Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Accessibility Advisory Committee for YRDSB has been established under the direction of the Human Rights Office to meet and exceed AODA standards and requirements. Accessibility at YRDSB is guided through the shared responsibilities and collaborative commitments of the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee meets four times each school year with the purpose of carrying out the Board's commitment to providing accessible learning and working environments.


Roles and Responsibilities

  • To champion accessibility at YRDSB in effort to strengthen a culture of inclusion and belonging for people with and without disabilities;
  • To provide ethical leadership and guidance on all matters related to the implementation of Accessibility Policy #407 and its related procedures as aligned with the AODA and its related accessibility standards;
  • To identify, remove and prevent barriers in the learning and working environments of the Board;
  • To promote opportunities for collaboration and professional development among members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee as it relates to accessibility;
  • To provide accessibility recommendations and training to the Board’s Senior Leadership Team and the various Board constituencies with the goal of promoting systemic change; and
  • To communicate the accessibility plans and achievements of the Board through the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan and Annual Accessibility Reports.


Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Please email if you require Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes in an alternative format.

2024-2025 School Year

Thursday, Sep 26, 2024

20 members

1.0 Welcome and Land Acknowledgement

Co-chair Chloe Lester opened the meeting and invited all committee members to share a few words of introduction, to start off the new school year and help welcome new members. 

Co-chair Lester then invited all members to view a new ASL version of the Board’s Land Acknowledgement (video), which was created in 2023 to help better serve deaf and hard-of-hearing students and other Board community members. 

2.0 Brief Overview of AAC and Standing Items for Meetings

Co-Chair Lester provided a brief overview of the role of the AAC in helping to enhance accessibility at the YRDSB and ensure compliance with all legislative requirements. 

Standing items for upcoming AAC meetings will include: subcommittee updates, Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP) progress, and updates on any Barrier Buster complaints received.

Subcommittee updates: Subcommittees will be asked to provide updates on any projects they may be working on. Subcommittee meetings will be scheduled in between main committee meetings.

MYAP progress: Work on the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan will continue; regular updates will help to ensure progress on all commitments. The current fiscal year is the final year of the 2020-2025 MYAP.  

Barrier Buster updates: The co-chairs will share updates on any Barrier Buster complaints received by the HRO, as a regular standing item at AAC meetings. 

3.0 Approval of Previous Minutes

Motion carried to approve May 30, 2024 meeting minutes. Moved by Rhonda S.; seconded by Korey M. and Peter C. 

4.0 Approval of updated Terms of Reference

Updates to the Terms of Reference for the 2024-2025 school year included clerical updates only (e.g. updated names of departments, general staff term for HRO, etc.). No substantive changes. Motion to approve: Lynn Z.; seconded by Teresa E. 

5.0 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan update 

Co-Chair Lester provided a high-level update of the Board’s 2020-2025 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP). The Board is required under the AODA to develop a 5-year plan to move accessibility forward and to address any changes to legislation that may occur. Fiscal 2024-2025 is the last year of the current 2020-2025 MYAP (ends Aug 2025). It is available for review on the Board’s website. 

Co-Chair Lester invited committee members to review the MYAP progress summary shared with committee members in the meeting materials. The summary document tracks progress on the commitments included in the 5-year plan. Good progress to date on these commitments. Some items that are currently shown as “not completed” in the summary report may have since been completed but have not been updated yet. 

6.0 MYAP - Board Surveys

MYAP commitment: include questions related to disability and accessibility in Board surveys. 

Some disability/accessibility related questions have been included in previous Board surveys. Co-Chair Lester shared survey results provided by the Research department.

Committee member Lynn Z. noted the importance of ensuring consistency across surveys in terms of how a question is asked; difficult to compare results if question not asked the same way in subsequent surveys. Agreement from other committee members.

Point raised to have committee provide feedback for future surveys.

Committee member Steve H. noted that staff worked with Research on Every Student Counts Survey; idea is to have questions as consistent as possible going forward.

Brief discussion around capturing various data points related to disability, self-identification, IEPs, etc. 

7.0 Annual Accessibility Report (draft)

Co-Chair Lester invited committee members to review the draft Annual Accessibility Report shared with members in the meeting materials. The draft report is similar to previous years’ format. Future reports may include information about Barrier Buster complaints received by HRO, in terms of general themes.  

Committee member Korey M. provided suggestions for additional information that could be included in list of school renovation projects (e.g. maintenance work/costs).

8.0 Barrier Buster Reporting Tool - Promotion

Co-Chair Lester shared ideas for promoting the Barrier Buster reporting tool among students, parents/guardians and staff; showed draft marketing plan and poster with QR code. Emphasis is on trying to make it as user-friendly as possible. 

Committee members shared additional ideas for promotion/dissemination including:

  • post in the tools section on BWW (forms section) for staff
  • include on front page of Board website, as in previous years
  • share with schools (e.g. to include in newsletters) and school councils
  • link with Disability Management (DM) to ensure staff who are returning to work know this tool exists; work with HRS to promote and distribute
  • share with any student clubs that focus on disability

9.0 Amendments to Procedure 407.2 Accessibility: Customer Service Standards, Service Animals

Co-chair Nadia Zamzul shared draft updates to Sections 3.2.2, 3.3.3. and 4.8 regarding service animals. These sections speak to service animals used by Board “customers” such as parent/guardians or other visitors on Board property. This is separate from the service animal procedure for students in school. 

Feedback received from committee members regarding the need to delineate further, to ensure all Board community members are clear on which policy applies to whom/which situation; emphasized need for clarity and transparency.

Additional discussion regarding the need to differentiate between process for parent/guardians or visitors, versus process for students and staff; additional requirements for students and staff; general definition of “customers” broad and may cause confusion

Co-chair Lester noted policies developed by other school boards for parents/guardians who use service animals, to ensure they are not excluded from school property (e.g. during a school event).

Committee members agreed with intent of policy changes/update, but reiterated need to more clearly delineate between this policy and service animal policies for students and staff.

10. Planning for upcoming AAC meetings - Brainstorming

Co-Chair Lester opened the floor for idea sharing. Next AAC meeting coincides with Human Rights Week (December). Suggestions welcome for all upcoming meetings.

Suggestions/ideas can be sent to co-chairs at any point. 

11. Upcoming Meeting Date and Adjournment

Next meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2024. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 am. 

Minutes to be posted following approval at February 2025 Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting


Minutes to be posted 

Minutes to be posted 

2023-2024 School Year

Thursday, February 29, 2024, 10 am - 11 am via MS Teams

18 members in attendance

1. Welcome 

Introduction of new Co-chairs, statement regarding Human Rights Office changes, and the vision for our Committee going forward.

2. Land Acknowledgement

Non-typical land acknowledgment because we would normally be meeting on Board property. However, today we are all meeting from our homes. Rather than just acknowledge the lands and honour the treaties within York Region, today is an opportunity to reflect on our relationships to neighbouring Indigenous communities on which our homes reside – some within York Region and some beyond.

3. Overview of Terms of Reference and Committee goals

A quick review of our updated Terms of Reference, and recap of who we are as a committee for our new members.

Committee member Lynn Z. asked to include definition of Ableism

Co-chair Lester moved to approve adopting Ableism from Accessibility Policy 407 and including it in the mission statement of Terms of Reference.

Asked Committee for any feedback on updated Terms of Reference. With no opposition, this was approved.

4. Approval of previous meeting minutes

Motion passed to approve September 29, 2022 minutes (all minutes are in draft format until approved by committee members)

For new members, there was a discussion of the process of how draft Minutes are approved collectively at the following meeting. Before hey are publicly published, we need 2 motions to approve before they are considered finalized.

Motion to approve by Rhonda Starr; second by Janelle Hart

5. Open floor discussion of vision for Committee

Co-chair Janelle Hart discussed her vision for creating meaningful change within the Board within the area of Accessibility due to her unique perspective as a lawyer within the human rights space, and how this has affected her lens.

Discussion around the importance of collaboration and shared commitment to accessibility within the Board. Encourage open communication and active participation from all members.

Suggestions from the Committee:

  • Focus on student-centered and student learning; valuing differences
  • We often forget invisible disability; need dedicated resources. 
  • We need to understand what accessible and inclusive environments mean.
  • Understanding of attitudes and biases.
  • It is beyond the design of the school. 
  • Want to see the guiding principles from Learning for ALL principles and K-12 standards, so that when we are making recommendations, we are tying it back to our work.
  • Accessibility should be a first thought not afterthought; inclusion needs to be part of the initial planning.
  • Importance of physical constructs and understanding student needs in classrooms
  • Question of outreach to parents. 
  • We have SEAC and PEAC
  • Lived experiences are valuable – suggestion to invite students to share their experiences
  • It is also about knowledge mobilization.

6. Working Groups and Subcommittee updates

Quick introduction to our various working groups, subcommittees and their responsibilities for our new members.

Opened the floor to all working groups and subcommittees to provide any project updates they may have since the last meeting that took place in September 2022.

Asked working groups and subcommittees who feel that they are in need of new members to email Co-chairs directly to liaise. New members must be signed to a working group/ subcommittee as soon as possible.

Action item:  Would like to see a list of subcommittees we currently have and functions. Chloe, Janelle, Lynn and Stephanie E. to meet to assess if any potential changes and new structure of subcommittees. Suggestion for creating a “System Education and Training Committee”

7. Quick review of potential projects for upcoming National AccessAbility Week 2024

Currently brainstorming ideas for upcoming National AccessAbility Week, May 26 - June 1, 2024. These ideas are still in progress, however, updates via email will be sent once finalized. 

Our next meeting in May is purposely occurring during National Accessibility Week. Co-chair Janelle Hart is currently working on a guest educational speaker to join us for the meeting. 

Asked Committee members for any suggestions regarding advertising Barrier Buster reporting form.

Opened the floor to members to ask if there are any accessibility projects they would like to bring to the Committee.

Suggestions for outreach and partnerships:

  • School newsletters 
  • Trustee newsletter that goes out four times per year
  • Social media/Communications 
  • Connect AODA committee with community and partnership developers

8. Q&A for Committee members

Suggestion to include the Barrier Buster form on the Employee Self Serve page on BWW, under My E-Forms

May 30 in person meeting; hybrid option

9. Accessibility-related news and updates

Updated Accessibility Policy #407 has been approved. 

  • Action item: Circulate policy to the group to review before May meeting

Annual Accessibility Report approved and posted

Ministry compliance reporting form completed (sent to the Ministry every 2 years). We were compliant in every area except one, i.e., getting all of our school websites in accessible formats. 

  • Action item:  Plan to be compliant by November 2024

10. Upcoming meeting dates and Adjournment 

Confirmed that attendees have received the remaining meeting dates for the current calendar year (Thursday, May 30; Thursday, September 26; Thursday, November 28). 

Option to have hybrid options available. May 30 meeting will be in person.

Concluding remarks.

Meeting adjourned. 

Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes - Feb 29, 2024 (PDF version)

Thursday, May 30, 2024, 10 am - 11 am via MS Teams

25 members in attendance 

1. Welcome 

Co-chair Chloe Lester opened the meeting and delivered the Land Acknowledgement.

She welcomed Human Rights Officer Nadia Zamzul as the new Co-chair of the AAC, following the departure of Janelle Hart. Co-chair Zamzul shared a few words of introduction with the Committee.

Co-chair Lester shared update regarding National AccessAbility Week (May 26-Jun 1) activities. The Human Rights Office is hosting school assemblies at 8 elementary and secondary schools throughout the week, featuring guest speakers from the Rick Hansen Foundation. Messaging also shared on Instagram.

2. Approval of previous meeting minutes

Minutes reviewed and motion carried to approve February 29, 2024 minutes. Moved by L. Ziraldo; seconded by C. Butterworth

3. Amendment to Policy #407

Co-chairs Lester and Zamzul proposed development of a Board procedure regarding the use of service animals by parents/guardians on school property. The need for a policy was highlighted recently by a complaint brought forward to the Human Rights Office. 

The co-chairs shared examples of similar policies at two other Ontario school boards. 

Committee members discussed parameters and key considerations to keep in mind when developing the Board procedure. 

4. Barrier Buster 

Co-chair Lester shared recent examples of complaints from staff regarding access to elevators in schools. Key/pass card requirement sometimes creates barriers to access. 

Committee members discussed current elevator design, student safety (i.e., need to control elevator access), and recommendations for improving accessibility within current limitations. Suggestions included:

  • Encouraging staff who have concerns with key access to consult with Disability Management to help identify possible solutions;
  • Placing greater emphasis on accessibility considerations when selecting location for staff training sessions or other events, to reduce barriers to access;
  • Providing extra keys to schools, for use when hosting staff training sessions or other events; 
  • Providing info on key/pass card access to attendees when hosting staff training sessions or other events; 
  • Providing extra radios for staff who may need assistance during training sessions or other events (to allow for easier communication with custodial staff).

5. Subcommittees update 

Committee members who have questions or feedback regarding the AAC subcommittees are asked to contact the co-chairs.

Subcommittee meeting invites for the upcoming school year will be sent out. 

6. Multi-Year Accessibility Plan update

The Human Rights Office (HRO) will circulate a summary document to help track progress on the commitments included in the 2020-2025 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP).

Committee members are asked to review the commitments that fall under their area/department and provide update on progress (e.g. completed, in progress, delayed, not completed, etc.)

Ideally would like to receive updates before school year end.

Action item: HRO to circulate a summary document outlining the commitments included in the MYAP. Committee members to review and provide updates, to help track progress on these commitments

7. Upcoming meeting dates and Adjournment

Next meeting scheduled for September 26, 2024 at 10 am (virtual).

Meeting adjourned.

2022-2023 School Year 

Thursday, September 29, 2022, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM via MS Teams

20 members in attendance

1. Welcome and member self-introductions

Following Land Acknowledgement and brief reflection, new and returning members welcomed and shared self-introductions.

2. Approval of previous minutes

May 5, 2022 minutes reviewed and approved. Minutes will be posted online and available to the public under the AODA Advisory Committee web page.

3. Terms of reference 2022-2023

Member responsibilities and expectations presented to committee, as well as invitation for any member to take on the second Co-Chair role in absence of Human Rights Commissioner. Accessibility Officer will assume Acting Chair role if no other committee member is interested.

Action item: Committee members encourage to review the full Terms of Reference 2020-2023 and communicate any feedback to the Accessibility Officer.

4. Professional Learning: Exploring Accessible Content Core Skills

Committee members engaged in breakout room learning about the seven core skills for creating accessible content:

  • Core Skill 1: Layout
  • Core Skill 2: Headings
  • Core Skill 3: Colour Contrast
  • Core Skill 4: Links
  • Core Skill 5: Alternative Text
  • Core Skill 6: Tables
  • Core Skill 7: Audio and Visual

Breakout room groups shared best practices, practices to avoid and other considerations or questions related to each accessible content core skill.

Action Item: Committee members encouraged to review and refer to the Accessible Content Core Skills in everyday work, as well as share the resources widely with colleagues, networks, and/or students.

5. Annual Accessibility Report 2021-2022 

The Annual Accessibility Report is a status report on the measures taken in the past school year to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility for everyone who learns, works, and/or participates in the Board community.

The Annual Accessibility Report 2021-2022 is currently being completed and will be collectively reviewed at the next Advisory Committee meeting.

6. Accessibility News and Discussion Items

A. Virtual Meetings

Brief discussion about virtual vs. in-person meetings, with proposal to keep meetings virtual for the current school year given the wide representation among the committee. Proposal accepted by majority.

B. "Accessibility Advisory Committee"

Proposal to formally change title from the “AODA Advisory Committee” to the “Accessibility Advisory Committee”. The title change is intended to shift focus away from AODA compliance and is consistent with other Accessibility Advisory Committees (AAC) across the province. “Accessibility” is also a more plain language term than the “AODA” acronym. Proposal accepted by majority.

C. The 4th AODA Review

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is required by law to be reviewed every three years. The fourth review is currently underway with a focus on the experience of people with disabilities.

Action item: People with or who experience disabilities are encourage to share feedback for the 4th AODA review. 

7. Upcoming Meeting Dates and Adjournment

Next meeting date to be determined and will be confirmed via calendar invite.

Meeting adjourned.

Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes - Sep 29, 2022 (PDF version) 

Previous meeting minutes

Please email if you require any of the meeting minutes or Accessibility Advisory Committee information in an alternative format.


The Accessibility Advisory Committee is coordinated through the Human Rights Office and brings together representatives from across the Board including the Board of Trustees, Board Advisory Committees, unions, and various Board departments

For more information, please refer to the Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference