How does it work?
You select Co-op as part of the regular course selection process. You will then be invited to a pre-placement interview by the teacher to determine program readiness and placement choice. Co-op credits are linked to a related curriculum course that you have already taken or will be taking concurrently.
Your Co-op teacher is your monitoring teacher and will work with the placement supervisor and your subject-related teacher to develop a Cooperative Education Learning Plan (CELP) that is designed to complement your strengths, interests, and needs, thus enhancing your preparation for the future
Your placement supervisor will guide your learning through appropriate training and supervision. The supervisor meets with your teacher to assist with the development of the Cooperative Education Learning Plan (CELP) and to provide formative evaluation of your work performance.
Am I paid?
Students do not normally receive a salary or wage for the hours stated on their Work Education Agreement as this is an education program in which students earn credits. You are, however, eligible to receive an honorarium or an expense and/or transportation allowance from your placement if they should offer it. If students stay at their placement beyond the hours specified on the Work Education Form, they may be hired as employees and paid. Such an arrangement shall not involve the school or the teacher.
Is it safe?
Health and safety instruction is mandatory for anyone participating in Cooperative Education programs. Safety is a shared responsibility of your teacher, the placement supervisor and more importantly YOU.
Is there Insurance Coverage?
Most students participating in Cooperative Education programs are covered under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. To ensure coverage, a Ministry of Education Work Education Agreement form must be completed and signed by all parties prior to student placement. This insurance coverage, arranged through the Ministry of Education, applies only to the hours stated on the Work Education Agreement. If an amendment to the hours stated on the Work Education Agreement is required, a note (signed by all parties) must be appended to the Work Education Agreement Form in order to ensure insurance coverage for the student. It is the student's responsibility to obtain this approval. Students who receive hourly wages or a salary for their experience must be covered by the employer for Workplace Safety and Insurance Act coverage.
Liability Insurance
Students and training organizations are insured against a lawsuit arising out of the negligence of the student while performing the duties of the co-op placement. The Board does not cover personal injuries to the student.
Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance is made available to all York Region District School Board students. This insurance is optional and is paid for by students and parents. All Cooperative Education students are strongly encouraged to purchase a policy.
What are the costs associated with the program?
Participation in some placements may involve additional costs to you or your family. Please check with the Cooperative Education department in your school to find out what options are available to provide assistance to those students whose financial circumstances make it difficult for them to participate.
Who do I see in the school for more information about Cooperative Education Programs?
See the Cooperative Education or Guidance departments in your school.