Accessibility Reports and Multi-Year Plans
The Annual Accessibility Report and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for YRDSB are available online to the public. This is required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). To request these documents in an alternate format, please email us at or call 905-884-2046 extension 255.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2025
The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020-2025 (PDF) describes the short- and long-terms goals and objectives to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility for everyone who learns, works and participates in the Board community.
In consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan has been renewed, updated and prepared with a new five-year timeframe of September 2020 to August 2025. The renewed timeframe re-establishes the Board’s commitment to accessibility planning based on four new strategic accessibility goals:
Provide customer* service excellence by promoting accessibility best practices that give meaningful access to all students and staff, including those with disabilities.
*“Customer” is defined under Board Policy #407.0, Accessibility as “any member of the Board community, including but not limited to: trustees, employees, students, parents/guardians, permit holders, vendors, service providers, contractors, volunteers and visitors and all other persons who are invited to or who work on Board property.”
Support accessibility learning and training opportunities that build awareness, knowledge and attitudes to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.
Engage the AODA Advisory Committee that operates through shared responsibilities and inter-departmental collaboration, while also engaging people with disabilities.
Complete and publish an Annual Accessibility Report to demonstrate accountability for the Board’s progress in implementing the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
Annual Accessibility Report 2023-2024
The Annual Accessibility Report describes the measures that YRDSB has taken from September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility for everyone who learns, works and participates in the Board community. The Annual Accessibility Report is published separately from the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020-2025.
The Annual Accessibility Report is presented each fall to the Board of Trustees through the Learning, Equity and Well-Being Standing Committee.
Legislated Purpose
York Region District School Board (YRDSB or the Board) has prepared this Annual Accessibility Report in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation 191/11 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005.
The Board is defined as a “designated public sector organization” under the AODA. All designated public organizations are required to:
- “prepare an annual status report on the progress of measures taken to implement the [multi-year accessibility plan], including steps taken to comply with this Regulation; and
- post the status report on their website, if any, and provide the report in an accessible format upon request. (O. Reg. 191/11, s. 4).
The Annual Accessibility Report describes the measures that YRDSB has taken from September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility for everyone who learns, works and participates in the Board community. The annual status report continues to be prepared as a separate document from the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2025.
The Annual Accessibility Report is presented to Executive Council and subsequently to the Learning, Equity and Well-Being Standing Committee each fall. Following approval, the Annual Accessibility Report is posted on the Board’s Accessibility Reports and Plans webpage.
Commitment to Accessibility
YRDSB is committed to providing inclusive and accessible learning and working environments that support the four core principles of the AODA: integration, equality of opportunity, dignity and independence. These principles are aligned with the principles of the Board of Trustee’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the Director’s Action Plan.
We are committed to continual improvement in access to Board programs, services, and facilities, and to fostering a culture of accessibility within all areas of the Board. We are guided in our work by YRDSB Accessibility Policy #407, the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, and the Accessibility Advisory Committee.
As part of National AccessAbility Week (May 27-June 1), the Human Rights Office partnered with the Rick Hansen Foundation (RHF) to bring accessibility assemblies to YRDSB schools. More than 2,000 students from across eight elementary and secondary schools participated. During these assemblies, RHF volunteer guest speakers Bernard (Ben) Akuoko and Oda Lanizi shared personal stories and provided valuable insights on how to create more inclusive environments.
This initiative underscores the commitment to creating inclusivity and awareness within our schools and ensures that all students continue to have the opportunity to thrive in accessible and supportive learning environments.
The YRDSB Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP) 2020-2025 outlines measures the Board is taking to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility, and meet the requirements of the AODA in the areas of
- policy, planning and reporting;
- training;
- procurement;
- customer service;
- information and communications;
- employment;
- transportation; and
- the built environment.
The five-year Plan outlines more than 120 commitments; to date, 96% of these commitments have been completed or are in progress.
The following sections highlight achievements and measures taken during the fourth year of implementation of the 2020-2025 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
1.1 Annual Accessibility Plans and Reports
Accessibility Advisory Committee Meetings
MYAP Goal Alignment: Engage the Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Two Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings were held during the 2023-2024 school year. Approved meeting minutes are available to the public on the Accessibility Advisory Committee web page.
Annual Accessibility Report
MYAP Goal Alignment: Publish an Annual Accessibility Report
- This report is the completed annual status report describing the measures the YRDSB has taken during the 2023-2024 school year to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.
- The finalized report will be posted online to the public on the Board’s Accessibility Reports and Plans web page following review and approval by Executive Council and the Learning, Equity and Well-Being Standing Committee.
1.2 Accessibility Learning and Training
There was and continues to be a twofold approach to accessibility learning and training:
- Accessibility compliance training - mandatory and standardized accessibility training modules as set out under AODA legislation that build accessibility (and human rights) awareness; and
- Accessibility learning beyond compliance - optional but recommended professional learning sessions and pathways intended to foster accessibility capacity- and knowledge-building.
Accessibility Compliance Training
MYAP Goal Alignment: Understand Accessibility as a Process
All new employees are required to complete the Accessibility and Human Rights 101 and Accessibility Standards for Customer Service compliance training modules. Educators are also required to complete Accessibility Awareness for Educators.
Total completions among active employees for each online module are presented below as of August 31, 2024:
- Accessibility and Human Rights 101: 19,453
- Accessibility Standards for Customer Service: 18,466
- Accessibility Awareness for Educators: 14,258
Accessibility Learning (Beyond Compliance)
MYAP Goal Alignment: Understand Accessibility as a Process
The focus of accessibility training at YRDSB has continued to shift towards professional learning beyond compliance through more customized and individualized sessions facilitated by the Human Rights Office team.
Accessibility professional learning delivered during the 2023-2024 school year included symposium workshops and department-specific learning sessions, as presented in the following table.
Topic or Session Title | Participants |
Equity Symposium 2023 panel discussion on disability, ableism and inclusion (Human Rights Office) | YRDSB staff |
Disability management training for new leaders (Human Resource Services - 3 sessions) | New managers and school administrators |
Disability management training for new CUPE and ETFO executives (Human Resource Services) | New union executives |
Mental health training for new leaders - new online module | YRDSB leaders |
Creating accessible documents learning session (Information Technology Services - 2 sessions) | YRDSB staff |
This section outlines the programs and services offered during the 2023-2024 school year that supported more accessible learning or working environments for students, employees and other “customers” with and without disabilities, exceptionalities and/or special education needs.
2.1 Assistive Devices
Special Equipment Amount (SEA)
Accommodations for students with identified special education needs often include access to assistive technology through Special Equipment Amount (SEA) claims.
The Ministry of Education approved over 1,500 SEA claims for the purchase of assistive technology for students with special needs during the 2023-2024 school year. Another 1,200 devices were updated/refreshed.
Students and staff also received training on high incidence software (6,800 sessions).
Hearing Assistive Technology
There are many different types of Hearing Assistive Technologies (HATs). The majority of HATs used within YRDSB provide a more direct speech or audio signal to users. Digital transmitters and receivers minimize the effects that background noise and distance can have on speech or audio signals.
- Digital transmitters: Transmitters are microphones that capture speech directly from the speaker's voice and transmit the speech signal to a receiver. Transmitters may also be used to transmit a direct audio input signal from an audio or video clip.
- Digital receivers: The signal from digital transmitters can be picked up by a variety of different receivers. Many receivers are connected to or integrated with personal amplification devices like hearing aids, cochlear implants, or bone conduction hearing aids. These personal amplification devices augment the received audio signal for the user. In addition, some students may use ear-level receivers that are not integrated with amplification devices. In some classrooms, Soundfield speakers are used to distribute the speech signal from the speaker throughout the room to improve the listening environment for all.
Vision Assistive Technology
Assistive technology for students with visual impairments (blind, low vision, and Deafblind) include:
- MacBooks: Some students use MacBook's accessibility features for low vision
- PC Windows laptops: Braille users continue to use PC Windows laptops
- Other Vision Assistive Technology include magnifiers, braille embossers, refreshable braille displays, large print keyboards, screen reader software, robotics, and more.
2.2 Student Services and Supports
Blind and Low Vision (BLV) Services
- BLV team supports students who are Blind/Low Vision
- BLV services has 11 teachers of students with visual impairments
- Three teachers provide orientation and mobility supports within the school and larger community
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Services
- DHH programs: To support students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the DHH program is offered at one secondary and one elementary schools.
- ASL Interpreters: To help students access curriculum comparable to their hearing peers, the DHH program offers ASL Interpreters and Assistants for Sign Language Support.
- Provincial school partnership: A consultant from EC Drury School for the Deaf provides weekly virtual sessions in development of ASL skills with profoundly deaf learners.
3.1 Accessible Web Content
YRDSB Website
The Board launched a new website in 2021 that conforms to WCAG 2.1 Level AA and continues to monitor its web and social media content to ensure AODA compliance. Content contributors within the Board receive support and training in order to publish more accessible web content/copy.
The Board is also working to ensure that all 213 individual YRDSB school websites conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA standards. The deadline to complete this legislated requirement has been extended with approval form the Ministry. The goal is to have all school websites conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA before the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Accessibility Resource Hub
The YRDSB Accessibility Resource Hub is an open-access and centralized web space that continues to be updated with best practice resources and guidelines to educate and support the system in making learning and working environments more accessible.
3.2 Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
Accessible Board Videos
All Board-approved pre-recorded videos produced by Corporate Communications and/or Learning Design and Development continue to include open captions, in line with WCAG 2.1 Level AA requirements.
Accessible Document Remediation
The Human Rights Office and other accessibility champions within YRDSB continued to remediate documents throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
4.1 Scheduled Accessibility Projects
MYAP Goal Alignment: Provide Accessible Customer Service
Plant Services completes accessibility projects to update, modify and retrofit existing buildings as part of its multi-year plan. A list of accessibility projects started and/or completed at YRDSB schools during the 2023-2024 school year is presented in the following table.
Facility Name | Description / Scope of Work | Status | Cost |
Bayview Glen Public School | Design barrier free all access washroom (renovations to occur in 2024-2025) | In progress | $21,000 |
Doncrest Public School | Install barrier free auto door operator to Library entrance door and door in corridor C | Completed | $10,418 |
Forest Run Public School | Install barrier free door operator on main office door | Completed | $8,923 |
Greensborough Public School | Install barrier free door operator on BF W/R 109 and stairwell B exterior and corridor doors | Completed | $15,229 |
Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School | Install barrier free door operator on Guidance door | Completed | $8,984 |
James Robinson Public School | Replace fire alarm system to include visual indication | In progress | $125,000 |
Langstaff Secondary School | Design barrier free all access washroom (renovation to occur in 2024-2025) | In progress | $15,000 |
Louis-Honore Frechette Public School | Install barrier free door operator on main office door | Completed | $9,223 |
MacLeods Landing Public School | Install braille signage throughout school | In progress | $9,909 |
Markham District High School | Install barrier free door operators on gym office door and female washroom door | Completed | $8,004 |
Meadowbrook Public School | Modernize elevator controls to include audible floor annunciation | Completed | $129,780 |
Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School | Install braille signage throughout school | In progress | $26,265 |
Ross Doan Public School | Replace fire alarm system to include visual strobes | In progress | $149,330 |
Stephen Lewis Secondary School | Install barrier free operator to Library door | Completed | $8,816 |
Stephen Lewis Secondary School | Modernize elevator controls to include audible floor annunciation | Completed | $139,980 |
Sutton District High School | Replace front concrete sidewalk to eliminate stairs for barrier free access; provide barrier free pathway to field track | Completed | $183,080 |
Sutton Public School | Install barrier free ramp to north portable classroom | Completed | $7,322 |
Unionville High School | Install barrier free door opener on staff room, all access washroom #149, corridor doors to tech wing, Tech office #114, and Tech classroom #115 | In progress | $21,083 |
Unionville Public School | Replace fire alarm system to include visual indication | In progress | $155,880 |
Westminster Public School | Install barrier free operators on two hallway doors and one library door | Completed | $13,872 |
Westmount Collegiate Institute | Install braille signage throughout the school | In progress | $16,969 |
*Costs for projects in progress may be estimates/forecast amounts.
Total cost of accessibility projects in 2023-2024 school year: $1,084,022
Plant Services also worked to include accessibility features in asphalt projects, such as embedding tactile plates in the sidewalk at crosswalks (similar to those used in municipal sidewalks) and ramping to entrance doors where possible.
All Access Washroom Project
MYAP Goal Alignment: Provide Accessible Customer Service
During the 2023-2024 school year, Plant Services continued with implementation of the Board's All Access Washroom project. All access washrooms have now been installed across all Category 1 to 3 schools, which have one all access (or all gender) washroom per floor. Plant Services is now working on Category 4 schools that require significant renovations in order create an all access washroom.
Braille Signage Project
MYAP Goal Alignment: Provide Accessible Customer Service
Blind / Low Vision (BLV) Services continued to identify and update a priority list of YRDSB schools with students who require Braille signage to access their school environment in a meaningful way.
5.1 Accessible Employment
Disability Management
MYAP Goal Alignment: Provide Accessible Customer Service
The Disability Management (DM) team within Human Resource Services supported 3,822 employees through DM during the 2023-2024 school year.
- DM files carried over from the 2022-2023 school year: 2,055
- New DM files opened in 2023-2024: 1,767
- DM files closed in 2023-2024: 1,678
Among other supports, Disability Management provides individualized workplace accommodations, assistive devices, job coaching, access to WSIB-sponsored retraining programs, and alternate work.
Assistive Devices
Assistive devices provided by Human Resource Services for workplace accommodations include the following:
- Accessible power door switchers
- Air cleaners and humidifiers for scent sensitivities and allergies
- American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters
- Apple pens
- Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) and/or computerized notetaker services
- Cooling vests
- Custom noise-cancelling ear plugs
- Document cameras
- Hearing assessments resulting in hearing systems (FM transmitters, receivers, microphones, and sound barrier devices)
- IPads for accessibility
- Mobility devices (scooters, wheelchairs, wheeled carts, stools),
- Modified work stations (special chairs, desks, keyboards, monitors and lighting),
- Non-custom ear plugs (Loop)
- Specialized phones and headsets,
- Speech to text software,
- Voice amplification
- Worksite ergonomic assessments (coordination)
- Zoomtext Plus technology
Candidate Support
MYAP Goal Alignment: Provide Accessible Customer Service
- Human Resource Services (HRS) continues to review job postings to ensure only bona fide occupational requirements and educational credentials are included to reduce barriers to entry, consistent with Recommendations 14 and 15 of the Employment Equity Plan.
- HRS has fully transitioned to Zoom and MS Teams as the primary video conferencing platform for virtual interviews. The Recruitment and Promotion team has reviewed the Accessible Video Conferencing Guidelines, and included this resource in the Administrator Toolkit that is sent out each year for use with school-based interviews.
- HRS uses a standard accommodation statement, which is included in all postings and in communications to candidates at all stages of the recruitment process.
- HRS ensures that candidates are aware that they can request accommodation at each stage of the recruitment process. Once hired, new employees can also request support during pre-employment training. HRS also strives to ensure that external job fairs are accessible to potential candidates with disabilities.
- HRS continues to offer accommodations to candidates with exceptionalities as part of the selection process to allow for dignity, individualization, and inclusion (e.g. providing additional time, assistance or quiet space, scribing, dictionary, providing interview questions ahead of time, etc.). All candidates also have the interview questions in front of them during interviews as a standard practice.
- Customer Service Standard training is a required training for all new employees.
- Candidates and all employees have access to Barrier Buster , the Board’s online reporting tool for reporting barriers to accessibility, and can also report concerns related to accessibility directly to the Manager of Recruitment and Retention.
YRDSB also files an accessibility compliance report with the Government of Ontario every two years, as required by AODA.
Annual Accessibility Reports and/or Multi-Year Plans from past reporting periods can be found online under the Archived Accessibility Reports and Multi-Year Plans webpage.