achievement in mathematics.
2.3 Student Trustee Award for Character
The Student Trustee Award for Character is awarded to one student in every secondary school who has exemplified the character values of the York Region District School Board and who is a role model to their peers.
2.4 Outstanding Student Achievement Awards
Monetary Awards are presented to Grade 8 students demonstrating high academic achievement in each subject. Awards are presented to two secondary students in each grade for overall academic achievement.
2.5 Awards Held in Trust
Awards held in trust are multi-year monetary awards provided by donors and managed by Finance Services.
2.6 Community Awards
Annual monetary awards provided by local businesses or community members.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Monetary Student Awards procedure; and
- ensure that the York Region District School Board Secondary Graduation Awards report is presented to the Board of Trustees annually.
3.2 The Chief Financial Officer shall:
- review new monetary award requests and approve, where appropriate;
- if approval is denied, return the unsigned request form to the principal with an explanation;
- manage funds; and
- ensure compliance with Canada Revenue Agency rules.
3.3 The Superintendent of Education shall:
- review and approve local Request for Award Approval forms submitted by the principal, where appropriate.
3.4 Principals shall:
- for new monetary awards not held in trust, such as, but not limited to, community awards, school awards and awards provided by various levels of government;
- preparing a report recommending students for recognition,
- support donors through the process of establishing a new award,
- consult with school staff and/or the staff awards committee to examine the conditions of the award to ensure that the following guidelines are met,
- the award complies with Board policies and procedures,
- the award recognizes some aspect of educational excellence that can be readily measured,
- the award is of sufficient worth and pledged for a sufficient period to make a formal presentation appropriate (the sum of $100.00 awarded annually should be considered a minimum),
- the award is designed to acknowledge the donor but not advertise or promote a product, business, or political bias,
- the award does not duplicate or conflict with an existing award,
- the donors of the award have or have had some significant connection with the school; and
- supporting documentation for the award criteria is retained.
- for new monetary awards held in trust;
- complete and forward the Request for Award Approval to the appropriate superintendent for consideration and, if the request is denied, consult with the donor to revise the award criteria,
- forward the original approved Request for Award Approval to Quality Assurance, and
- submit the donor’s cheque, payable to York Region District School Board, to Quality Assurance to be held in trust;
- for new monetary awards held in trust;
- review the statement of funds available provided by Quality Assurance, and
- submit the Student Awards Payment Form to Quality Assurance for processing.
3.5 The Award Donor shall:
- collaborate with the principal to establish a new award.
3.6 Quality Assurance shall:
- annually inform each school of funds available for awards held in trust;
- manage and coordinate distribution of awards held in trust;
- provide cheques for awards held in trust to schools before graduation, when possible;
- coordinate distribution of community awards, if requested;
- issue charitable donation receipts in accordance with Board Procedure #129.0, Donations and Canada Revenue Agency rules;
- issue T4A slips to students in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency rules; and
- provide support to principals, superintendents, and donors.
4. Contact
Quality Assurance
Corporate Communications
5. History
Approved: November 2014
Working Document: February 2014, June 2024
Board Procedure #103.3, Staff Awards
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the process for administering staff awards. Eligibility depends upon the criteria of each individual award. Staff members are not limited in the number of types of awards they may receive. There is no financial recognition for staff awards.
2. Application
Board staff awards include, but are not limited to:
2.1 Applause!
Recognizes significant contributions and achievements at monthly Board meetings.
2.2 James “Jim” Albery Award
This award was created on the recommendation of the Special Education Advisory Committee in honour of the late James Albery, teacher of the Program for Individual Development and Enrichment (PrIDE) program for gifted students. The award recognizes one school each year that has demonstrated innovative practices promoting excellence in special education. No more than one award will be presented each year.
2.3 Mara Amolins Award
Recognizes a staff member demonstrating outstanding achievement and contributions in supporting English as a Second Language or English Language Learners and/or programs.
2.4 North Star
Recognizes teachers nominated by other teachers for outstanding achievement and contributions to establish a positive school climate.
2.5 Outstanding Service Award
Recognizes up to eight staff members who demonstrate extraordinary service having a positive impact and furthering the Board’s mission, vision, and values.
2.6 The Excellence Award
Recognizes staff members who have made a significant contribution to the school or workplace, who build positive relationships, and demonstrate commitment, professionalism, and accountability for high standards of practice in all Board operations.
2.7 Plant Services Exceptional Achievement Award
Recognizes up to four Plant Services staff members who have a positive impact and further the Board’s mission, vision, and values.
2.8 Russ Seltzer “Silver Fox” Award
Recognizes one individual who has worked with York Region elementary or secondary public students for at least five years and in doing so consistently demonstrated a quality of service and impact on education within the workplace (office, classroom, school) while exemplifying characteristics of acceptance of others, sensitivity and empathy, and persistence and achievement.
2.9 Teacher of the Year
Recognizes one elementary and one secondary teacher who exemplify the Board’s mission, vision and values and demonstrate practices that enhance classroom and school success.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Staff Awards procedure;
- review and approve Applause! and North Star recipient recommendations; and
- introduce Applause! and North Star Award recipients for recognition at Board meetings.
3.2 The Associate Director of Education, School and Staff Resources shall:
- for awards coordinated by Leadership Development and Engagement;
- invite nominations from the system, in January,
- establish a nomination deadline, within the last week of March,
- collect and distribute nominations, and
- ensure candidate suitability and good standing.
3.3 Selection Committees shall:
- establish nomination criteria and selection guidelines before nominations are reviewed;
- review nominations and select recipients; and
- provide recommended recipient names to appropriate staff members in consultation with Human Resources.
3.4 Human Resource Services shall:
- coordinate the annual awards event; and
- contact award recipients to inform them of their success following approval.
3.5 Corporate Communications shall:
- for Applause! and North Star awards;
- with the approval of the Director of Education and/or Board Chair, prepare recommendations for recognition,
- submit the Applause! report to Board and Trustee Services for scheduling on the appropriate Board and Committee Meeting agendas,
- through the appropriate principal or supervisor, invite recipients to the Board meeting, and
- supply certificates and materials for the introductions of recipients to the Director of Education for the Board Meetings;
- for North Star awards;
- chair the North Star Selection Committee,
- facilitate the selection and presentation processes of one teacher for recognition;
- consult with Human Resource Services to ensure the proposed recipient is in good standing;
- notify the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, and trustees of the recipient prior to the presentation.
3.6 Board and Trustee Services shall:
- schedule recommended Applause! recipients on the appropriate Board and Committee Meeting agendas.
4. Contact
Quality Assurance
Corporate Communications
Leadership Development and Engagement
5. History
Replaces: the Outstanding Service Award, Board Procedure NP571.0, January 2002 (Revised); James “Jim” Albery Award, Board Procedure NP550.0., January 2002 (Revised); and the Russ Seltzer “Silver Fox” Award, Formerly Board Procedure NP573.0, January 2002 (Revised)
Approved 2007, November 2014
Working Document February 2014, June 2024
Revised 2009, 2010, 2012