The York Region District School Board has a Gifted Screening procedure for current YRDSB students and a procedure for Non-YRDSB students.
System-wide screening for the identification of Gifted YRDSB students takes place each year in late November to early December. This screening involves a two-stage process: Stage One involves the administration of a group test of cognitive abilities, the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) to all grade three students. If a student meets the CCAT criterion, they will be referred for Stage Two in the process, a standardized cognitive screening measure with a member of the YRDSB Psychological Services department. Those students who meet the YRDSB intellectual criterion of a score at, or above the 98th percentile rank on the General Ability Index of the intellectual screening measure (WISC V) will be considered by the IPRC (Identification Placement Review Committee).
Students new to YRDSB who did not participate in the Grade 3 Gifted screening may also be screened for possible identification as a Gifted student at a post Grade 3 level. If a student demonstrates the need for additional services, the teacher is encouraged to bring information about the student to an In-School Team Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to decide if it is reasonable to request a referral for further assessment with a member of the YRDSB Psychological Services department.
Parents/guardians of current YRDSB students are also able to have their child’s needs considered for possible Gifted Identification by providing a thorough psychological assessment to their regular home school.
The psychological assessment must:
- be completed by a psychologist or psychological associate who is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
- be completed when the child’s age was chronologically appropriate for grade three or later, or when the child was at least 8 years old.
- Contain at a minimum:
- A measure of intellectual functioning (IQ test)
- A full academic assessment (must include, at minimum, assessment of core academic skills, including reading, spelling, writing, reading comprehension and mathematics)
- A review of school-based functioning
Parents/guardians must sign a consent form to allow the Coordinator of Psychological Services in the area to review the assessment.
In order to determine whether a student not currently attending a YRDSB school meets YRDSB Gifted criteria, parents/guardians must:
- Have a valid York Region address and provide proof of their address.
- Register their child at their regular YRDSB home school. The school locator can identify the home school based on home address.
Provide a thorough psychological assessment which must:
- be completed by a psychologist or psychological associate who is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
- be completed when the child’s age was chronologically appropriate for grade three or later, or when the child was at least 8 years old.
- Contain at a minimum:
- A measure of intellectual functioning (IQ test)
- A full academic assessment (must include, at minimum, assessment of core academic skills, including reading, spelling, writing, reading comprehension and mathematics)
- A review of school based functioning
Parents/guardians must sign a consent form to allow the Coordinator of Psychological Services in the area to review the assessment to determine if the student meets the criteria for consideration as a Gifted student (a score at, or above the 98th percentile rank on the General Ability Index of the standardized cognitive screening measure).
The area office staff will contact the family and child’s home school to advise if the child meets the criteria and to discuss program locations and transition timelines.
Identification of Gifted Students
Identification of Gifted Students is made by the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC). The student’s individual IQ screening score, school achievement data and other relevant information about the student are reviewed by the IPRC and recommendations are made about identification and placement.
For students who have had a full psychological assessment, this information will be included in the review and considered in the recommendations about identification and placement.

Placement of Gifted Students
Students who meet York Region District School Board (YRDSB) Gifted criteria may have their needs met in:
- A regular class setting (Indirect Support); or
- A full-time gifted program (Partially Integrated).