Community Living Georgina's mission is to offer high-quality, personalized supports to community members with diverse abilities in their pursuit of personal life vision, through advocacy, education, partnerships and choices.
What types of services/support do we offer?
- Residential Options (Residential Home Supports, Supported Independent Living, Supported Home Share)
- Day Supports (Day Programs, Community Outreach Support Program, Foundations Program)
- Respite/Family Connections
- Camp Hope Summer Program
- Community Living D.A.N.C.E. Program
Who is eligible for our services/support?
- We serve individuals with a developmental disability.
How can you contact us?
Community Living Georgina
26943 Hwy 48 - PO Box 68
Sutton West, Ontario L0E 1R0
(905) 722-8947
Fax: (905) 722-9591
Email: admin@communitylivinggeorgina.com
Visit the Community Living Georgina website for more information.
SEAC Representative - TBD