Elementary Virtual School

While most students are now attending school in-person (face-to-face), we recognize that some families may wish for their child to continue online learning.    

York Region District School Board has determined that the EVS will continue to operate during the 2025-26 school year.

Board staff will monitor enrollment to EVS on an ongoing basis and the programming offered during the 2025-26 school year will be reflective of enrollment numbers. 

Elementary Virtual School students will receive a daily schedule that follows a typical school day including recess (breaks) and time for lunch.  Learning will follow the Ontario curriculum and follow teaching patterns similar to a regular classroom such as small and large group learning opportunities, with students engaging with their teacher and classmates. 

  • Kindergarten students will have a minimum of 180 minutes a day out of a 300-minute day of real-time, live (synchronous) learning with a teacher and Designated Early Childhood Educator (DECE).  Any remaining time will be asynchronous (not live) learning. 
  • Grades 1-8 students will have a minimum of 225 minutes out of a 300-minute day of real-time, live (synchronous) learning with a teacher. Any remaining time will be asynchronous (not live) learning. 

French Immersion programming will not be offered. For more information about the French Immersion program, please visit the French as a Second Language page on the Board website.

Students requiring English as a Second Language (ESL)  programming will have access to English language supports.   

Supporting students with special education needs is a priority in both learning models. Special education staff will continue to support students in both models.  In September, families of students with IEPs will be contacted by the virtual school for consultation on their child’s IEP.  Families of students in Special Education Community Classes will be contacted by their virtual school with the Google Classroom and online meeting details.

Graduating students will be able to attend the Elementary Virtual School graduation. 


Visit the Elementary Virtual School website.


Frequently Asked Questions


There are two options:

  • in-person (face-to-face) in your identified YRDSB school determined by address or
  • learning remotely in the YRDSB Elementary Virtual School

While the commitment to EVS is for the full year, we always encourage students to return to face-to-face learning where possible, while adhering to Policy and Procedure #108.0, Student Accommodation – Attendance Areas and Student Transfer.

No. Students who are exclusively enrolled in remote learning or online learning must reside within Ontario.  For more information please see School Admissions Policy and Procedure.

School Structure

Yes, YRDSB Elementary Virtual School will be its own school with its own staff.

Virtual Learning classes will follow the daily schedule of a typical school day with a set start and end time, recess and lunch. Currently, the schedule will be as follows:

  • Period 1: 8:45-9:35
  • Period 2: 9:35-10:25
  • Recess: 10:25-10:55
  • Period 3: 10:55-11:45
  • Period 4: 11:45-12:35
  • Lunch: 12:35-1:35
  • Period 5: 1:35-2:25
  • Period 6: 2:25-3:15



At this time, we have no further information on the school years beyond 2024-2025. 

Students who attend school in-person benefit from:

  • developing social/interpersonal skills
  • improving in-person communication skills
  • building teamwork skills
  • wide range of experiential learning opportunities that support different learning styles
  • sharing and playing in person
  • participating in social activities, extracurricular clubs, teams and athletics
  • leadership opportunities provided through co-curricular activities   
  • student leadership and mentorship 

Schools will continue to follow York Region Public Health COVID-19 Guidelines to ensure safety measures for in-person learning.


School Registration

You will register for school or Kindergarten as you normally would. Once you’ve completed the registration, contact Elementary Virtual School to arrange a registration appointment.  



Students with special education needs will be supported according to their IEP, by a Special Education Resource Teacher in virtual learning.  

All curriculum areas will be taught, assessed and reported on. Students will know who their teacher(s) are in the fall.

Depending on enrolment numbers, there may be combined classes in EVS.

No. Please visit the French as a Second Language page on the Board website.

Yes, students requiring English as a Second Language (ESL)  programming will have access to English language support.

A limited number of virtual clubs may be offered at EVS depending on student request and staff availability.

Students will not be able to participate in extracurricular activities running at their previous school.

Extra-curricular activities will be offered virtually and will not include athletics, for students attending virtual school.


Students requiring a loan of technology to support remote learning will be provided a Chromebook.  More information will be shared by the YRDSB-EVS. 

Tips and information on how to use the online learning platforms are also available on our Family Resources page on the Board website, as well as links to IT support for families. If students are having difficulties with technology, they can also contact their teacher. 

Yes. By having cameras on, we will build connections with one another that support learning and a strong sense of community.


Graduating students will be able to attend the Elementary Virtual School Graduation.  All celebrations, including Grade 8 Graduation will be virtual.