York Region Presidents' Council (YRPC)

The York Region Presidents' Council (YRPC) is an organization consisting of the President(s), Vice-President(s) and Student Council members of all 32 secondary schools in the York Region District School Board. The YRPC works collaboratively with the student trustees to voice student concerns. As well, the YRPC enhances communication and co-operation between Student Councils in the Board. 

crest shape with letters YRPC and established 1989 in banner across the bottom

Responsibilities of the York Region Presidents’ Council include:

  • making every effort to provide student councils with the necessary support to thrive and flourish; 

  • enhancing communication and fostering cooperation between students, student councils, and Student Trustees in the region;

  • being inclusive of all secondary schools in the York Region District School Board;

  • providing a forum for secondary students to meet and voice their concerns and share their opinions; and

  • giving reasonable notice to students of meeting dates, event dates and student trustee elections 

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to learn more about the YRPC, feel free to contact your student trustees.



To see updates from YRPC, follow us @theyrpc​.


The 2024-2025 YRPC Executive Team

Prime Minister

Jesse Zhou, Bayview S.S.

Deputy Prime Minister 

Justin Tangpongprush, Sir William Mulock S.S.

Minister of Communications 

Hayley Chai, Bayview S.S.

Minister of Public Relations

Anderson Zhu, Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.

Minister of Student Outreach

Vicky Lam, Bayview S.S.

Minister of Administrative Affairs

Ethan So, Bayview S.S.

Minister of Skill Development

Eric Chen, Milliken Mills H.S.

Regional Representative, CEC Central

  • Catherine Wang, Dr. G.W. Williams S.S.

  • Angelina Xie, Bayview S.S.

Regional Representative, CEC East

  • Tina JQ Lin, Milliken Mills H.S.

  • Linda Zhou, Unionville H.S.

Regional Representative, CEC North

  • Sarina Mohammadi, Keswick H.S.

  • Serene Xue, Newmarket H.S.

Regional Representative, CEC West

  • Shrey Shingala, Woodbridge College

  • Danika Surkari, Tommy Douglas S.S.

Student Trustee                     

Mitusaan Kugathasan, Middlefield C.I.

Student Trustee     

Hayden Lai, Dr. G.W. Williams S.S.

Indigenous Student Trustee     

Natalia Pitawanakwat, Newmarket H.S.

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