Multi-Year Strategic Plan

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Dear families, 

The YRDSB board of trustees will be gathering feedback from all members of the YRDSB community from March 7 – April 5 to help inform the development of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan.  

The Multi-Year Strategic Plan sets strategic priorities and guides the direction of our system for a four year period. It’s a reflection of emergent priorities that are identified by all the members of our educational community.  

To ensure that the MYSP is an accurate reflection of our community's needs, the board of trustees will be collecting feedback through a survey to ensure all voices are heard and honoured. The feedback we receive will be crucial to the development of our new MYSP and will ensure that the priorities we set forth will support student success. 

We are excited to have this opportunity to engage with our communities and to hear about what is most important to them. Your experiences as students, family, and community members bring with them a plethora of valuable information and we want to hear from you. 

On March 7, parents and guardians of YRDSB students will receive an email with a link to a survey through which you can provide your feedback. Students will also receive an email to their GAPPS accounts on the same day with a link to the survey. We cannot stress enough how important your feedback is and we ask that you take 5 minutes to provide it to us.  

We thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to hearing from you. 


Ron Lynn, Board Chair

Bill Cober, Director of Education