Admission Forms

Academic Admissions - New Students 

We strongly encourage you to review and gather the required documents before beginning the online application process.

  1. Signed Legal Agreement (Terms and Conditions of Participation)
  2. Signed Refund Policy
  3. Photo page of the student's passport
  4. Student's school transcripts/report cards from previous two years.
  5. School Recommendation - Academic Student - Letter of Recommendation
  6. CIC Custodian Declaration Form​​ (from IRCC website)
  7.  Grade 12 students only -  Consent for Information Sharing
  8. Grade 12 students only - IELTS (min 5.5) or TOEFL (min 55) English test results

Academic Admissions - Returning Students

Students will be contacted with information about extended their enrolment in February for enrolments ending June 30, and in September for enrolments ending January 31.

Questions can be directed by email to: