While most students are now attending school in-person (face-to-face), we recognize that some families may wish for their child to continue online learning.
YRDSB has an Elementary Virtual School, and secondary students have an opportunity to access virtual learning.
For More Information

Elementary Virtual School
Students in grades 1-8.
Virtual School Website
Visit the Elementary Virtual School website.
YRDSB EVS Roles and Responsibilities
While virtual learning is taking place at home, the same responsibilities and expectations of students and parents/guardians apply as they do for in-person learning. This includes existing board policies and procedures such as the Guide to the School Year.
YRDSB’s Code of Conduct sets standards of behaviour for students and members of the school community that support a caring, safe and inclusive school environment. The Code of Conduct is part of the Caring and Safe Schools Policy.
All students and their parents/guardians are expected to read the Use of Technology Agreement. This agreement is designed to ensure a safe and supportive school environment and network integrity.
Students learning virtually in EVS are expected to be fully engaged during instructional time. This means that students and their families will make every reasonable effort to ensure that cameras are on during class time. In addition, students will participate in class chats, pose and respond to questions orally and will complete homework and assignments.
To maintain privacy while having cameras on, students are encouraged to use background filters. In cases where devices (e.g., Chromebooks) do not allow for this functionality, please connect with the teacher.
By having cameras on, we will build connections with one another that support learning and build a strong sense of community. Students or families should speak with their classroom teacher if there are concerns. If a student does not have a device with a camera and microphone, they can speak with their teacher to request one.
The safety of our students is a priority. Our safe arrivals programs and safe departures protocols are in place to account for the safe whereabouts of absent students.
To be marked present for the day, a student’s camera must be turned on and the student must either say, “here,” or type, “here,” in the chat at the appropriate time.
Students will:
- Attend on time, and be prepared to learn.
- Log into class on one device, using their YRDSB account.
- Participate actively and synchronously in the learning process with staff members and peers.
- Respect the privacy of everyone in the virtual classroom and not take or share photos, videos or screenshots.
- Not share the link to online meetings, activities or resources with anyone outside the class unless authorized by the teacher.
Parents/Caregivers/Guardians will:
- Create an appropriate learning space for their child(ren).
- Support their child to attend class on time and fully participate.
- Allow their child to independently participate in their own learning process and express their own thinking.
- Engage in parent-teacher communication when needed in support of student learning and success.
- Not participate or interrupt during class learning.
- Request a meeting to ask questions or discuss concerns by contacting the school or your child's teacher directly via email to set up an appointment.
- Respect the privacy rights of the virtual classroom and not take or share photos, videos or screenshots.
- Partner with school staff in supporting an inclusive, caring and safe school climate (e.g., will not share links to online meetings, activities or resources with anyone; will assist with issues involving their child).
- Report to the school their child’s absence or late arrival in a timely manner either by phone call or email.
For more information, visit the EVS website.