Inaugural Board Meeting

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Dear families, 

Yesterday, at our annual inaugural Board meeting, the trustees elected our officers of the Board. I am humbled to serve this year as Board Chair.  

I am pleased to congratulate Trustee Cynthia Cordova who was elected as Vice-Chair and Trustee David Sherman who will serve again as Budget Chair. I also want to offer my thanks and congratulations to past Chair Corrie McBain for the leadership and commitment she demonstrated in her two years serving as Chair of the Board.  

As a Board of Trustees, we remain committed to keeping students at the centre of our decision-making and to moving forward the four priorities outlined in our Multi-Year Strategic Plan:

  • Fostering Well-Being and Mental Health
  • Building Collaborative Relationships
  • Empowering Ethical Leadership
  • Championing Equity and Inclusivity

We have accomplished much, but we know there is more work to do. We look forward to working alongside staff members, families, students and our community partners to ensure we are providing safe, caring and inclusive learning environments that enable our students to be successful. 


Juanita Nathan

Board Chair