Ignite Technology Grant

The IGNITE Technology Grant is designed to create leadership opportunities, hone communication skills, and increase self-esteem for students with SEA equipment within their school community. 

The goal is to bring awareness to the effective and successful use of technology for modern learning.

The IGNITE Technology Grant is provided in partnership with LEARNstyle Ltd.


SEA equipment... wh​at's that? 

SEA stands for Special Equipment Amount. It it provides funding to school boards to assist with the costs of equipment, such as a laptop with assistive technology software (i.e., Read&Write, Braille Notetaker and Boardmaker). 

This equipment is recommended by a qualified professional and is essential to support students with special education needs. The equipment provides the student with accommodations that are directly required and essential to access the Ontario Curriculum. For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Ontario's Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA) 2024-25.​


Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Award Recipients!

School Awards:

  • EJ Sands PS - Igniting Engagement Through a Student-Led Homework Club
  • Terry Fox PS - Kahoot Tournament - Creating Kahoots using Assistive Technology
  • Thornhill PS - Student-Led SEA Learning Clubs

Graduation Awards:

  • David - Bill Hogarth SS
  • Damilola - Bill Hogarth SS
  • Emilee - Milliken Mills HS
  • Renee - Dr. J.M. Denision SS
  • Sinan - Tommy Douglas SS

Applications are now closed for the 2024-2025 school year.

See application criteria below.
Apply here

Applications open on:  October 15, 2024

Applications close on:  January 21, 2025

Award recipients will be notified by:  March 7, 2025



A total of $5400 will be distributed for the school and graduation awards to schools and current York Region District School Board Students with SEA equipment. Please note that the distribution of awards is dependent upon the number and range of applications which meet the Ignite Technology Grant criteria.​

The Elementary and Secondary Award application is open to an individual and/or group of students with all types of SEA technology (i.e., Read&Write, Braille Notetaker, and Boardmaker). This award can be used to create an educational and awareness-building club, activity and/or technology event for their school/community. 

  • Awards of up to $1000 each available for student(s) in Grades K-12+.
  • Applicants may choose to use their award as follows: technology, field trips, guest speaker, robotics, club materials, etc.

The Ignite Graduation Award is given to students with SEA equipment who have demonstrated leadership and success in their educational careers and school & community involvement.

Award is only open to students currently in Grade 12 with SEA technology and whose anticipated graduation is June 2025.

  • Up to $1500 in discretionary funds will be awarded in May/June 2025 and will be put towards the purchase of personal technology to assist the graduating student in their post-secondary goals


  • Video, Audio, and other multimedia formats may be used.  To ensure confidentiality of student images and information, multi-media files should be uploaded to YRDSB Google Apps and a link to the file or a shared folder included in the application.
  • Teacher and/or family involvement is encouraged. 


Criteria and Application Pro​​cess

The Elementary and Secondary Award application is open to an individual and/or group of students with SEA equipment. This award recognizes student(s) who create an educational and awareness-building club, activity and/or technology event for their school/community.

Submissions must include:

  • goal/purpose/intent of event, club and/or activity;
  • target audience and estimated number of participants;
  • details - date(s)/location/format etc.; 
  • details about how the discretionary funds will be used; and
  • itemized list of the approximate cost up to $1000. Please refer to the YRDSB purchasing guidelines and vendors on the BWW when creating this list. 

Application Process:

  • Applications can be submitted in a multi-media format (e.g. video, presentation etc.) or written format (max. 500 words).
  • Video applications are limited to 2 minutes in length.
  • All submissions will be reviewed and applicants may be contacted by judging panel if further information is requested.

**Only 1 submission is necessary if the application is for a group of students.


The application must explain your:

  • leadership and advocacy in the area of SEA technology in school and/or community;
  • use of SEA and/or other technology throughout educational career and personal use;
  • plan for using the award (e.g. what type of technology do you hope to purchase with the $1000 award?); 
  • itemized list of technology items (e.g. laptop, headset/earbuds, software, mouse, etc.) and approximate costs (up to $1500) that you would like to purchase with the funds; and
  • vision and hope for the future (e.g. how will this technology support you in your education and personal life after high school​?).

Application Process:

  • Application can be submitted in a multi-media format (e.g. video, presentation etc.) or written format (max 750 words).
  • Video applications are limited to 3 minutes in length
  • All submissions will be reviewed and applicants may be contacted by the judging panel if further information is requested
  • Need to include 2 to 3 teacher and/or community member reference letters.