Citizenship Preparation

Adult Citizenship Classes 

York Region District School Board, in partnership with the government of Ontario (MLITSD), provides language classes for citizenship test preparation. This course develops effective language skills in preparing adult ESL learners (18+) to take the Canadian Citizenship test through a focus on specific vocabulary and necessary concepts.

Are you looking for free training to enhance your language skills and prepare you for the Citizenship application process?

This program may be right for you if you are:

  • CLB 3+ in Speaking
  • Applying for Citizenship
  • Preparing for the Citizenship test
  • Interested in learning about Canadian history, geography, government, etc.
Adult learners in class
Adult learners in class

Need Help?

Our staff are available to answer your questions.
Contact Us

How do I start?

Registration is ongoing. A language assessment may be necessary to start the training.

For more information

Complete the online contact us form.


Learner Supports

Chromebooks are available to borrow for registered learners who are able to pick up a Chromebook from Uplands Community Learning Centre (8210 Yonge Street, L4J 1W6). Please ask your instructor if your require a Chromebook. 

A Pathways Coach is available to help adult learners get more information on:

  • Career Planning & Programs
  • Higher Education
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • One-on-one Appointments 
  • Student Plans & Goals

Contact: or call 905-731-9557 for more information