Family Guides for Special Education Documents
YRDSB has developed the following Parent Guides:
- Special Education: A Communication Guide for Parents and Students
- A Parent/Guardian's Guide to Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC)
- The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Guide for Parents
- A Family's Guide to Special Equipment Amount (SEA)
These guides are available in several additional languages.

YRDSB Waterfall Charts
- Understanding How Processing Affects Learning Chart (PDF) & Translatable Webpage
- Understanding Learning Disabilities Chart - Math (PDF): How Processing Affects Mathematics Learning
Phonological Awareness
What you will learn:
- What is Phonological Awareness?
- Shift from talking to writing
- Phonics vs. Phonological Awareness

Phonological Awareness Video (Viewing Time: 5:21 minutes)