2025 Courses offered by summer school location
Grade 10 Courses
- CHC2D - History Academic
- CHC2DF - History Academic: French Immersion
- CHV2O/GLC2O: Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- END2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- CGG3OF - Travel & Tourism: French Immersion
- MCR3U - Functions
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- SBI3C - Biology College
- SBI3U - Biology University
- SCH3U - Chemistry University
- SPH3U - Physics University
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
- SCH4U - Chemistry University
- SPH4U - Physics University
Grade 10 Courses
- BEP2O1 - Launching and Leading a Business - Open
- CHC2D - History Academic
- CHC2DF - History Academic: French Immersion
- CHV2O/GLC2O - Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- ENG2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- CGG3OF - Travel & Tourism: French Immersion
- MCR3U - Functions
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- SBI3C - Biology College
- SBI3U - Biology University
- SCH3U - Chemistry University
- SPH3U - Physics University
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
- SBI4U - Biology University
- SPH4U - Physics University
Grade 10 Courses
- CHV2O/GLC2O - Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- ENG2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
Grade 10 Courses
- BEP2O1 - Launching and Leading a Business - Open
- CHC2D - History Academic
- CHV2O/GLC2O - Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- ENG2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- BAF3M - Introduction to Financial Accounting
- MCR3U - Functions
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- SBI3C - Biology College
- SBI3U - Biology University
- SPH3U - Physics University
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
- OLC4O - Literacy Course
- SPH4U - Physics University
Grade 10 Courses
- CHC2D - History Academic
- CHV2O/GLC2O - Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- ENG2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- MCF3M - Functions & Applications
- MCR3U - Functions
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- SBI3C - Biology College
- SBI3U - Biology University
- SCH3U - Chemistry University
- SPH3U - Physics University
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
- OLC4O - Literacy Course
- SCH4U - Chemistry University
- SPH4U - Physics University
Grade 10 Courses
- CHC2D - History Academic
- CHC2DF - History Academic: French Immersion
- CHV2O/GLC2O - Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- ENG2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- MCR3U - Functions
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- SBI3C - Biology College
- SBI3U - Biology University
- SCH3U - Chemistry University
- SPH3U - Physics University
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
- OLC4O - Literacy Course
- SBI4U - Biology University
- SCH4U - Chemistry University
- SPH4U - Physics University
Grade 10 Courses
- CHC2D - History Academic
- CHV2O/GLC2O - Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- ENG2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- MCF3M - Functions & Applications
- MCR3U - Functions
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- SBI3C - Biology College
- SBI3U - Biology University
- SCH3U - Chemistry University
- SPH3U - Physics University
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
- SBI4U - Biology University
- SCH4U - Chemistry University
- SPH4U - Physics University
Grade 10 Courses
- BEP2O1 - Launching and Leading a Business - Open
- CHC2D - History Academic
- CHC2DF - History Academic: French Immersion
- CHV2O/GLC2O - Civics (0.5 credit) and Careers (0.5 credit)
- ENG2D - English Academic
- ENG2P - English Applied
- MFM2P - Math Applied
- MPM2D - Math Academic
- SNC2D - Science Academic
- SNC2P - Science Applied
Grade 11 Courses
- BAF3M - Introduction to Financial Accounting
- CGG3OF - Travel & Tourism: French Immersion
- MCR3U - Functions
- NBE3C - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- NBE3U - Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
- SBI3C - Biology College
- SBI3U - Biology University
- SPH3U - Physics University
Grade 12 Courses
- ENG4C - English College
- ENG4U - English University
- MHF4U - Advanced Functions
- OLC4O - Literacy Course
- SPH4U - Physics University
Remote Synchronous Learning Model
The learning platform is Google Classroom. Classes will be a mix of synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous learning. The teachers will be expected to be online for most of the day. A majority of the day will be spent in synchronous learning experiences (Google Meet with whole class or small groups, phone or video chats, individual conferencing – a combination of many tools to engage in synchronous learning).
In July, before the start of classes, your child will receive an email with instructions on how to log on and participate in the class.
Grade 11 Courses
- MBF3C - Math College
- MCF3M - Functions & Applications
- NDA3M - Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Issues and Perspectives
Grade 12 Courses
- MAP4C - Math Foundations College
International Language Courses
- LKBBD - Simplified Mandarin - Level B
- LKBCU - Simplified Mandarin - Level C
- LWSBD - Spanish - Level B
- LWSCU - Spanish - Level C
- LITBD - Tamil - Level B
- LITCU - Tamil - Level C