Every Student Counts Survey



Every Student Counts Survey Board Report

The Every Student Counts Survey board report from the 2023-24 survey is now available.
Learn more

The student census, Every Student Counts Survey (ESCS), invites students to share about their identities (e.g., race, gender, ethnicity) and experiences at school to support an understanding of how learning experiences may differ among groups of students. Results from the survey help inform Board and school improvement planning that aim to:

  • identify and eliminate systemic barriers to student success.

  • create more equitable and inclusive school environments.

  • improve student achievement and well-being.

Student voice is important to us. Every four years, the YRDSB invites all students to participate in the ESCS. All students are given the opportunity to participate. Students requiring an accessibility accommodation to complete the survey are provided with one.

  • Students in kindergarten to Grade 3, complete the survey at home with a parent or guardian.

    • Students in kindergarten to Grade 3 will be sent home with an invitation letter that contains a survey access code. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s backpacks.

    • Families of students in kindergarten to Grade 3, who attend Elementary Virtual School will receive their invitation letter via email.

  • Students in Grade 4 to Grade 12 are invited to complete the survey at their school during in-class time.

The ESCS is confidential but not anonymous. To ensure confidentiality, no directly identifying information (such as student name) are on the survey. As one of the main purposes of the survey is to identify and eliminate systemic barriers to student success, all surveys will include a unique code that will be used to link the survey data with student achievement and other data. Survey results are only reported in aggregate form (data grouped together) and no individual students will be identified.


Survey Development Consultation

The ESCS is prepared in consultation with numerous internal and external YRDSB stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include subject matter experts within the YRDSB including staff with expertise in research design and analysis, consultants, and department leaders. Consultation also happens with YRDSB affinity groups, Board committees, and various community organizations. Prior to the survey implementation, parents, guardians, and families can provide feedback on the survey.


Survey Results and Findings

Findings from the ESCS are used to develop strategies and realign supports to where they are needed the most. As outlined in the Director's Action Plan, this work is guided by an anti-oppression framework. Board and staff members will engage in learning on how to use the data from the ESCS to identify, interrupt and eliminate discriminatory practices and systemic barriers from schools and classrooms to continue supporting student achievement and well-being.


YRDSB is committed to privacy and confidentiality in collecting information about students and follows all privacy requirements outlined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). The information gathered through the ESCS is collected under the legal authority of the Education Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 2, as amended) for educational and research purposes only.