End of Year Message 2023-2024

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As we reach the end of the school year, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who make up our educational community and to share some updates with you. 

We want to thank our incredible students who continue to challenge and inspire us and our professional and dedicated staff members who work hard to create caring and inclusive environments and support student success. We want to thank family members for your partnership and support as we strive together to provide the best possible education and learning environment for your children, and thank you to the community partners who are essential to our work. 

We also want to offer a special congratulations to the graduating class of 2024 and their families. We hope that as you move into this next phase of your journey, you feel proud of all that you have achieved and well prepared to take the next steps in your journey.  

Over the past year, we have seen our students deepening their knowledge and understanding, developing transferable skills, gaining valuable experience and exploring their interests. We encourage you to watch this end of year video that highlights just a small sample of some of the activities students and staff have engaged in over the past year. You can learn more about these programs and events in our newsroom and on the Board website. 

We’ve seen students and communities participating in programs, events and learning activities that celebrate and affirm identities and help us learn more about one another. We were proud to host conversations on our Tune In YRDSB podcast that invited staff, students and family members to share more about their identities and experiences. You can find these and other episodes anywhere you listen to podcasts. 

The YRDSB 2024-2025 budget has been informed by feedback that staff captured through public consultation surveys, advisory committee input and internal sources. The budget is balanced and addresses key areas they identified as essential to student achievement and well-being. This process ensures that the budget aligns with the needs and preferences of the community and educators. The priority areas identified in this budget are classroom-based support staff; resources and technologies in the classroom; mental health and well-being; equity; and capital allocations.

We will also have some important updates to share in the new school year, including our new Multi-Year Strategic Plan outlining our goals and priorities as a school board. We are in the process of finalizing our multi-year strategic plan to ensure it reflects both the priorities established by the Ministry of Education and the community we serve. Thank you to everyone who shared feedback during the consultations. 

We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer, and look forward to welcoming all of our new and returning students for the 2024-2025 school year.



Ron Lynn, Chair

Bill Cober, Director of Education