Preparing for Kindergarten

Starting Kindergarten is a big event in the life of a family!

Our skilled, caring and dedicated educators will work with your family to support your child’s transition to Kindergarten and help make it a positive experience. 

Transition to school may look different for each child depending on their previous experiences and unique development.

Here are some tips that may help you and your child as you get ready to join us in Kindergarten.  


Practice Kindergarten routines at home and make it fun. 

We take time at the start of the year to help students adjust to new routines and build their independence. 

  • Give your child lunches and snacks in containers they will use for school before they start Kindergarten. Have picnics or packed lunches at home. 
  • Practice putting on shoes and winter outdoor clothing.  
  • Make a plan with your child about how they will get back and forth from school each day and practice it together.
  • Walk to school and have a picnic.
  • Play in the schoolyard.
  • Find the outside entrance to the Kindergarten area or your school bus stop, and practice your drop-off routine.
  • Read and talk about the book "Playful Learning in Kindergarten" together (you will receive a copy at your school's Discover Kindergarten orientation event).
  • Establish bedtime routines and morning routines.
  • Make up a fun goodbye routine and practice it in other situations before school starts. 
  • Consider visiting an EarlyON Child and Family Centre or enrolling your child in an early learning program at the library, child care centre or recreation program near you. ​


Practice self-care skills.

School staff will support children who need help while they adjust. Self-care skills include: 

  • washing hands
  • using the bathroom successfully
  • getting dressed
  • zipping up a jacket

In the months leading up to Kindergarten, practice these skills together at home. Making the experience playful by making up a step-by-step song, rhyme, or involving games can help make the practice fun and easier to understand. 

Don't forget to register for Kindergarten
Registration opens in mid-January for September. Find your school and register for Kindergarten.
Parent and child reading book

Help make the start of the first day positive 

There are many ways you can make the start of the first day of school positive. You might consider:

  • involving your child in making lunches and selecting a favourite outfit the night before
  • getting up in time to allow for a relaxing morning routine
  • talking about the fun things your child will be doing, (e.g., making friends, playing and learning new things)
  • taking your child to the bus or to the school
  • sending a family photo in your child's backpack that they can visit throughout the day if they need to feel connected to you


Have a plan to say goodbye.

There are many ways you can make saying goodbye on the first day of school positive.

You might consider:

  • making a goodbye routine with your child and practice​ it in other situations before school starts
  • introducing your child to a buddy from class or the bus, so your child is not alone
  • letting your child know what to expect at pick-up time
  • reassuring your child that you know they will be okay


Pack your bag. It’s time for school. 

Please label your child’s personal belongings, including: 

  • a lunch/snack bag with containers that your child can open
  • a backpack that is large enough to hold the lunch bag and books but is child-sized and easy for your child to carry
  • an extra set of clothes
  • indoor and outdoor shoes

We’ll provide the rest. 


Continue to support learning at home.

We value the essential role families play in their child’s learning and growth. There are lots of things you can do to continue to support your child’s learning, including:

  • reading with your child at home, in their first language
  • asking your child about school and encouraging them to share what they’re learning
  • playing games that support learning
  • making connections between what they’re learning at school and the world around them
  • communicating with your child’s educators

Learn more about how you can engage with your child’s learning


Kindergarten is for all children. 

We believe that all children can be successful. If your child has an identification or you have concerns, speak with your child’s school so we can ensure we are putting the right supports in place. 


Learning together

If you speak multiple languages or if English is not your family’s home language(s), we encourage families to continue speaking in their home language(s).  Learn more about Kindergarten for Multilingual Language Learners

If you have any questions, please contact your child's school.