Homework Success

What is Homewor​​k?

Homework is work that you do outside of class to reinforce concepts, knowledge and skills that you have studied in class and/or to prepare for the next class. Sometimes homework is review homework which is directly related to preparing for a test or exam.

You can expect that homework in many forms will be a part of all of your courses. If you do your homework consistently you will increase your success at school. ​​

Myth – I will have tons of homework every night for each class.

Reality – You won’t have tons of homework but you can expect to have some homework in some of your classes each night including completing upcoming assignments.


Myth – Homework isn’t necessary if I attend all of my classes.

Reality – Homework is assigned to extend and support your learning. Completing your homework will help you be prepared for your next class.


Myth – I won’t be able to do extra-curricular activities or see my friends because I will always be doing homework”
Reality – If you set up a schedule, you will be able to balance homework with your social activities. However, on some nights you will have to make homework your priority.


So, what do I need to do?

  • Record. Make sure that you record your homework in your planner consistently.
  • Location. Make sure that you have a quiet, well-lit place to do your homework with all of your necessary materials within reach. Otherwise, you may become distracted!
  • Routine. Choose a time that works for you and stick with it.
  • Daily. Do it every day and you will always be prepared for class and feel on top of things.

The Board has a homework policy that supports student learning and recognizes the importance of personal and family well-being. The amount, frequency and nature of assigned homework will vary depending on the student’s strengths and needs, well-being, grade, subject and other factors.

There are resources to support students w​ith homework, inclu​​ding:

Student sitting at table doing homework with adult female