The Appropriate Use of Technology policy and procedure addresses the appropriate, responsible and acceptable use of the Board’s information technology resources.
Since inappropriate use of the Board’s technology systems exposes the organization to risk, it is important to specify exactly what is permitted and what is prohibited. The purpose of this policy is to detail the acceptable use of the Board’s information technology resources for the protection of all parties involved.
On this page:
- Board Policy #194.0, Appropriate Use of Technology
- Board Procedure #194.1, Appropriate Use of Technology
- Board Procedure #194.2, Appropriate Use of Non-Board Devices
- Board Procedure #194.3, Password Management
- Board Procedure #194.4, Board Issued and Loan of Board-Owned Technology (Staff)
- Board Procedure #194.5, Loan of Board-Owned Technology (Students)
What has changed?
Major changes to the document: Included additional consideration for emerging technologies, staff enrolment in the Multi Factor Authentication program and Password Self-Management program.
Reason for review: Due for annual review.
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholder groups with responsibilities.
Implementation timelines: Immediate.
Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Experts: Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure:
- Board of Trustees
- The Director of Education
- Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity
- Staff members
- Students
- Parents
Relationship to Board Priorities
The Appropriate Use of Technology policy and associated procedures ensures the stewardship of Board resources by demonstrating ethical leadership through professionalism and accountability for high standards of practice in all Board operations and decisions. Thereby, building trust and collaborative relationships with students, families and staff through respectful and responsive communication focused on shared solutions.
Timelines and Next Steps
This policy and procedure was scheduled for annual review at the February 6, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.
Providing Feedback
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert and Trustee Services.
In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please;
- outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
- suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
- identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Policy Officers via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.
Legislative Context
Personal Health Information Protection Act
Related Policies
Human Rights: Code Related Harassment and Discrimination
It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students, and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school- sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #194.0, Appropriate Use of Technology
1. Policy Statement
The York Region District School Board recognizes the inherent value that technology can bring to support student success and foster well-being, business excellence and staff development. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes for Digital Literacy will support inclusivity, positive and meaningful relationships, innovation, engagement, responsibility and optimism. The Board is committed to leveraging digital tools and applicable technologies for these purposes.
2. Application
It is expected that technology and technology products and services supplied by the Board will be used in an appropriate, responsible manner. This includes, but is not limited to, all Board-provisioned technology and personal technologies connecting to the Board’s network and accessing Board technology services such as the internet, email, collaboration tools and digital learning and web-based conference platforms.
All York Region District School Board students, trustees, staff members, school council members, volunteers and other authorized individuals who are given access to the Board’s technology and technology products and services are required to know and abide by the Appropriate Use of Technology policy in order to ensure that information technology is being used in a safe, appropriate and responsible manner.
Engaging in personal use of the Board’s technology and technology services is a choice users make that involves the loss of personal privacy. For security and network maintenance purposes, authorized individuals within the Board may monitor equipment, systems network traffic and usage regardless of ownership of devices and to take disciplinary measures as required, if inappropriate use is detected. To ensure that personal documents and communications remain private, the user should use their own personal technology resources rather than connecting to or using the Board’s services or technology.
Where it is determined that users have breached this policy the Board will take appropriate measures to address the situation. This may include, but is not limited to disciplinary action, where appropriate, and in accordance with all applicable Board policies and procedures. Relevant federal and provincial laws and regulations also govern the use of Board technology and/or technology products and services.
Personal and private information of students and staff members is protected under the Municipal Freedom and Protection of Privacy Act. The Board is obligated by this Act to carefully manage all personal information within the Board’s custody and control how it is collected, used and released.
The Board is also committed to annually reviewing the Appropriate Use of Technology policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle;
- understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Appropriate Use of Technology policy, as required; and
- using technology in accordance with the Appropriate Use of Technology, Trustee Code of Conduct policy and other related policies and procedures.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education is responsible for:
- implementing and operationalizing the Appropriate Use of Technology policy.
4. Definitions
4.1 User
Includes, but are not limited to, students, trustees, staff members, members of Board committees, school council chairs, volunteers, parents and guardians, and all other persons given authorized access to the York Region District School Board’s technology and/or technology products and services. Users may access these services from locations other than their work locations.
4.2 Appropriate and Responsible Use
Use Board technology products and services in a responsible respectful and ethical manner that will withstand public scrutiny and is in compliance with Board priorities, policies, procedures and legislation.
4.3 Board Technology Services
Board technology services include;
- access to the Board’s network from any location, such as, but not limited to, schools, workplaces, home, other offsite locations;
- Board-provisioned hardware including, but not limited to, internet packages, computers and mobile technology, including Board-owned cellular phones, removable and/or external storage devices;
- access to the Board’s network and/or technology products and services from a personal device; and
- Board-provisioned software and applications including, but not limited to, email, collaboration tools, digital learning tools, web conference platforms and cloud-based resources.
4.4 Personal Technology
Any device that is not Board provisioned, such as, but not limited to, personal computers, smart phones and tablets.
4.5 Cloud-based Resources
Delivery of services and storage over the internet for applications and large data-processing systems.
4.6 Collaboration Tools
Facilitate the sharing of content and multi-user contribution to content modification and creation.
4.7 Digital Learning Tools
Tools accessed using technology devices typically via an internet connection, such as, but not limited to, Google Apps, Microsoft 365 Suite, Edsby, Desire2Learn, PowerSchool and social media.
5. Contact
Information Technology Services
6. History
Approved: 2006
Formerly Policy: #194.0, Appropriate Use of Technology Working Document: February 2015,
May 2018
Formerly Policy: #194.0, Use of Technology
Revised: 2011, November 2015, April 2019, March 2020, May 2021, March 2022, March 2023, January 2024
Board Procedure #194.1, Appropriate Use of Technology
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the expectations of the York Region District School Board with relation to the use of technology services supplied by the Board. All users of Board’s technology and/or technology services are required to know and abide by this procedure in order to ensure that information technology is being used in a safe, appropriate and responsible manner. Use of personal devices on non-Board networks when used in work and school learning environments are also subject to this procedure as further outlined in the Use of Non-Board Devices procedure.
2. Application
2.1 Irresponsible and Unethical Use
The following actions are considered irresponsible and unethical use of Board-provisioned technology and technology products and services,:
- responding to phishing emails where usernames and passwords are requested;
- using Virtual Private Networks not provided by the Board, example personal VPN’s and or anonymizer services to bypass Board network restrictions;
- using profile/avatar images in virtual/electronic platforms that are not Board approved;
- using the internet for unauthorized, unethical purposes or as otherwise deemed content inappropriate, such as, but not limited to the following;
- using digital tools or online resources that have not been approved through the Digital Tool Approval Process, using unapproved tools on the Board network exposes staff and students to privacy and security risks;
- attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others, attempting to by-pass restrictions to access internet resources and/or websites deemed inappropriate by the Board;
- seeking unauthorized access to any computer system or damaging or altering software components;
- sending, receiving or subscribing to, displaying or downloading content that is illegal, or may reasonably be construed as obscene or offensive, including, but not limited to, text, written or audio communications and images/graphics;
- using email distribution lists without appropriate authorization;
- using abusive or objectionable content, including but not limited to, language and/or images in either public or private messages;
- misrepresenting oneself or the Board;
- disclosing confidential or proprietary Board information;
- lobbying elected officials;
- campaigning for any individual running for municipal, provincial or federal office;
- propagating chain letters, jokes, cartoons, pornography or other email debris;
- using the Internet for personal use during regularly scheduled working hours;
- taking part in other activities that could cause congestion and disruption of networks and systems;
- intentionally deleting emails with informational value to the detriment of legal and statutory Board operations; and
- willfully collecting, maintaining or disclosing personal information in contravention of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
2.2 All Board technology and/or technology products and service users are responsible for understanding that:
- they are responsible for immediately reporting suspected breaches of security such as theft, loss or unauthorized disclosure of Board devices or information and such incidents are to be reported using the Privacy Breach Reporting form located on Service Desk Self Service on the BWW;
- they are responsible for reporting suspicious emails (i.e. SPAM, Phishing) to the Service Desk and advise the Service Desk if they have responded to, connected to via links, shared account credentials via emails and follow Service Desk direction on password management;
- the Board is not responsible for the;
- appropriateness of internet content;
- accuracy or reliability of information located on the Internet;
- loss, damage, or inaccessibility of information due to technical or other difficulties, or
- costs or losses incurred by users;
- understand conduct could reflect on the reputation of the Board and its staff members;
- a school’s plan for social media use should be created with collaboration, privacy, appropriate use and reputation management in mind, as outlined in the Social Media Guidelines for Schools;
- email is not private, because others may be able to read, access and monitor email communications; and
- the Board may monitor and access email communication in a reasonable manner to;
- maintain and ensure the efficient use of the Board email services;
- ensure compliance with Board policies and acceptable use agreements;
- assist staff members in the event of prolonged absence; and
- inappropriate use of technology as outlined in this policy could result in loss of access privileges and possible suspension and or retrieval of personal and or Board devices; and
- access to Social Media applications and services is restricted on the Board’s network.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Appropriate Use of Technology procedure.
3.2 The Associate Directors and Coordinating Superintendent(s) shall:
- support and provide direction to staff members about the application of the Appropriate Use of Technology policy.
3.3 Information Technology Services shall:
- support the connectivity of Board-provisioned devices to the Board network for work and learning purposes;
- not ask users for their passwords in an email;
- monitor and update procedures linked to the Appropriate Use of Technology policy as emerging technologies change the way staff and students engage in work and learning;
- integrate other policies into Project Management and Operation Support practices; and
- provide annual cyber security awareness training to be included as compliance training, available to all staff.
3.4 The Chief Financial Officer shall:
- when notified by Information Technology Services of any inappropriate content on any Board-provisioned technology, determine the appropriate action in consultation with the Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity and other senior staff members, as necessary.
3.5 The Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity shall:
- manage any issues that arise from emails sent to the Information Technology Services’ account on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with Associate Director of Education and Chief Financial Officer and appropriate senior staff member; and
- notify the associated superintendent and Human Resources and/or Human Rights Commissioner’s Office where applicable of any inappropriate content on any Board-provisioned technology of which they become aware, where applicable.
3.6 Superintendents, Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:
- ensure staff members are aware of the Appropriate Use of Technology policy and procedures upon hiring and annually thereafter;
- ensure the overall coordination and management of school and workplace technologies;
- ensure compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as it relates to the management of personal and private information;
- ensure compliance of the acceptable use of Board and personal technology when accessing the Board’s network and technology services;
- ensure social media tools accessible within the Board adhere to the Social Media Guidelines for Schools; this includes ensuring an understanding of appropriate social media tools to be leveraged in Board work and learning spaces;
- not accept any donated computers as this may negatively impact on the Board’s ability to effectively license, manage, secure and support solutions for classroom programs; and
- apply corrective and disciplinary measures to address staff members in violation of this procedure.
3.7 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:
- coordinate and manage computing and information technology facilities and resources for staff and students;
- manage internet filtering for their school or department, where applicable;
- ensure students and staff members adhere to the proper usage of personal technology when used in any Board facility including the use of any online social networking tools;
- distribute the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement to staff, students and parents, where applicable;
- ensure clearly defined consequences, appropriate to the degree of severity for misuse and/or illegal use of the Board’s computing and information technology facilities and resources as stated in the school's code of conduct are applied; and
- report abuses of the Appropriate Use of Technology policy and procedure to their superintendent and the Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity.
3.8 All staff members shall:
- be responsible for overall management of student use of computing and information technology products, services and resources within their areas of responsibility or when acting in a supervisory role, where applicable;
- instruct and model the appropriate use of technology, where applicable; take reasonable steps to manage and actively supervise student use of computing and information technology facilities and resources within their assigned teaching areas and when acting in a supervisory role, where appropriate;
- ensure students are not using personal mobile devices during instructional time except under the following circumstances;
- for educational purposes, as directed by an educator;
- for health and medical purposes;
- to support special education needs;
- ensure that for grades 9 to 12, students’ personal mobile devices are stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode during class/instructional time, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator under the circumstances outlined above:
- if the educator sees a personal mobile device that is not stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode (even after staff reminders), the device may be confiscated and progressive discipline may apply.
- ensure that for students in K to 8, students’ personal mobile devices are stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode throughout the full instructional day, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator under the circumstances outlined above:
- If the educator sees a personal mobile device that is not stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode (even after staff reminders), the device may be confiscated and progressive discipline may apply.
- instruct all students to adhere to this procedure and the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement, where appropriate;
- use this procedure and/or the school's code of behaviour when applying consequences for misuse and/or illegal use of the Board’s computing and information technology facilities and resources, where appropriate;
- report any suspected inappropriate use of Board technology or technology services to the principal;
- if using social networking tools, do so with the appropriate understandings of the effective educational use of these tools, avoiding any personal uses when engaging with students, parents and colleagues for professional purposes; and
- consult with IT Services, Research and Assessment Services and Curriculum and Instructional Services before leveraging any new and emerging technologies, to ensure ethical and safe use of these tools in our work and learning spaces. .
3.9 Students shall:
- make sure they understand and follow the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement;
- all students must store personal mobile devices out of view and powered off or set to silent mode (during the school day for K to 8 students and during class/instructional time for grades 9 to 12 students), except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator; and
- if their personal mobile device is not stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode (even after staff reminders), the device may be confiscated and progressive discipline may apply.
3.10 All users shall:
- ensure use of Board technology and/or technology products and services are only accessed by those to whom the technology resource is assigned;
- ensure that any use of personal and Board-provisioned devices that access Board resources, such as, but not limited to, email, enterprise systems, student/staff data and information are password protected to restrict unauthorized access to these devices;
- use Board technology and technology products and services in an appropriate, responsible and ethical manner consistent with the professional, educational, informational and recreational purposes for which they are provided;
- refrain from using technology in a malicious manner or with intent to bring harm to the Board’s technology resources or technology products and services;
- comply with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as it relates to the management of personal and private information;
- model the appropriate use of technology;
- ensure inappropriate and irresponsible use of technology is reported to Information Technology Services;
- familiarize themselves with and understand this procedure and abide by its expectations and restrictions;
- use technology resources in ways that do not disrupt other users or compromise the functionality of the system;
- maintain their password and user identification confidentiality;
- restrict access to their password(s);
- enroll in the Board’s Password Self-Management and Multi Factor Authentication programs as directed by IT Services and outlined on the BWW;
- familiarize themselves with the technology resources provided to them, including system maintenance and administration procedures;
- ensure records retention requirements are met by referring to the Board’s Classification and Retention Schedule for advice on information ownership within the Board;
- refrain from connecting network devices, such as, but not limited to, mini-hub switches or wireless routers, and Internet of Things (IOT) devices, including, but not limited to, lights, appliances and sensors without obtaining prior approval from Information Technology Services;
- if they are in receipt of inappropriate emails, forward in its entirety (not cut and pasted) so that any relevant header information is retained to the;
- delete spam mail upon receipt and do not send to; and
- report to the Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity, any inappropriate content on any Board-provisioned technology of which they become aware.
4. Definitions
4.1 Email
Electronic mail system that allows users to communicate with each other and persons not employed by the Board. The York Region District School Board’s standard email platforms are Microsoft Office/Outlook Web Access and Gmail.
An email message may be considered a record if made or received in connection with the transaction of Board business and therefore must be retained in accordance with all applicable record and information management and Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy policies,procedures and legislation. The value of a record is determined by its subject and not its format.
4.2 Internet of Things (IOT)
The interconnection via the internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data, e.g. smart watch.
4.3 Online Social Networking
A process whereby online users are able to connect to other users in a variety of ways and for a variety of purposes, including educational purposes. Current tools include, but are not limited to, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn.
4.4 Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence, or “AI,” is the ability for a computer to think and learn. With AI, computers can perform tasks that are typically done by people, including processing language, problem-solving, and learning.
5. Contact
Information Technology Services
6. History
Approved: 2006, 2008
Working Document: February 2015, May 2018
Revised: 2011, November 2015, April 2019, January 2020, March 2021, March 2023, January 2024, May 2024, October 2024
Board Procedure #194.2, Appropriate Use of Non-Board Devices
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the expectations of the York Region District School Board regarding the use of non-Board owned technology, commonly referred to as the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program. The purpose of this procedure is to outline instructions for use of Non-Board Devices connecting to or accessing Board technology products and services whether connected to the Board’s network or not, including, but not limited to, students, trustees, staff members, guests, contractors, partners and vendors.
2. Application
2.1 The following principles apply to all Board staff and trustees.
- the Use of Non-Board Devices (Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program) is not a mandatory practice and implementation is at the discretion of the principal or department manager;
- schools supporting a BYOD Program are required to provide support to students without access to technology;
- Board business must be done using Board-provisioned technology tools;
- Board business conducted via email must be done using the Board provisioned email system; and
- non-Board devices should only be connected to the Board’s YRDSB-Guest network, these devices are not permitted to connect to the YRDSB-A or YRDSB-S networks for security reasons. It is not recommended that non-Board devices be connected to the YRDSB-A or YRDSB-S networks for security reasons.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Use of Non-Board Devices procedure.
3.2 The Associate Directors, Coordinating Superintendent(s) and Chief Financial Officer shall:
- when notified by the Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity of any inappropriate content on any Non-Board Device, determine the appropriate action in consultation with the Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity and other senior staff members, as necessary.
3.3 The Executive Officer, Information Technology & Business Continuity shall:
- manage any issues that arise in conjunction with the appropriate superintendent, principal, manager or supervisor, as necessary; and
- notify the associate directors and coordinating superintendent(s) of any inappropriate use on any Non-Board Device of which they become aware.
3.4 Associate Directors, Coordinating Superintendent(s), Superintendents, Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:
- ensure that all users are compliant with the Privacy policy, procedure and supporting documents and the Records and Information Management policy, procedure and supporting documents; and
- apply corrective and disciplinary measures, as appropriate, to address violations of this procedure.
3.5 Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:
- work in conjunction with staff, parents and students to develop expectations regarding the use of Non-Board Devices;
- communicate expectations to all users;
- where applicable, work in conjunction with staff, students, parents and members of the community, to outline effective use of Non-Board Devices in schools and classrooms;
- ensure staff members adhere to the proper usage of Non-Board Devices when used in any Board facility including the use of any online social networking tools;
- distribute the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement to users;
- ensure clearly defined consequences appropriate to the degree of severity for misuse and/or illegal use of the Board’s computing and information technology facilities and resources as stated in the school's code of conduct;
- report abuses of this procedure and corresponding policy to the Executive Officer, Information Technology and Business Continuity; and
- apply corrective and disciplinary measures, as appropriate, to address violations of this procedure.
3.6 Information Technology Services (ITS) shall:
- not provide technical support to Non-Board Devices except for best effort in facilitating network connectivity and access to Board provisioned products and services supporting business and learning continuity where appropriate; and
- enforce password/pin code requirements on non-Board Devices that are syncing to Board technology system(s).
3.7 Instructional staff members shall:
- advocate for and practice safe, legal and responsible use of communication, information and technology;
- be able to articulate the pedagogical purposes for students utilizing personal technology within their classroom or remotely;
- communicate with and ensure their principal has approved the use of non-Board devices within the school or learning environment, physically and remotely;
- manage and actively supervise student use of Non-Board Devices within their assigned teaching areas and when acting in a supervisory role;
- make sure all students understand and adhere to this procedure and the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement; and
- use this procedure and/or the school's code of conduct when applying consequences for misuse and/or illegal use of the Board’s computing and information technology facilities and resources; and
- if using social networking tools, do so with the appropriate understandings of the effective educational use of these tools, avoiding any personal uses when engaging with students, parents and colleagues for professional purposes.
3.8 Students shall:
- advocate for and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology;
- understand and follow the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement; and
- only use Board and personal technologies for educational purposes as defined by the teacher and instructional purpose in Board facilities.
3.9 All users shall:
- understand and adhere to the Use of Non-Board Devices procedure;
- use personal technology in ways that do not disrupt other users or compromise the functionality of the system;
- maintain their password and user identification confidentiality;
- restrict access to their passwords; and
- familiarize themselves with the technology resources provided to them, including system maintenance and administration procedures.
4. Definitions
4.1 Non-Board Device (NBD)
Any computing device not owned or provided by the Board, including, but not limited to cell phones, smart watches/devices and other IOT devices to a user that is brought into a Board building, connected to or accessing a Board provisioned technology product or service including a Board event, activity or program by any user whether used for instructional or personal purposes shall be considered a Non-Board Device even if they are not connected to the Board’s network.
Any Board business conducted on non-Board technology, including the use of cloud based resources or personal email accounts, is subject to a Freedom of Information request as applicable.
5. Contact
Information Technology Services
6. History
Working Document: February 2015, May 2018
Revised: November 2015, April 2019, January 2020, March 2021, March 2023, January 2024, May 2024
Board Procedure #194.3, Password Management
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the appropriate use and maintenance of passwords. It will help users understand why strong passwords are a necessity, and allow users to create passwords that are both secure and useable. This procedure will educate users on the secure use of passwords. This procedure applies to all York Region District School Board students, trustees, staff members, school councils and other authorized individuals who are provided with an account on the Boards network or systems.
2. Application
2.1 Password Construction Guidelines
2.1.1 Passwords must:
- be at least ten (10) characters in length containing characters from the following four categories;
- English uppercase characters (A through Z);
- English lowercase characters (a through z);
- base 10 digits (0 through 9);
- non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %);
- consider a phrase, or acronyms method, where you use the first letter of each word in a sentence. For example, “I always play tennis with 2 friends on Thursdays at 4.” could become this password, “Iaptw2foTa4.”;
- not contain your account name or parts of your full name that exceed two consecutive characters;
- your password cannot be identical to the previous three passwords;
- not be reused across multiple accounts or between work/personal accounts;
- not be comprised of an obvious keyboard sequence (i.e. qwert);
- not include “guessable” data such as, but not limited to, personal information about yourself, your spouse, your pet, your children, birthdays, addresses, phone numbers, locations; and
- changed every 90 days or as directed by IT Services.
2.2 Confidentiality Guidelines
All users shall adhere to the following confidentiality guidelines with respect to secure passwords. Users must;
- not disclose their passwords to anyone;
- not share their passwords with others (co-workers, supervisors, family etc.);
- not write down their passwords and leave them unsecured;
- not check the ‘save password’ box when authenticating to applications;
- not use the same password for different systems and/or accounts;
- not send passwords via email;
- not re-use passwords;
- change Board passwords every 90 days;
- enroll in the Board’s Password Self-Management program; and
- adhere to criteria for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) on applications where this is implemented.
Passwords should be considered confidential data and treated with the same discretion as any of the Board’s proprietary information.
It is the responsibility of the user to immediately report any suspicious activity involving theirpassword(s) to Any request for passwords over the phone or email, whether the request came from Board personnel or not, should be expediently reported.
In the event that a password is suspected to have been compromised, the Enterprise Service Desk Team will request that the user(s) change all of their passwords.
Violations may result in disciplinary action, which may include suspension, restriction of access, or more severe penalties up to and including termination of employment, as appropriate. Where illegal activities or theft of Board property (physical or intellectual) are suspected, the York Region District School Board may report such activities to the applicable authorities.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
- allocate staff and resources to support the Password Management procedure.
3.2 The Executive Officer, Information Technology & Business Continuity shall:
- manage any issues that arise in conjunction with the appropriate principal, manager supervisor and senior staff member, where appropriate; and
- ensure that staff members receive a reminder email(s) as the password expiry date approaches in order to provide the user with adequate time to change their password.
3.3 All Board technology and/or technology products and services users shall:
- adhere to the password construction and confidentiality guidelines, including enrollment in MFA as directed by IT Services; and
- change their passwords as directed by IT Services.
4. Definitions
4.1 Authentication
A security method used to verify the identity of a user and authorize access to a system or network.
4.2 Password
A sequence of characters used to authenticate a user to a file, computer, network, or other device. Also known as a pass phrase or pass code.
4.3 Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
A means of authenticating a user that utilizes two methods: something the user has, and something the user knows. Examples include smart cards, tokens, or biometrics, in combination with a password.
5. Contact
Information Technology Services
6. History
Working Document: February 2015, May 2018
Revised: November 2015, April 2019, January 2020, March 2021, March 2022, March 2023, January 2024, May 2024
Board Procedure #194.4, Board Issued and Loan of Board-Owned Technology (Staff)
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines how staff manages the borrowing of portable Board-owned equipment for non-commercial educational purposes.
2. Application
This procedure does not address Board-owned technology that is assigned to staff members through Board supported programs such as Teacher Technology Exchange Program (TTEP), administrator technology and departmental needs.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 Associate Directors, Coordinating Superintendent(s), Superintendents of Education, Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:
- ensure that Board-owned technology is available for school program or office use during the regular instructional day and for special events;
- facilitate and monitor the loan of Board-owned technology from staff;
- approve requests from staff to borrow Board-owned technology ensuring that;
- the time period for a loan is reasonable,
- all technology is in the school during the regular instructional day,
- the loan of Board-owned technology to staff, although it may be longer during school holidays, including the summer, does not interfere with summer school or the regular summer servicing of the technology, and
- it is not loaned to staff who repeatedly damage or misuse the technology;
- keep a record of all borrowed technology on file in the school or workplace including;
- a description of the technology,
- the serial number,
- the date of the loan,
- a signature of the borrower,
- the date of return, and
- confirmation that the item has been returned; and
- ensure that records of borrowed Board-owned technology are made available upon request to representatives from Business Services or the Board’s external auditors.
3.2 Information Technology Services shall:
- ensure Board-owned technology that has been lost or damaged and requires replacement be valued fairly for insurance purposes, where applicable.
3.3 Staff shall:
- ensure Board-owned technology is used in accordance with the Appropriate Use of Technology policy and procedure;
- not use Board technology for commercial purposes; only borrow Board-owned technology with the prior approval of their immediate supervisor;
- return all Board-owned technology as agreed upon or upon request by their immediate supervisor;
- assume responsibility for taking appropriate measures to safeguard Board technology. If the loaner device is stolen or lost away from their work location, and appropriate measures were not taken to safeguard the device, staff may be held financially responsible for reimbursing the Board; and
- understand that the privilege of borrowing Board-owned technology may be revoked if damage or misuse of technology occurs.
4. Contact
Information Technology Services
5. History
Approved: 1995
Working Document: April 2012, May 2018
Replacing Policy and Procedure: #440.0 Loan of Board-Owned Equipment (Staff) Revised: 2001, 2007, February 2013, April 2019, January 2020, March 2021, March 2023
Board Procedure #194.5, Loan of Board-Owned Technology (Students)
1. Procedure Statement
The York Region District School Board supports the loan of portable Board-owned technology to students for non-commercial educational purposes as part of the school program, including technology purchased through Special Technology Amount (SEA).
2. Application
This procedure outlines how staff manages the loan of Board-owned technology for non-commercial educational purposes to students.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Associate Directors of Education, Coordinating Superintendent(s) of Education and Superintendents of Education shall:
- support the implementation of the Loan of Board-Owned Technology (Students) procedure; and
- support principals in the loan of Board-owned technology to students.
3.2 Principals shall:
- ensure that loaned technology is available for school program or office use during the regular instructional day;
- facilitate and monitor the loan of Board-owned technology by students;
- approve requests from students to borrow Board-owned technology to be used as part of the instructional program and ensure that;
- the loan of Board-owned technology to students does not interfere with other programs or the regular servicing of the technology,
- a record is kept of all borrowed technology on file in the school (including a description of the technology with the serial number, the date of the loan, the signature of the borrower of thetechnology, the date of return and confirmation by the principal that the item has been returned in working order),
- records of borrowed Board-owned technology are made available upon request to representatives from Business Services or the Board’s external auditors, and
- parents sign a letter, provided by the Board’s Student Services Department, acknowledging their responsibilities for special education technology that was purchased by the Board to support their child’s learning needs;
- assist with investigation cases of lost or damaged technology.
3.3 Information Services shall:
- ensure Board-owned technology that has been lost or damaged and requires replacement be valued fairly for insurance purposes, where applicable; and
- take necessary measures to remotely locate and wipe/erase lost or damaged technology.
3.4 Students shall:
- ensure that Board technology is used in accordance with the Appropriate Use of Technology policy and procedure;
- only borrow Board-owned technology with the prior approval of their school principal;
- not use Board-owned technology for commercial purposes;
- return all Board-owned technology loaned to them as agreed upon or upon request by their principal;
- if over the age of 18 or withdrawn from parental control;
- sign a letter provided by the principal acknowledging their responsibilities for safeguardingborrowed technology against loss or damage,
- understand that the privilege of borrowing Board-owned technology may be revoked if repeated damage or misuse of technology occurs, and
- understand that they may be held financially responsible for reimbursing the Board.
3.5 Parents shall:
- ensure that Board technology is used in accordance with the Appropriate Use of Technology policy and procedure;
- be responsible for taking appropriate measures to safeguard Board technology, both loaned or SEA devices. If the Board device is stolen or lost away from their school location, and appropriate measures were not taken to safeguard the technology, parents may be held financially responsible for reimbursing the Board;
- understanding that special education technology, purchased by the York Region District School Board to support the program needs of their child;
- remains the property of the Board while the student is enrolled in a public school in York Region,
- remains the property of the Board if the student transfers to a private school or to home schooling as we do not transfer here in compliance with SEA guidelines,
- becomes the property of another school board in Ontario if their child transfers out of the York Region District School Board and the receiving school board requests the technology, and
- remains the property of the York Region District School Board once the child graduates from a public school in York Region or if the child moves out of the province of Ontario.
4. Definitions
4.1 Special Equipment Amount (SEA)
Provides funding to school boards to assist with the costs of equipment essential to support students with special education needs where the need for specific equipment is recommended by a qualified professional. This equipment is to provide students with accommodations that are directly required and essential to access the Ontario Curriculum and/or a Board determined alternative program and/or course and/or to attend school." (Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA) 2016-2017.)
5. Contact
Information Technology Services
6. History
Approved: 2007
Working Document: April 2012, May 2018
Replacing Policy and Procedure: #441.0 Loan of Board-Owned Equipment (Students) Revised: February 2013, April 2019, January 2020, March 2021, March 2023, January 2024