About SEAC
Under Ontario's Education Act, every exceptional pupil is entitled to special education programs and services which meet their needs. In York Region, the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) plays a vital role in ensuring that exceptional pupils receive appropriate educational services.
In accordance with the Education Act: Regulation 464/97, Special Education Advisory Committees each school board is required to establish a special education advisory committee. As a YRDSB committee, the Special Education Advisory Committee is governed by York Region District School Board Operational By-Law. Please see Appendix C: Special Education Advisory Committee Operational By-Law for more information.
Working together to support exceptional pupils.

The Special Education Advisory Committee of the York Region District School Board is responsible for making recommendations to the Board with respect to any matter affecting the establishment and development of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the Board.
Following is a list of the York Region Special Education Advisory Committee organizations and their current representatives:
- Association for Bright Children of Ontario - York Region North
- Association for Bright Children of Ontario - York Region South
- Autism Ontario Central East Region
- Children’s Treatment Network of Simcoe York
- Community Living Georgina
- Community Living Central York
- Community Living York South
- The Down Syndrome Association of York Region
- Early Intervention Services of York Region
- Easter Seals of Ontario
- Learning Disabilities Association of York-Simcoe
- Ontario Parents of Visually Impaired Children (OPVIC)
- VOICE for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
- Your Support Services Network
Special Education Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the first Thursday of each month at the Education Centre - Aurora at 7:00 p.m. The current agenda will be posted one week prior to each meeting.
SEAC Agenda and Minutes
You can view an archive of SEAC Agenda and Minutes from 2006 to present.
SEAC Members List 2022 - 2026
Contact information for all associations - SEAC Members List
SEAC Handbook
Download each individual section of the SEAC Handbook below:
- Section 1 - SEAC
- Section 2 - Overview
- Section 3 - Self-Assessment
- Section 4 - Operational Procedures
- Section 5 - Special Education Plan
- Section 6 - Regulations
- Section 7 - Special Education Funding
- Full version of SEAC Handbook
If you require a fully accessible version of the SEAC Handbook, please go to the online SEAC page included in the Special Education Plan.
Contact Us
For further information on Special Education Advisory Committee meetings, please contact SEAC Administrative Assistant Lori Davenport (905) 727-0022 extension 2242 or special.ed@yrdsb.ca.
For more information about programs offered by the Board to support Special Education, please visit the Special Education webpage or contact the Student Services Department special.ed@yrdsb.ca or (905) 727-0022 extension 3235.
Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Student Services and Well-Being
Wendy Howes
Contact form available through Senior Team Directory
Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Curriculum and Instructional Services and Continuing Education
Gillian Gibbons
Contact form available through Senior Team Directory