Students Develop Leadership Skills Through Black Internship Program with York University

The four-week Black Internship Program gave high school students an opportunity to learn more about different career paths and opportunities while gaining practical skills. 

In partnership with York University, the Black Internship Program is designed to develop leadership skills for Black students and increase education engagement through skills development, experiential learning, and credit accumulation. Part of the Come Up summer program, participating students earned one co-op credit, and receive a Leadership certification from York University.

"It's an opportunity for Black students to explore themselves, future selves and think about the decisions that will get them to where they want to be," said Anika Forde, Research Project Manager, Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Disapora, York University. "The program was really focused on students co-creating their educational experience, as well as being exposed to different types of career paths, programs and areas of interest, and really letting them take it from there and supporting their journeys over the four weeks and hopefully sparking an interest for them to pursue whatever it is that they desire and what's in their hearts because they can acheive anything."

"I enjoyed every moment of it," said Mackenzie, a Grade 11 student from Richmond Green S.S. "From meeting new people in my community, meeting the student leads, the teachers, the graduation coaches, everything was just amazing."

"I think that this program is an excellent opportunity for the kids to learn about Black Excellence, be inspired by students who are taking part in university programs, who are there to mentor these high school students and just the entire process that's showing them how to prepare for the workforce," said Ava-gaye, a parent. 

News Release