The Down Syndrome Association of York Region is a non-profit charitable organization. We are a group of parents, educators and community support professionals who firmly believe in the inherent equality of persons with Down syndrome. We are committed to promoting a positive image of people with Down syndrome as being valued community members.
What types of services/support do we offer?
Information for parents of newborn children with Down syndrome - we can arrange a New Parent Visit at your home, and we can provide a New Parent Package to help parents begin their journey.
Opportunities for improvement of skills to our members with Down syndrome, including Speech and Occupational Therapy for younger school aged children (Chatterbox Progran), Music Therapy for all aged individuals, and Karate for our youth to reinforce gross motor skills, strengths and confidence.
Opportunities for members to share mutual concerns, resource ideas and "best practices."
Information evenings where a guest speaker will present to our members regarding a topic of interest.
New Parent Get-Togethers, where parents of newborn and young children have a safe and caring environment to ask questions and interact with families.
Provide general information on Down Syndrome to members and the general public.
Increase the community's awareness and understanding of the abilities of people with Down syndrome.
Participate in the development of special education policies and procedures through the appointment of a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) representative from our Association, to the public and separate school boards.
Who is eligible for our services/support?
The Down Syndrome Association of York Region accepts referrals from Early Intervention Services, Teachers, Principals, Education Workers, Families, Parents, Doctors, York Support Services Network, and the Toronto, Ontario and Canadian Down Syndrome Associations. We provide support and information to anyone in the community who requires assistance.
We are connected with the NeoNatal care units of various hospitals in York Region. This helps parents of newborn children with Down syndrome to have a starting point with respect to this new, and often unexpected road they are about to take.
How can you contact us?
Down Syndrome Society of Ontario
P.O. Box 2063, Station B
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4E 1A3
Visit the Down Syndrome Association of York Region website for more information or to contact the YRDSB SEAC representative.