The Spanish Flu

The Spanish flu killed at least 20 million people around the world, and in Canada it killed about 50, 000. Many of the returning soldiers brought the flu back with them. As a result, the government shut down many non-essential services. People were quarantined and masks were worn in public places. In spite of these efforts the Spanish flu killed about 4.5% of Canada’s 8.7 million people.

This register marks the attendance of students from Whitchurch-Stouffville S.S#10 from October and November 1918. It demonstrates how the epidemic affected everyone.​ Note in the attendance register below that school was closed from the 4th week of October to the 3rd week of November. Think about how much you would miss if school shut down ​for four weeks.

Whitchurch-Stouffville S.S. #10 Register  October/November 1918

YRDSB Museum and Archives