Enrolment and Demographics

As of 2021, York Region's population is estimated to be 1.17 million. The population is expected to reach 1.5 million by 2031. For more information regarding total York Region population statistics, please visit the Regional Municipality of York website.


As of October 31, 2024, the York Region District School Board’s enrolment figures* were:

*These figures include face to face and virtual school students. 
 School TypeNominalFull-Time Equivalent


2024-2025 In​digenous Self-Identification

Total: 791 Students

  • First Nation (557)
  • Métis (184)
  • Inuit (50)


2024-2025 English Language Learners (ELL)

Total: 34,919 Students

  • 25,516 elementary
  • 9,403 secondary

Updated December 2024