About Us
Research and Assessment Services (RAS) promotes the effective use of research, evaluation and communication to support the learning and well-being of YRDSB students by:
- Designing and developing research and evaluation tools, processes, and methodologies to improve student learning, well-being, and equity by promoting research-based and evidence-informed approaches.
- Collecting, processing, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting data and information from system-surveys (i.e., School Climate Survey, Every Student Counts Survey student census, and workforce census)
- Supporting schools in the Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting of student learning, equity, and well-being.
- Building data literacy capacity and supporting the use of data to identify, plan and respond to system needs.
- Collaborating with departments and schools to evaluate practices and programs.
- Fostering collaboration and promoting knowledge mobilization locally, nationally, and internationally.
- Leading the External Research Review Committee (ERRC) of external research applications; and
- Strengthening and advancing partnerships with community, government, and academia through collaborative professionalism and public consultation.
Public Consultation and Engagement
The YRDSB is committed to ensuring its schools and departments are welcoming, healthy, safe, caring and inclusive learning and working environments. Doing this requires insight into the demographics and perceptions of our staff, students, families, and community members, which is facilitated through regular census and feedback surveys.
The Board strives to integrate equity and inclusivity into its objectives, goals and priorities. Data from these surveys are essential for identifying, addressing, and eliminating inequitable experiences within YRDSB, which is critical for school and Board improvement planning.
In support of Ontario’s Education Equity Action Plan and the Anti-Racism Act, 2017, the YRDSB collects data in accordance with Anti-Racism Data Standards, and reports on the results of student censuses and school climate surveys.
Research and Innovation
RAS comprises diverse researchers dedicated to fostering innovation and creativity in educational research; with a goal is to promote the use of evidence-based research within YRDSB and beyond—both nationally and internationally.
RAS provides valuable insights that inform educational leaders, service departments, and policymakers, ultimately enhancing student learning outcomes, well-being, and promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion.
To support monitoring and evaluating Board strategic plans, actions, and educational interventions, RAS increasingly prioritizes the following activities:

Additionally, RAS cultivates relationships and collaborates strategically with scholars, community associates, district school boards, universities, and research institutions to achieve outcomes beneficial to YRDSB learners and communities.
Contact Us
Research and Assessment Services
300 Harry Walker Parkway South, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8E2