As a school board, our priorities are set out in the Board of Trustees’ Multi-Year Strategic Plan. To achieve those priorities, the Director’s Action Plan sets out five goals that align with the strategic plan and our Board’s Mission, Vision and Values. The Director’s Action Plan goals focus on raising the achievement of students who are underserved and underperforming.
This report highlights some of the work that has taken place in 2021-2022 to achieve those goals. Read the full report.
Well-Being and Mental Health
Our goal is to build safe, healthy and inclusive learning and working environments where students and staff feel they matter and belong.
This year, we provided learning opportunities and resources to prioritize and support the mental health and well-being of students and staff:
The ABCs of Mental Health (Acknowledge, Bridge, Connection) includes a series of lessons for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12.
One Small Thing campaign focuses on the belief that small and intentional actions or affirmations can lead to meaningful outcomes or change.
Presentations to parents and families through school council forums and the Parent and Family Engagement Advisory Committee Symposium.

Equity and Inclusivity
Our goal is to build a collective understanding of the ongoing impact of colonialism on Indigenous Communities, anti-oppression, and Culturally Responsive and Relevant Pedagogy (CRRP).
Our work includes:
Introducing the Protocol for Discriminatory Slurs and Statements.
Holding 19 different identity-specific Transitions and Pathways Community Engagement events. Almost 1,800 families registered to attend.
Launching the SHINE podcast, featuring voices from the Black community.
Continuing to invest in professional learning and development for staff on anti-oppression, addressing antisemitism, affirming African indigeneity, dismantling anti-Black racism and more.

Centre for Black Student Excellence

Lean into the Conversation
Effective Instruction and Assessment
Our goal is to provide effective instruction and assessment that reflect students’ identities, lived experiences, strengths, needs and interests.
We have:
Developed resources to support the implementation of Ontario’s New Grade 9 Math Curriculum that have intentional connections to historical and diverse contributions to mathematics.
Provided resources to schools and families to support de-streaming, including modules for staff focused to support equitable instruction and assessment practices.
Continued implementing the YRDSB Text Selection Tool, resulting in schools taking a critical lens to the resources used in classrooms and intentionally selecting with affirming and authentic representations of diverse identities in mind.
Continued to support students in gaining valuable experience and skills through student success and pathways programs.

Dual Credit Courses and School Within a College (SWAC) Program let students earn credits in a college environment while still in secondary school.
Collaborative Relationships
Our goal is to build trust and collaborative relationships with students, families and staff by developing shared solutions through respectful communication and responsive actions.
Resource hubs are making it easier for families to access important resources and information, including:

Increased family attendance at parent engagement sessions as virtual platforms remove barriers.

Discover Kindergarten
Ethical Leadership
Our goal is to build a shared understanding of Ethical Leadership that elevates student, staff, family and community voice.
To move this work forward:
48 mentee and mentor pairs are engaged in the Indigenous and Racialized Leaders Mentorship Program. Learning about coaching is underway to support these mentoring relationships.
31 participants are exploring the implications of being an Indigenous and/or racialized leader and effective leadership actions through the Aspiring and Indigenous and Racialized Leaders Learning Series.
YRDSB Leadership Framework for Corporate Management and Professional Staff Working Document is complete.
Engaging community partners in deep dive policy review with Parent, Family and Community Engagement Committee.
New Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PEAC) webpage that improves access to information in multiple languages and outreach throughout the process of forming the new committee membership.