Mid-Winter Break

Dear Families, As winter continues and we head into the Mid-Winter Break, we want to wish you all a safe and restful week and to take this opportunity to share some updates. 

Message from the Director

As we approach the end of the semester, I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our students, staff, families and community partners. For secondary school students preparing for final exams, we recognize this can be a stressful time. I encourage you to take care of your well-being and to remember that school staff are there to help.  We have put together some exam tips that may help you in preparing. We are here to support your success and well-being.   

Year End Message from Chair and Director

Dear families, As we head towards the winter break, we want to thank you for your continued partnership and support as we work together to provide your children with a positive and successful school experience. It matters to us that every child has access to the learning, environment and support they need to be successful in school. That drives our work every day. Since the start of the school year, we have:

Message from the Director

Dear families, I hope the first few months of the school year have gone well for you and your children. 

Message from the Director

October is Islamic Heritage Month. While we work year-round to create environments that celebrate and affirm the many diverse identities represented in our schools, this month gives us an opportunity to intentionally deepen our learning and understanding and demonstrate our ongoing commitment to supporting Islamic Heritage Month events throughout the region. Some of our schools will once again be attending an Islamic Heritage Month Exhibition next week for a half-day of learning about Islamic contributions to Canadian heritage and global society. 

October Staff and Family Supports

It is important to acknowledge that as we approach October 7, this month in particular will be a challenging one for many in our community. There are students, staff and families in York Region who are experiencing the effects and local realities of the conflict in the Middle East in very real and difficult ways, particularly those who identify as Israeli, Jewish, Muslim and Palestinian.  

Multi-Year Strategic Plan

Dear families, We are pleased to inform you that at the October 1, 2024, Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan: Building Unity, Achieving Excellence. Established by the Board of Trustees, this plan sets our direction and priorities as a school board and guides our work and decision making. It aligns with Ministry of Education priorities and is student-centred. 

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

I hope the school year is off to a great start for everyone. In visiting schools this month, I am already seeing great examples of student learning, engagement and achievement, and offer sincere thanks to staff, students and families for all their great work.  

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year

Welcome to the start of the 2024-2025 school year. We are so pleased to welcome all new and returning families. This is an important time of year in the lives of students and families. We want to assure you that our dedicated and professional staff are well prepared to welcome your children to school and support them in these transitions.There are a few things families can expect this school year.